diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ef11144f..f31cb305 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -69,19 +69,19 @@ When the value is changed, `onChange(selectedValueOrValues)` will fire.
var Select = require('react-select-plus');
var options = [
- { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
- { value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
+ { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
+ { value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
function logChange(val) {
- console.log("Selected: " + val);
+ console.log("Selected: " + val);
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ You can enable multi-value selection by setting `multi={true}`. In this mode:
* By default, selected options can be cleared. To disable the possibility of clearing a particular option, add `clearableValue: false` to that option:
var options = [
- { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
- { value: 'two', label: 'Two', clearableValue: false }
+ { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
+ { value: 'two', label: 'Two', clearableValue: false }
Note: the `clearable` prop of the Select component should also be set to `false` to prevent allowing clearing all fields at once
@@ -126,17 +126,17 @@ Unless you specify the property `autoload={false}` the control will automaticall
var Select = require('react-select-plus');
var getOptions = function(input, callback) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- callback(null, {
- options: [
- { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
- { value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
- ],
- // CAREFUL! Only set this to true when there are no more options,
- // or more specific queries will not be sent to the server.
- complete: true
- });
- }, 500);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ callback(null, {
+ options: [
+ { value: 'one', label: 'One' },
+ { value: 'two', label: 'Two' }
+ ],
+ // CAREFUL! Only set this to true when there are no more options,
+ // or more specific queries will not be sent to the server.
+ complete: true
+ });
+ }, 500);
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ var isLoadingExternally = true;
@@ -212,15 +212,15 @@ function render (selectProps) {
##### Creatable properties
-Property | Type | Description
+| Property | Type | Description
-`children` | function | Child function responsible for creating the inner Select component. This component can be used to compose HOCs (eg Creatable and Async). Expected signature: `(props: Object): PropTypes.element` |
-`isOptionUnique` | function | Searches for any matching option within the set of options. This function prevents duplicate options from being created. By default this is a basic, case-sensitive comparison of label and value. Expected signature: `({ option: Object, options: Array, labelKey: string, valueKey: string }): boolean` |
-`isValidNewOption` | function | Determines if the current input text represents a valid option. By default any non-empty string will be considered valid. Expected signature: `({ label: string }): boolean` |
-`newOptionCreator` | function | Factory to create new option. Expected signature: `({ label: string, labelKey: string, valueKey: string }): Object` |
-`onNewOptionClick` | function | new option click handler, it calls when new option has been selected. `function(option) {}` |
-`shouldKeyDownEventCreateNewOption` | function | Decides if a keyDown event (eg its `keyCode`) should result in the creation of a new option. ENTER, TAB and comma keys create new options by default. Expected signature: `({ keyCode: number }): boolean` |
-`promptTextCreator` | function | Factory for overriding default option creator prompt label. By default it will read 'Create option "{label}"'. Expected signature: `(label: String): String` |
+| `children` | function | Child function responsible for creating the inner Select component. This component can be used to compose HOCs (eg Creatable and Async). Expected signature: `(props: Object): PropTypes.element` |
+| `isOptionUnique` | function | Searches for any matching option within the set of options. This function prevents duplicate options from being created. By default this is a basic, case-sensitive comparison of label and value. Expected signature: `({ option: Object, options: Array, labelKey: string, valueKey: string }): boolean` |
+| `isValidNewOption` | function | Determines if the current input text represents a valid option. By default any non-empty string will be considered valid. Expected signature: `({ label: string }): boolean` |
+| `newOptionCreator` | function | Factory to create new option. Expected signature: `({ label: string, labelKey: string, valueKey: string }): Object` |
+| `onNewOptionClick` | function | new option click handler, it calls when new option has been selected. `function(option) {}` |
+| `shouldKeyDownEventCreateNewOption` | function | Decides if a keyDown event (eg its `keyCode`) should result in the creation of a new option. ENTER, TAB and comma keys create new options by default. Expected signature: `({ keyCode: number }): boolean` |
+| `promptTextCreator` | function | Factory for overriding default option creator prompt label. By default it will read 'Create option "{label}"'. Expected signature: `(label: String): String` |
### Combining Async and Creatable
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ You can manipulate the input using the onInputChange and returning a new value.
