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Releases: IBM-Cloud/ibm-cloud-cli-release


18 Dec 02:30
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

Initial Support of Private Endpoints

As the first step of supporting private endpoints, users can now log into a private endpoint through the CLI:

ibmcloud login -a

Note that only 2 regions (us-south and us-east) are supported right now. We're rolling out to more regions. Please stay tuned.

In addition to api, login, target, and logout, most commands under account, billing, iam, resource, and catalog namespaces should work. We will continue to support private endpoints in more commands, and plugins will start to support private endpoints soon.

Removed Analytics

Starting from this release, we no longer collect anonymous usage statistics from those that had previously opted-in to usage statistics collection. As a consequence, --usage-stats-collect is removed from config command. Moreover, we've stopped the backend service from collecting uploaded statistics data from previous versions of CLI.

New Commands

  • sl hardware toggle-ipmi: Toggle the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) interface on and off

Commands Changed

  • config: --usage-stats-collect is removed
  • resource service-key-create: add --output flag
  • iam access-groups: Public Access is included in the output
  • improved performance of several commands involving resource groups
  • migrate to Resource Manager V2 API. That will impact the following commands:
    • quotas, quota under resource namespace
    • groups, group, group-create, group-update, group-delete under `resource namespace
    • other commands providing options of resource group or quota
  • account user-invite: migrate to User Management V2 API
  • iam namespace: the following commands have been migrated to IAM Access Group V2 API
    • access-groups, access-group, access-group-create, access-group-delete, access-group-service-id-add, access-group-service-id-purge, access-group-service-id-remove, access-group-service-ids, access-group-update, access-group-user-add, access-group-user-purge, access-group-users, access-group-policies, access-group-policy, access-group-policy-create, access-group-policy-update, access-group-policy-delete

Bug Fixes

  • account user-invite: only account owner can invite a user
  • login: incorrect prompt message for API key login
  • resource group-delete: incorrect description of command, this command can only delete an empty resource group
  • sl block replica-order: cannot orlder certain sizes of volumes
  • sl loadbal: fix several typos


  • JSON output (i.e. --output json) of of the following commands will change due to API migration (see above).
    • resource namespace: quotas, quota, groups, group, group-create, group-update
    • iam namespace: access-groups, access-group, access-group-create, access-group-update, access-group-users, access-group-user-add, access-group-service-ids, access-group-service-id-add

Other Changes

  • Upgrade to Go language 1.15.5


27 Sep 06:28
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

This is a maintenance release.

Commands Changed

  • Update the following commands under sl namespace to invoke the latest API endpoint
    • file volume-refresh
    • block volume-refresh

Other Changes

  • Upgrade to Go language 1.5.2


23 Sep 10:13
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

This is a fix release.

Defect Fixing

Always have No API endpoint set error after upgrading to Cloud Foundry CLI 6.52.0+

This is due to a breaking change in Cloud Foundry CLI starting version 6.52.0. In IBM Cloud CLI 1.2.1, we introduced a work-around to limit the maximum version of Cloud Foundry CLI to be installed. Now we found a way to resolve this error, so the restriction has been removed.

Failed to install Cloud Foundry CLI 7.0.0+

Files inside the Cloud Foundry CLI archives have been changed starting from version 7.0.0. That fails our ibmcloud cf install command. We've fixed our installation logic to accommodate the corresponding change.

Incorrect documentation in some commands under resource namespace

We fixed several issues in the usages and description of flags of the following commands under resource namespace:

  • search
  • tags
  • tag-attach
  • tag-detach
  • tag-delete


07 Sep 03:29
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

This is a fix release.

Defect Fixing

  • Cannot create access policy on IBM Kubernetes Service instances.
  • No API endpoint set. after ibmcloud target --cf
    • The root cause is due to a breaking change in Cloud Foundry CLI in version 6.52.0. We've made a work-around to limit the versions to install in ibmcloud cf install.


20 Aug 17:12
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

Support IBM Cloud LoadBalancer

We've added the commands under sl loadbal namespace to support IBM Cloud LoadBalancer service which is a replacement of the former local load balancer service.

Support CSV Output of Billing Commands

To facilitate billing report, we added --output csv support for the following billing commands.

