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Deployment of a Distributed System for SAP in Virtual Private Cloud using Automation


This automation solution is designed for the deployment of a distributed system for SAP in VPC using IBM Cloud Schematics or using CLI. The SAP solution can be deployed later on top of one of the following operating systems: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 for SAP Applications, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 for SAP Applications, Suse Enterprise Linux 15 SP4 for SAP Applications, Suse Enterprise Linux 15 SP3 for SAP Applications, in an existing IBM Cloud Gen2 VPC, using an existing BASTION server (deployment server) host with secure remote SSH access.

This is a Terraform script for deploying two VSIs with SAP certified storage and network configuration. The automation has support for the following versions: Terraform >= 1.5.7 and IBM Cloud provider for Terraform >= 1.57.0. Note: The deployment was tested with Terraform 1.5.7

The deployment can be done in two ways:

  • From IBM Cloud, using Schematics GUI
  • From a BASTION Server (Deployment Server), using CLI

The VSIs are configured with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 for SAP Applications (amd64), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 for SAP Applications (amd64), Suse Enterprise Linux 15 SP4 for SAP Applications (amd64) or Suse Enterprise Linux 15 SP3 for SAP Applications (amd64). SSH keys are configured to allow the access via SSH, as root user and the following storage volumes are created:

For the database server:

  • One Swap volume of 40 GB
  • One data volume of 32 GB
  • One data volume of 64 GB
  • One data volume of 128 GB
  • One data volume of 256 GB

For the application server:

  • One Swap volume of 40 GB
  • One data volume of 128 GB


1. Prerequisites:

  • A Deployment Server (BASTION Server) in the same VPC should exist. For more information, see
  • Create or retrieve an IBM Cloud API key. The API key is used to authenticate with the IBM Cloud platform and to determine your permissions for IBM Cloud services.
  • Create or retrieve your SSH key ID. You need the 40-digit UUID for the SSH key, not the SSH key name.

2. Input parameters for Schematics usage:

The following parameters can be set in the Schematics workspace: VPC, Subnet, Security group, Resource group, Hostname, Profile, Image, SSH Keys and your SAP system configuration variables, as below:

VSI input parameters

Parameter Description
IBMCLOUD_API_KEY IBM Cloud API key (Sensitive* value). The IBM Cloud API Key can be created here
ID_RSA_FILE_PATH File path for PRIVATE_SSH_KEY. It will be automatically generated. If it is changed, it must contain the relative path from git repo folders.
Default value: "ansible/id_rsa".
PRIVATE_SSH_KEY id_rsa private key content (Sensitive* value) in OpenSSH format. This private key it is used only during the terraform provisioning and it is recommended to be changed after the SAP deployment.
SSH_KEYS List of IBM Cloud SSH Keys UUIDs that are allowed to connect via SSH, as root, to the VSI. The SSH Keys must be created for the same region as the Cloud resources for SAP. Can contain one or more IDs. The list of SSH Keys is available here.
Sample input:
["r010-57bfc315-f9e5-46bf-bf61-d87a24a9ce7a", "r010-3fcd9fe7-d4a7-41ce-8bb3-d96e936b2c7e"]
BASTION_FLOATING_IP The FLOATING IP from the Bastion Server. It can be found at the end of the Bastion Server deployment log, in "Outputs", before "Command finished successfully" message.
RESOURCE_GROUP The name of an EXISTING Resource Group for VSI and Volumes resources.
Default value: "Default". The list of Resource Groups is available here.
REGION The cloud region where to deploy the solution.
The regions and zones for VPC are available here.
Supported locations in IBM Cloud Schematics here.
Sample value: eu-de.
ZONE The cloud availability zone where to deploy the solution, in the same VPC.
The regions and zones for VPC are available here.
Supported locations in IBM Cloud Schematics here.
Sample value: eu-de-2.
VPC The name of an EXISTING VPC. Must be in the same region as the solution to be deployed. The list of VPCs is available here
SUBNET The name of an EXISTING Subnet, in the same VPC, region and zone as the VSI to be created. The list of Subnets is available here.
SECURITY_GROUP The name of an EXISTING Security group for the same VPC. It can be found at the end of the Bastion Server deployment log, in "Outputs", before "Command finished successfully" message. The list of Security Groups is available here.
DB_HOSTNAME The Hostname for the DB VSI. The hostname must have up to 13 characters as required by SAP. For more information on rules regarding hostnames for SAP systems, check SAP Note 611361 - Hostnames of SAP ABAP Platform servers
DB_PROFILE The profile used for the DB VSI. A list of profiles is available here
For more information about supported DB/OS and IBM Gen 2 Virtual Server Instances (VSI), check SAP Note 2927211: SAP Applications on IBM Virtual Private Cloud
Default value: "bx2-4x16"
DB_IMAGE The OS image used for the VSI. A list of images is available here.
Supported images: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4, ibm-redhat-8-4-amd64-sap-applications-7, ibm-sles-15-4-amd64-sap-applications-6, ibm-sles-15-3-amd64-sap-applications-9. Default value: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4
APP_HOSTNAME The Hostname for the DB VSI. The hostname must have up to 13 characters as required by SAP. For more information on rules regarding hostnames for SAP systems, check SAP Note 611361 - Hostnames of SAP ABAP Platform servers
APP_PROFILE The profile used for the APP VSI. A list of profiles is available here
For more information about supported DB/OS and IBM Gen 2 Virtual Server Instances (VSI), check SAP Note 2927211: SAP Applications on IBM Virtual Private Cloud
Default value: "bx2-4x16"
APP_IMAGE The OS image used for the APP VSI. A list of images is available here.
Supported images: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4, ibm-redhat-8-4-amd64-sap-applications-7, ibm-sles-15-4-amd64-sap-applications-6, ibm-sles-15-3-amd64-sap-applications-9. Default value: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4