function cleanInput(inputValue) {
- // Strip all non-number characters from the input
+ // Strip all non-number characters from the input
return inputValue.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
@@ -315,85 +315,84 @@ You can extend or override this behavior by providing a `onInputKeyDown` callbac
function onInputKeyDown(event) {
- switch (event.keyCode) {
- case 9: // TAB
- // Extend default TAB behavior by doing something here
- break;
- case 13: // ENTER
- // Override default ENTER behavior by doing stuff here and then preventing default
- event.preventDefault();
- break;
- }
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case 9: // TAB
+ // Extend default TAB behavior by doing something here
+ break;
+ case 13: // ENTER
+ // Override default ENTER behavior by doing stuff here and then preventing default
+ event.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
### Further options
- Property | Type | Default | Description
- addLabelText | string | 'Add "{label}"?' | text to display when `allowCreate` is true
- arrowRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom drop-down arrow to be shown in the right-hand side of the select: `arrowRenderer({ onMouseDown, isOpen })`
- autoBlur | bool | false | Blurs the input element after a selection has been made. Handy for lowering the keyboard on mobile devices
- autofocus | bool | undefined | autofocus the component on mount
- autoload | bool | true | whether to auto-load the default async options set
- autosize | bool | true | If enabled, the input will expand as the length of its value increases
- backspaceRemoves | bool | true | whether pressing backspace removes the last item when there is no input value
- backspaceToRemoveMessage | string | 'Press backspace to remove {last label}' | prompt shown in input when at least one option in a multiselect is shown, set to '' to clear
- cache | bool | true | enables the options cache for `asyncOptions` (default: `true`)
- className | string | undefined | className for the outer element
- clearable | bool | true | should it be possible to reset value
- clearAllText | string | 'Clear all' | title for the "clear" control when `multi` is true
- clearRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom clear to be shown in the right-hand side of the select when clearable true: `clearRenderer()`
- clearValueText | string | 'Clear value' | title for the "clear" control
- resetValue | any | null | value to use when you clear the control
- deleteRemoves | bool | true | whether pressing delete key removes the last item when there is no input value
- delimiter | string | ',' | delimiter to use to join multiple values
- disabled | bool | false | whether the Select is disabled or not
- filterOption | func | undefined | method to filter a single option: `function(option, filterString)`
- filterOptions | func | undefined | method to filter the options array: `function([options], filterString, [values])`
- ignoreAccents | bool | true | whether to strip accents when filtering
- ignoreCase | bool | true | whether to perform case-insensitive filtering
- inputProps | object | {} | custom attributes for the Input (in the Select-control) e.g: `{'data-foo': 'bar'}`
- isLoading | bool | false | whether the Select is loading externally or not (such as options being loaded)
- joinValues | bool | false | join multiple values into a single hidden input using the `delimiter`
- labelKey | string | 'label' | the option property to use for the label
- loadOptions | func | undefined | function that returns a promise or calls a callback with the options: `function(input, [callback])`
- matchPos | string | 'any' | (any, start) match the start or entire string when filtering
- matchProp | string | 'any' | (any, label, value) which option property to filter on
- menuBuffer | number | 0 | buffer of px between the base of the dropdown and the viewport to shift if menu doesnt fit in viewport
- menuRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom menu with options; accepts the following named parameters: `menuRenderer({ focusedOption, focusOption, options, selectValue, valueArray })`
- multi | bool | undefined | multi-value input
- name | string | undefined | field name, for hidden `` tag
- noResultsText | string | 'No results found' | placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results or a falsy value to hide it (can also be a react component)
- onBlur | func | undefined | onBlur handler: `function(event) {}`
- onBlurResetsInput | bool | true | whether to clear input on blur or not
- onChange | func | undefined | onChange handler: `function(newValue) {}`
- onClose | func | undefined | handler for when the menu closes: `function () {}`
- onCloseResetsInput | bool | true | whether to clear input when closing the menu through the arrow
- onFocus | func | undefined | onFocus handler: `function(event) {}`
- onInputChange | func | undefined | onInputChange handler: `function(inputValue) {}`
- onInputKeyDown | func | undefined | input keyDown handler; call `event.preventDefault()` to override default `Select` behavior: `function(event) {}`