  • billing account-usage
  • billing resource-instances-usage

New Commands

The following commands are added under sl loadbal namespace:

  • list: List active load balancers
  • order: Order a load balancer
  • order-options: List options for order a load balancer
  • protocol-add: Add a new load balancer protocol
  • protocol-delete: Delete a protocol
  • cancel: Cancel an existing load balancer
  • detail: Get load balancer details
  • health-edit: Edit load balancer health check
  • l7member-add: Add a new L7 pool member
  • l7member-delete: Remove a load balancer member
  • l7policies: List L7 policies
  • l7policy-add: Add a new L7 policy
  • l7policy-delete: Delete a L7 policy
  • l7pool-add: Add a new L7 pool
  • l7pool-delete: Delete a L7 pool
  • l7pool-detail: Show L7 pool details
  • l7pool-edit: Edit a L7 pool
  • l7rule-add: Add a new L7 rule
  • l7rule-delete: Delete a L7 rule
  • l7rules: List l7 rules

Updated Commands

  • iam authorization-policy-create: add validation of resource group id
  • add validation of target service instance id in policy commands as below:
    • access-group-policy-create, access-group-policy-update
    • user-policy-create, user-policy-update
    • service-policy-create, service-policy-update
    • authorization-policy-create
  • billing account-usage, billing resource-instances-usage: add --output csv option support
  • add option --flavor into sl vs upgrade command
  • add option --vpn-password into sl user create command

Defect Fixing

  • incorrect examples and links in access policy commands
  • sl vs edit: --public-speed and --private-speed do not support 0 value
  • sl block volume-duplicate: --duplicate-snapshot-size do not support 0 value

Other Changes

  • Deprecate cfee namespace
  • Refine description and usage of service policy commands
  • Upgrade to Go 1.14.7


01 May 05:42
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

Support Service Instance Locking

Users with proper access privilege can delete service instances accidentally. In this release, resource service-instance-lock and resource service-instance-unlock commands are added to lock and unlock a service instances. Besides, a service instance can be created with locked state through --lock option of resource service-instance-create command. This doesn’t block actions on child resources like aliases, bindings and keys. A locked instance will still allow users to create, update and delete these sub-resources, but updating and deleting actions on the instance itself will be blocked.

Creating Service Key For Non-IAM-Enabled Service Instances

In previous releases, resource service-key-create mandates a role as the second argument, which doesn't fit for non IAM enabled services. Starting from this release, role becomes an optional argument.

Support Managing Dependent Duplicate Volumes

With the new dependent volume feature, users are able to create volume duplicates and refresh the data on the dependent volume by using a snapshot from the primary volume whenever they want to. Replica volumes cannot be used to create or update dependent duplicate volumes.

New Commands

  • resource service-instance-lock: Lock a service instance
  • resource service-instance-unlock: Unlock a service instance
  • sl block volume-refresh: Refresh a dependent duplicate block volume with a snapshot from its parent
  • sl block volume-convert: Convert a dependent duplicate block volume to an independent volume
  • sl file volume-refresh: Refresh a dependent duplicate file volume with a snapshot from its parent
  • sl file volume-convert: Convert a dependent duplicate file volume to an independent volume

Updated Commands

  • resource service-instance-create: add --lock option to create an service instance with locked state
  • iam authorization-policy-create: add --target-resource option
  • resource service-key-create: second argument ROLE is now optional. Create a service key without ROLE if the service is not IAM enabled.
  • sl block volume-duplicate: add -d, --dependent-duplicate to create a dependent duplicate of the origin volume
  • sl file volume-duplicate: add -d, --dependent-duplicate to create a dependent duplicate of the origin volume

Defect Fixing

  • resource access-group-policy-create: cannot create a service role against a resource group

Other Changes

  • Upgrade to Go 1.14.2


31 Mar 02:39
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

Additional JSON Output Support

To make it easier to write automation scripts, we’ve add the –-output json global option, which you can use to get command output in JSON format. This option replaces the –-output option for individual commands and extends it to most IBM Cloud CLI commands, including all classic infrastructure (ibmcloud sl) commands. You can use this JSON output in combination with command-line JSON processing tools like jq to automate tasks that you use to work in IBM Cloud.

Add Quiet Mode

Besides the --output option, we added the -q, --quiet global option for many commands. When -q or --quiet is used, some human-oriented helper text won’t be shown during command execution, for example: Getting user details… This feature reduces the number of extra messages in the command output to further simplify automated processing tasks.

Include IBM Cloud Developer Tools in the CLI

In 1.0.0, we’re now including the IBM Cloud Developer Tools (ibmcloud dev) with the IBM Cloud CLI. This means that by default you’ll be able to run commands to help build, test, deploy and run apps in IBM Cloud, plus work with DevOps resources like pipelines and toolchains. In previous versions, the Developer Tools were available as a separate plug-in.

Removed Bundled Cloud Foundry CLI

Starting from 1.0.0, the Cloud Foundry CLI will no longer be bundled within the IBM Cloud CLI. You can still run Cloud Foundry CLI commands (ibmcloud cf commands) from within IBM Cloud CLI, you just need to install it separately using the ibmcloud cf install command.

