Put your raw point cloud data in ./data
File structure should be like this
└── 2-l
├── 2-l - Cloud-body.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-foot1.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-foot2.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-foot3.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-foot4.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-head.txt
├── 2-l - Cloud-tail.txt
├── 2-l-1.JPG
├── 2-l-2.JPG
├── 2-l-3.JPG
├── 2-l-4.JPG
├── 2-l-5.JPG
├── 2-l-6.JPG
└── 2-l.ply
is the raw point clouds
is the parts' segmentation for annotations
is the different view of 3D object
Please make sure the file extension is .ply->raw point clouds, .txt->segmentated point cloud
You can download example from https://github-1253353217.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/data-2-l.zip
python main.py -s ./data -d ./res
The result will be stored in ./res
File structure of ./res
└── 2-l
├── clean_annotation.txt
├── clean_100k.ply
├── clean_10k.ply
├── clean_1k.ply
├── info.txt
├── mesh.ply
├── noiseless.ply
├── real_annotation.txt
├── real_100k.ply
├── real_10k.ply
└── real_1k.ply
is basic info for this 3D shape
is info for annotations
is point cloud sampled from reconstructed mesh
is point cloud sampled from noiseless point cloud
is noiseless point cloud sampled from raw point cloud
You can download example from https://github-1253353217.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/res-2-l.zip
python show_annotation.py -i ./res/2-l -t c # for clean_100k.ply
python show_annotation.py -i ./res/2-l -t r # for real_100k.ply
You can use visual_checker.py
to check your point cloud and mesh.
python visual_checker.py -s res -d check.csv
Q: 下一个
A: 正常
Z: 噪音过多 (手工难以剔除)
X: 明显孔洞
C: 车窗孔洞
V: 明显缺失
S: 切换分割视图 (有分割文件才可以)
D: 分割标注异常 (如果仅是分割有孔洞,原模型没有孔洞,则记为分割标注异常,而非明显孔洞)
W: 有离群点 (手工可以剔除)
R: 类别不明
E: 重建失真
space: 切换背景 (绿色背景,更容易看出问题)
.: 强制中断程序
Also, you can use GUI version for easy check
python visual_checker_GUI.py -s res -d check.csv