- onOpen | func | undefined | handler for when the menu opens: `function () {}`
- onValueClick | func | undefined | onClick handler for value labels: `function (value, event) {}`
- openOnFocus | bool | false | open the options menu when the input gets focus (requires searchable = true)
- optionRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the options in the menu
- options | array | undefined | array of options
- placeholder | string\|node | 'Select ...' | field placeholder, displayed when there's no value
- renderInvalidValues | bool | false | if a `value` does not match any `options`, render it anyway
- scrollMenuIntoView | bool | true | whether the viewport will shift to display the entire menu when engaged
- searchable | bool | true | whether to enable searching feature or not
- searchPromptText | string\|node | 'Type to search' | label to prompt for search input
- loadingPlaceholder | string\|node | 'Loading...' | label to prompt for loading search result
- tabSelectsValue | bool | true | whether to select the currently focused value when the `[tab]` key is pressed
- value | any | undefined | initial field value
- valueKey | string | 'value' | the option property to use for the value
- valueRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the value selected `function (option) {}`
+| Property | Type | Default | Description |
+| addLabelText | string | 'Add "{label}"?' | text to display when `allowCreate` is true |
+ arrowRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom drop-down arrow to be shown in the right-hand side of the select: `arrowRenderer({ onMouseDown, isOpen })` |
+| autoBlur | bool | false | Blurs the input element after a selection has been made. Handy for lowering the keyboard on mobile devices |
+| autofocus | bool | undefined | autofocus the component on mount |
+| autoload | bool | true | whether to auto-load the default async options set |
+| autosize | bool | true | If enabled, the input will expand as the length of its value increases |
+| backspaceRemoves | bool | true | whether pressing backspace removes the last item when there is no input value |
+| backspaceToRemoveMessage | string | 'Press backspace to remove {last label}' | prompt shown in input when at least one option in a multiselect is shown, set to '' to clear |
+| cache | bool | true | enables the options cache for `asyncOptions` (default: `true`) |
+| className | string | undefined | className for the outer element |
+| clearable | bool | true | should it be possible to reset value |
+| clearAllText | string | 'Clear all' | title for the "clear" control when `multi` is true |
+| clearRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom clear to be shown in the right-hand side of the select when clearable true: `clearRenderer()` |
+| clearValueText | string | 'Clear value' | title for the "clear" control |
+| resetValue | any | null | value to use when you clear the control |
+| deleteRemoves | bool | true | whether pressing delete key removes the last item when there is no input value |
+| delimiter | string | ',' | delimiter to use to join multiple values |
+| disabled | bool | false | whether the Select is disabled or not |
+| filterOption | func | undefined | method to filter a single option: `function(option, filterString)` |
+| filterOptions | func | undefined | method to filter the options array: `function([options], filterString, [values])` |
+| ignoreAccents | bool | true | whether to strip accents when filtering |
+| ignoreCase | bool | true | whether to perform case-insensitive filtering |
+| inputProps | object | {} | custom attributes for the Input (in the Select-control) e.g: `{'data-foo': 'bar'}` |
+| isLoading | bool | false | whether the Select is loading externally or not (such as options being loaded) |
+| joinValues | bool | false | join multiple values into a single hidden input using the `delimiter` |
+| labelKey | string | 'label' | the option property to use for the label |
+| loadOptions | func | undefined | function that returns a promise or calls a callback with the options: `function(input, [callback])` |
+| matchPos | string | 'any' | (any, start) match the start or entire string when filtering |
+| matchProp | string | 'any' | (any, label, value) which option property to filter on |
+| menuBuffer | number | 0 | buffer of px between the base of the dropdown and the viewport to shift if menu doesnt fit in viewport |
+| menuRenderer | func | undefined | Renders a custom menu with options; accepts the following named parameters: `menuRenderer({ focusedOption, focusOption, options, selectValue, valueArray })` |
+| multi | bool | undefined | multi-value input |
+| name | string | undefined | field name, for hidden `` tag |
+| noResultsText | string | 'No results found' | placeholder displayed when there are no matching search results or a falsy value to hide it (can also be a react component) |
+| onBlur | func | undefined | onBlur handler: `function(event) {}` |
+| onBlurResetsInput | bool | true | whether to clear input on blur or not |
