diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 5c35b11dd..2efef9428 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -5,9 +5,12 @@ Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enu
- [Features](#features)
- [Humanize String](#humanize-string)
- [Dehumanize String](#dehumanize-string)
- - [Transform](#transform)
+ - [Transform String](#transform-string)
+ - [Truncate String](#truncate-string)
+ - [Format String](#format-string)
- [Humanize Enums](#humanize-enums)
- [Dehumanize Enums](#dehumanize-enums)
+ - [Humanize DateTime](#humanize-datetime)
- [Humanize TimeSpan](#humanize-timespan)
- [Inflector methods](#inflector-methods)
- [Pluralize](#pluralize)
@@ -21,8 +24,6 @@ Humanizer meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enu
- [Number to ordinal words](#number-to-ordinal-words)
- [Roman numerals](#roman-numerals)
- [ByteSize](#bytesize)
- - [Truncate String](#truncate)
- - [Format String](#format)
- [Mix this into your framework to simplify your life](#mix-this-into-your-framework-to-simplify-your-life)
- [How to contribute?](#how-to-contribute)
- [Contribution guideline](#contribution-guideline)
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ Much like you can humanize a computer friendly into human friendly string you ca
"Pascal case input string is turned into sentence".Dehumanize() => "PascalCaseInputStringIsTurnedIntoSentence"
+###Transform String
There is a `Transform` method that supercedes `LetterCasing`, `ApplyCase` and `Humanize` overloads that accept `LetterCasing`.
Transform method signatue is as follows:
@@ -96,6 +97,45 @@ And there are some out of the box implemenations of `IStringTransformer` for let
The benefit of using `Transform` and `IStringTransformer` over `ApplyCase` and `LetterCasing` is that `LetterCasing` is an enum and you're limited to use what's in the framework
while `IStringTransformer` is an interface you can implement in your codebase once and use it with `Transform` method allowing for easy extension.
+###Truncate String
+You can truncate a `string` using the `Truncate` method:
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10) => "Long text…"
+By default the `'…'` character is used to truncate strings. The advantage of using the `'…'` character instead of `"..."` is that the former only takes a single character and thus allows more text to be shown before truncation. If you want, you can also provide your own truncation string:
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, "---") => "Long te---"
+The default truncation strategy, `Truncator.FixedLength`, is to truncate the input string to a specific length, including the truncation string length. There are two more truncator strategies available: one for a fixed number of (alpha-numerical) characters and one for a fixed number of words. To use a specific truncator when truncating, the two `Truncate` methods shown in the previous examples both have an overload that allow you to specify the `ITruncator` instance to use for the truncation. Here are examples on how to use the three provided truncators:
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, Truncator.FixedLength) => "Long text…"
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, "---", Truncator.FixedLength) => "Long te---"
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(6, Truncator.FixedNumberOfCharacters) => "Long t…"
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(6, "---", Truncator.FixedNumberOfCharacters) => "Lon---"
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(2, Truncator.FixedNumberOfWords) => "Long text…"
+"Long text to truncate".Truncate(2, "---", Truncator.FixedNumberOfWords) => "Long text---"
+Note that you can also use create your own truncator by having a class implement the `ITruncator` interface.
+###Format String
+You can format a `string` using the `FormatWith()` method:
+"To be formatted -> {0}/{1}.".FormatWith(1, "A") => "To be formated -> 1/A."
+This is an extension method based on `String.Format`, so exact rules applies to it.
+If `format` is null, it'll throw `ArgumentNullException`.
+If passed a fewer number for arguments, it'll throw `String.FormatException` exception.
###Humanize Enums
Calling `ToString` directly on enum members usually results in less than ideal output for users. The solution to this is usually to use `DescriptionAttribute` data annotation and then read that at runtime to get a more friendly output. That is a great solution; but more often than not we only need to put some space between words of an enum member - which is what `String.Humanize()` does well. For an enum like:
@@ -520,45 +560,6 @@ ByteSize.Parse("1.55 tB");
ByteSize.Parse("1.55 tb");
-You can truncate a `string` using the `Truncate` method:
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10) => "Long text…"
-By default the `'…'` character is used to truncate strings. The advantage of using the `'…'` character instead of `"..."` is that the former only takes a single character and thus allows more text to be shown before truncation. If you want, you can also provide your own truncation string:
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, "---") => "Long te---"
-The default truncation strategy, `Truncator.FixedLength`, is to truncate the input string to a specific length, including the truncation string length. There are two more truncator strategies available: one for a fixed number of (alpha-numerical) characters and one for a fixed number of words. To use a specific truncator when truncating, the two `Truncate` methods shown in the previous examples both have an overload that allow you to specify the `ITruncator` instance to use for the truncation. Here are examples on how to use the three provided truncators:
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, Truncator.FixedLength) => "Long text…"
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(10, "---", Truncator.FixedLength) => "Long te---"
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(6, Truncator.FixedNumberOfCharacters) => "Long t…"
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(6, "---", Truncator.FixedNumberOfCharacters) => "Lon---"
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(2, Truncator.FixedNumberOfWords) => "Long text…"
-"Long text to truncate".Truncate(2, "---", Truncator.FixedNumberOfWords) => "Long text---"
-Note that you can also use create your own truncator by having a class implement the `ITruncator` interface.
-###Format String
-You can format a `string` using the `FormatWith()` method:
-"To be formatted -> {0}/{1}.".FormatWith(1, "A") => "To be formated -> 1/A."
-This is an extension method based on `String.Format`, so exact rules applies to it.
-If `format` is null, it'll throw `ArgumentNullException`.
-If passed a fewer number for arguments, it'll throw `String.FormatException` exception.
##Mix this into your framework to simplify your life
This is just a baseline and you can use this to simplify your day to day job. For example, in Asp.Net MVC we keep chucking `Display` attribute on ViewModel properties so `HtmlHelper` can generate correct labels for us; but, just like enums, in vast majority of cases we just need a space between the words in property name - so why not use `"string".Humanize` for that?!