Added Custom Role Support in Access Policy Commands

IAM recently introduced custom roles to give you better access privilege control. In 1.0.0, you can list the custom roles using the ibmcloud iam roles command. These user defined roles can be specified when creating access policies, including user policies, service policies, and access group policies.

Support for Resource Group Level Granularity for Service-to-Service Authorization Delegation

Previously, service-to-service authorization delegation abilities were limited to granting an authorization for a single instance of a service, or all instances of the service in the account. In 1.0.0, you can specify all instances of a service within a resource group. We’ve added the --source-resource-group-id and --target-resource-group-id options to accomplish this.

New Commands

  • resource reclamation: show details of a resource reclamation
  • sl placement-group: manage classic infrastructure placement group

Updated Commands

  • resource reclamations:
      - remove --instance-name
      - rename --instance-id to --resource-instance-id
  • resource reclamation-restore and resource reclamation-delete: improve prompt messages
  • iam authorization-policy-create: add --source-resource-group-id and --target-resource-group-id to specify instances under a resource group
  • resource service-instance-create: add --allow-cleanup to specify whether the service instance should be deleted (cleaned up) during the processing of a region instance delete call
  • sl vs create: add options --placement-group-id, --subnet-public, --subnet-private and --transient to create vs.
  • sl hardware list and sl vlan list: add pagination

Defect Fixing

  • inconsistent output format of ibmcloud -v and ibmcloud version
  • fix command sl vlan create to create vlan with option -r, --router
  • fix command sl vlan list with option --sortby name.


11 Mar 06:09
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

This is a bug fix release.

Defect Fixing

  • resource tag-delete: json: cannot unmarshal bool error


22 Jan 03:25
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Change logs

New Commands

  • resource group-delete: Delete resource group

Updated Commands

  • add --output option to the following commands under iam:
    • iam access-group-user-add
    • iam access-group-service-id-add
  • add --output option to the following commands under account:
    • account domain-cert
    • account show
    • account org-create
    • account org-rename
    • account org-replicate
    • account org-users
    • account space-create
    • account space-rename
    • account space-users
  • add --output option to the following commands under plugin:
    • plugin list
    • plugin show
    • plugin repos
    • plugin repo-plugins
    • plugin repo-plugin
  • add --file option to iam authorization-policy-create

Removed Commands

All deprecated and hidden commands under network are completely removed. You can find the replacements below:

  • network domain-create --> app domain-create
  • network domain-delete --> app domain-delete
  • network domains --> app domains
  • network orphaned-routes-delete --> app orphaned-routes-delete
  • network regions --> regions
  • network route-check --> app route-check
  • network route-create --> app route-create
  • network route-delete --> app route-delete
  • network route-map --> app route-map
  • network routes --> app routes
  • network shared-domain-create --> app shared-domain-create
  • network shared-domain-delete --> app shared-domain-delete

Other Changes

  • Upgrade to Go Lang 1.13.6


18 Dec 03:07
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This version is deprecated. Install the latest release.

Change logs

New Commands

  • version: print out the current version of CLI. This command is equivalent with -v option
  • The following commands are added under cfee namespace:
    • auditing-disable: Disable auditing on the targeted CFEE environment
    • auditing-enable: Enable auditing on the targeted CFEE environment
    • auditing-status: Get Activity Tracker with LogDNA auditing configuration for environment
    • logging-disable: Disable logging on the targeted CFEE environment
    • logging-enable: Enable logging on the targeted CFEE environment
    • logging-status: Check the status of the most recent logging enablement/disablement operation of a CFEE environment
    • show-alert-manager-config: Get alert manager configuration for the environment
    • update-alert-manager-config: Update alert manager configuration for the environment
    • status: Check the status of a CFEE instance
    • update: Check or initiate a CFEE environment update to the next available version of CFEE.
    • delete: Deletes a particular CFEE environment
    • version: Get the CFEE version of an environment or get the latest available CFEE version

Updated Commands

  • resource service-instances: add --all-resource-groups option to list service instances across all resource groups
  • resource search: add --output option to output the result in JSON format
  • resource tags: add --output option to output the result in JSON format, and -a, --attached option to only show attached tags
  • iam authorization-policy-create: add --source-resource option to define the resource of source service
  • account list: add IMS ID in the output
  • resource reclamations: add Entity CRN and Target Time in the output
  • resource reclamation-delete: remove --id option, and now the ID must be specified through the first argument
  • resource reclamation-restore: remove --id option, and now the ID must be specified through the first argument

Defect Fixing

  • resource service-instance-update: excessive properties are sent to backend when only name is changed
  • billing resource-instance-usage: ambiguous usage description of -g option

Other Changes

  • Upgrade to Go Lang 1.13.4