  • Sensitive - The variable value is not displayed in your Schematics logs and it is hidden in the input field.
  • The following parameters should have the same values as the ones set for the BASTION server: REGION, ZONE, VPC, SUBNET, SECURITY_GROUP.
  • For any manual change in the terraform code, you have to make sure that you use a certified image based on the SAP NOTE: 2927211.

3. Input parameters for CLI usage:

IBM Cloud API Key

For the script configuration add your IBM Cloud API Key in terraform planning phase command 'terraform plan --out plan1'. You can create an API Key here.

Input parameter file

The solution is configured by editing your variables in the file Edit your VPC, Subnet, Security group, Hostnames, Profile, Image, SSH Keys and starting with minimal recommended disk sizes like so:

VSI input parameters

# General VPC variables:

REGION = "eu-de"
# The cloud region where to deploy the solution. Supported regions:
# Example: REGION = "eu-de"

ZONE = "eu-de-1"
# Availability zone for VSI, in the REGION. Supported zones:
# Example: ZONE = "eu-de-2"

VPC = "ic4sap"
# The name of an EXISTING VPC. Must be in the same region as the solution to be deployed. The list of VPCs is available here:
# Example: VPC = "ic4sap"

SECURITY_GROUP = "ic4sap-securitygroup"
# The name of an EXISTING Security group for the same VPC. It can be found at the end of the Bastion Server deployment log, in "Outputs", before "Command finished successfully" message.
# The list of available Security Groups:
# Example: SECURITY_GROUP = "ic4sap-securitygroup"

RESOURCE_GROUP = "wes-automation"
# The name of an EXISTING Resource Group, previously created by the user. The list of available Resource Groups:
# Example: RESOURCE_GROUP = "wes-automation"

SUBNET = "ic4sap-subnet"
# The name of an EXISTING Subnet, in the same VPC and ZONE where the VSI will be created. The list of Subnets is available here:
# Example: SUBNET = "ic4sap-subnet"

SSH_KEYS = ["r010-8f72b994-c17f-4500-af8f-d05680374t3c", "r011-8f72v884-c17f-4500-af8f-d05900374t3c"]
# List of SSH Keys UUIDs that are allowed to connect via SSH, as root, to the VSI. Can contain one or more IDs. The SSH Keys should be created for the same region as the VSIs. The list of available SSH Keys UUIDs:
# Example: SSH_KEYS = ["r010-8f72b994-c17f-4vf00-af8f-d05680374t3c", "r011-8f72v884-c17f-45bh00-af8f-d05900374t3c"]

ID_RSA_FILE_PATH = "ansible/id_rsa"
# The path to an existing id_rsa private key file, with 0600 permissions. The private key must be in OpenSSH format.
# This private key is used only during the provisioning and it is recommended to be changed after the SAP deployment.
# It must contain the relative or absoute path from your Bastion.
# Examples: "/root/.ssh/id_rsa".

