Currently for ID3 we support following datasets:
- Adult
- Nursery
This example explains how to run ID3 Decision Trees trained on the Adult Dataset.
The following preprocessing was performed before training:
* Add column labels as ['1', '2', '3'...'13', 'class'];
* Feature `fnlwgt` is dropped.
And in AdultDTDataHandler
it performs the following preprocessing:
* Categorize `age` feature into 4 categories,
i.e., [0, 18] -> 'teen', [18, 40] -> 'adult',
[40, 80] -> 'old-adult', and [80, 99] -> 'elder'.
* Categorize `workclass` feature into 3 categories,
i.e., ["?", "Never-worked", "Private", "Without-pay"] -> 'others',
["Federal-gov", " Local-gov"] -> 'gov',
and ->["Self-emp-inc", "Self-emp-not-inc"] -> 'self'.
* Categorize `education` feature into 5 categories,
i.e., ["10th"," 11th", " 12th", " 1st-4th", " 5th-6th", " 7th-8th",
" 9th"] -> "non_college",
[" Assoc-acdm", " Assoc-voc"] ->"assoc",
[" Bachelors", " Some-college"] -> "college",
[" Doctorate", " HS-grad", " Masters"] -> "grad",
and [" Preschool", " Prof-school"] ->"others"
* Categorize `education-num` feature into 3 categories:
i.e., [0, 5] -> '<5', [5, 10] -> '5-10', and [10, 17] -> '>10'.
* Categorize `capital-gain` feature into 5 categories,
i.e., [-1, 1] -> 0, [1, 39999] -> 1,[39999, 49999] ->2,
[49999, 79999] ->3, and [79999, 99999] ->4.
* Categorize `capital-loss` feature into 6 categories,
i.e., [-1, 1] -0, [1, 999] ->1, [999, 1999] ->2, [1999, 2999] ->3,
[2999, 3999] ->4, [3999, 4499] -> 5.
* Categorize `hours` feature into 3 categories,
i.e., [0, 20] -> '<20', [20, 40] -> '20-40', [40, 100] -> '>40'.
* Categorize `native-coutry` into 5 categories,
i.e., [' ?',] -> 'others',
[' Cambodia', ' China', ' Hong', ' India', ' Iran', ' Japan',
' Laos', ' Philippines', ' South', ' Taiwan', ' Thailand',
' Vietnam'] -> 'asia',
[' Canada', ' Outlying-US(Guam-USVI-etc)', ' United-States'] -> 'north_america',
[' Columbia', ' Cuba', ' Dominican-Republic', ' Ecuador',
' El-Salvador', ' Guatemala', ' Haiti', ' Honduras', ' Jamaica',
' Mexico', ' Nicaragua', ' Peru', ' Puerto-Rico',
' Trinadad&Tobago'] -> 'south_america',
[' England', ' France', ' Germany', ' Greece',
' Holand-Netherlands', ' Hungary', ' Ireland', ' Italy', ' Poland',
' Portugal', ' Scotland', ' Yugoslavia'] -> 'europe'.
* Training label column is renamed to `class`
No other preprocessing was performed.
This example explains how to run ID3 Decision Trees trained on the Nursery Dataset.
The following preprocessing was performed before training:
* Add column labels as ['1', '2', '3'...'8', 'class'];
* Training label column is renamed to class. No other preprocessing was performed
Split data by running:
python examples/ -n <num_parties> -d adult -pp 500
Generate config files by running:
python examples/ -n 3 -f id3_dt -d adult -p examples/data/adult/random
In a terminal running an activated IBM FL environment (refer to Quickstart in our website to learn more about how to set up the running environment), start the aggregator by running:
python -m ibmfl.aggregator.aggregator <agg_config>
and press enter to start accepting connections -
In a terminal running an activated IBM FL environment, start each party by running:
python -m <party_config>
and press enter to start accepting connections.Type
and press enter to register the party with the aggregator. -
Finally, start training by entering
in the aggregator terminal.