# DB VSI variables:

DB_HOSTNAME = "ic4sapdb2"
# The Hostname for the DB VSI. The hostname should be up to 13 characters, as required by SAP
# Example: DB_HOSTNAME = "ic4sapdb2"

DB_PROFILE = "bx2-4x16"
# The DB VSI profile. Supported profiles for DB VSI: bx2-4x16. The list of available profiles:

DB_IMAGE = "ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4"
# OS image for DB VSI. Supported OS images for DB VSIs: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4, ibm-redhat-8-4-amd64-sap-applications-7, ibm-sles-15-4-amd64-sap-applications-6, ibm-sles-15-3-amd64-sap-applications-9.
# The list of available VPC Operating Systems supported by SAP: SAP note '2927211 - SAP Applications on IBM Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Infrastructure environment'; The list of all available OS images:
# Example: DB_IMAGE = "ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4" 

# SAP APP VSI variables:

APP_HOSTNAME = "ic4sapapp"
# The Hostname for the SAP APP VSI. The hostname should be up to 13 characters, as required by SAP
# Example: HOSTNAME = "ic4sapapp"

APP_PROFILE = "bx2-4x16"
# The APP VSI profile. Supported profiles: bx2-4x16. The list of available profiles:

APP_IMAGE = "ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4"
# OS image for SAP APP VSI. Supported OS images for DB VSIs: ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4, ibm-redhat-8-4-amd64-sap-applications-7, ibm-sles-15-4-amd64-sap-applications-6, ibm-sles-15-3-amd64-sap-applications-9.
# The list of available VPC Operating Systems supported by SAP: SAP note '2927211 - SAP Applications on IBM Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Infrastructure environment'; The list of all available OS images:
# Example: APP_IMAGE = "ibm-redhat-8-6-amd64-sap-applications-4" 

Files description and structure

  • modules - directory containing the terraform modules
  • - contains the variables that will need to be edited by the user to customize the solution
  • - contains the configuration of the VSI for SAP single tier deployment.
  • - contains the IBM Cloud Provider data in order to run terraform init command.
  • - contains variables for the VPC and VSI
  • - contains the minimum required versions for terraform and IBM Cloud provider.


  • Sensitive - The variable value is not displayed in your tf files details after terrafrorm plan&apply commands.
  • The following variables should be the same like the bastion ones: REGION, ZONE, VPC, SUBNET, SECURITY_GROUP.

4. Executing the deployment from GUI (Schematics):

  1. Make sure that you have the required IBM Cloud IAM permissions to create and work with VPC infrastructure and you are assigned the correct permissions to create the workspace in Schematics and deploy resources.

  2. Generate an SSH key. The SSH key is required to access the provisioned VPC virtual server instances via the bastion host. After you have created your SSH key, make sure to upload this SSH key to your IBM Cloud account in the VPC region and resource group where you want to deploy the SAP solution

  3. Create the Schematics workspace:

    1. From the IBM Cloud menu select Schematics.
      • Push the Create workspace button.
      • Provide the URL of the Github repository of this solution
      • Select the latest Terraform version.
      • Click on Next button
      • Provide a name, the resources group and location for your workspace
      • Push Next button
      • Review the provided information and then push Create button to create your workspace
    2. On the workspace Settings page,
      • In the Input variables section, review the default values for the input variables and provide alternatives if desired.
      • Click Save changes.
  4. From the workspace Settings page, click Generate plan 

  5. From the workspace Jobs page, the logs of your Terraform execution plan can be reviewed.

  6. Apply your Terraform template by clicking Apply plan.

  7. Review the logs to ensure that no errors occurred during the provisioning, modification, or deletion process.

    In the output of the Schematics Apply Plan the private IP address of the VSI hosts, the hostname of the VSIs will be displayed.

    The automation has support for the following versions: Terraform >= 1.5.7 and IBM Cloud provider for Terraform >= 1.57.0. Note: The deployment was tested with Terraform 1.5.7
  8. From the workspace Settings page, click Generate plan 

  9. Click View log to review the log files of your Terraform execution plan.

  10. Apply your Terraform template by clicking Apply plan.

  11. Review the log file to ensure that no errors occurred during the provisioning, modification, or deletion process.

The output of the Schematics Apply Plan will list the public/private IP addresses of the VSI host, the hostname and the VPC.

5. Executing the deployment from CLI:

For initializing terraform:

terraform init

For planning phase:

terraform plan -out plan1
# you will be asked for the following sensitive variables: 'IBMCLOUD_API_KEY'.

For apply phase:

terraform apply "plan1"

For destroy:

terraform destroy
# you will be asked for the following sensitive variables as a destroy confirmation phase:


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