+| onChange | func | undefined | onChange handler: `function(newValue) {}` |
+| onClose | func | undefined | handler for when the menu closes: `function () {}` |
+| onCloseResetsInput | bool | true | whether to clear input when closing the menu through the arrow |
+| onFocus | func | undefined | onFocus handler: `function(event) {}` |
+| onInputChange | func | undefined | onInputChange handler: `function(inputValue) {}` |
+| onInputKeyDown | func | undefined | input keyDown handler; call `event.preventDefault()` to override default `Select` behavior: `function(event) {}` |
+| onOpen | func | undefined | handler for when the menu opens: `function () {}` |
+| onValueClick | func | undefined | onClick handler for value labels: `function (value, event) {}` |
+| openOnFocus | bool | false | open the options menu when the input gets focus (requires searchable = true) |
+| optionRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the options in the menu |
+| options | array | undefined | array of options |
+| placeholder | string\|node | 'Select ...' | field placeholder, displayed when there's no value |
+| scrollMenuIntoView | bool | true | whether the viewport will shift to display the entire menu when engaged |
+| searchable | bool | true | whether to enable searching feature or not |
+| searchPromptText | string\|node | 'Type to search' | label to prompt for search input |
+| loadingPlaceholder | string\|node | 'Loading...' | label to prompt for loading search result |
+| tabSelectsValue | bool | true | whether to select the currently focused value when the `[tab]` key is pressed |
+| value | any | undefined | initial field value |
+| valueKey | string | 'value' | the option property to use for the value |
+| valueRenderer | func | undefined | function which returns a custom way to render the value selected `function (option) {}` |
### Methods
diff --git a/src/AsyncCreatable.js b/src/AsyncCreatable.js
index edc51ee1..eb87b514 100644
--- a/src/AsyncCreatable.js
+++ b/src/AsyncCreatable.js
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ function reduce(obj, props = {}){
const AsyncCreatable = React.createClass({
displayName: 'AsyncCreatableSelect',
+ focus () {
+ this.select.focus();
+ },
render () {
return (
@@ -26,6 +30,7 @@ const AsyncCreatable = React.createClass({
return asyncProps.onInputChange(input);
ref={(ref) => {
+ this.select = ref;
diff --git a/src/Creatable.js b/src/Creatable.js
index bf78ed02..543ddb5e 100644
--- a/src/Creatable.js
+++ b/src/Creatable.js
@@ -203,6 +203,10 @@ const Creatable = React.createClass({
+ focus () {
+ this.select.focus();
+ },
render () {
const {
diff --git a/src/Select.js b/src/Select.js
index 458beefb..3d0c4f01 100644
--- a/src/Select.js
+++ b/src/Select.js
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ const Select = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
addLabelText: React.PropTypes.string, // placeholder displayed when you want to add a label on a multi-value input
+ 'aria-describedby': React.PropTypes.string, // HTML ID(s) of element(s) that should be used to describe this input (for assistive tech)
'aria-label': React.PropTypes.string, // Aria label (for assistive tech)
'aria-labelledby': React.PropTypes.string, // HTML ID of an element that should be used as the label (for assistive tech)
arrowRenderer: React.PropTypes.func, // Create drop-down caret element
@@ -906,6 +907,7 @@ const Select = React.createClass({
'aria-owns': ariaOwns,
'aria-haspopup': '' + isOpen,
'aria-activedescendant': isOpen ? this._instancePrefix + '-option-' + focusedOptionIndex : this._instancePrefix + '-value',
+ 'aria-describedby': this.props['aria-describedby'],
'aria-labelledby': this.props['aria-labelledby'],
'aria-label': this.props['aria-label'],
className: className,
diff --git a/test/AsyncCreatable-test.js b/test/AsyncCreatable-test.js
index e1dd7882..de1e8211 100644
--- a/test/AsyncCreatable-test.js
+++ b/test/AsyncCreatable-test.js
@@ -59,4 +59,17 @@ describe('AsyncCreatable', () => {
class: ['foo']
+ describe('.focus()', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ createControl({});
+ TestUtils.Simulate.blur(filterInputNode);
+ });
+ it('focuses the search input', () => {
+ expect(filterInputNode, 'not to equal', document.activeElement);
+ creatableInstance.focus();
+ expect(filterInputNode, 'to equal', document.activeElement);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/Creatable-test.js b/test/Creatable-test.js
index 968478fd..45014c10 100644
--- a/test/Creatable-test.js
+++ b/test/Creatable-test.js
@@ -237,4 +237,17 @@ describe('Creatable', () => {
createControl({ onInputKeyDown: event => done() });
return creatableInstance.onInputKeyDown({ keyCode: 97 });
+ describe('.focus()', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ createControl({});
+ TestUtils.Simulate.blur(filterInputNode);
+ });
+ it('focuses the search input', () => {
+ expect(filterInputNode, 'not to equal', document.activeElement);
+ creatableInstance.focus();
+ expect(filterInputNode, 'to equal', document.activeElement);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/Select-test.js b/test/Select-test.js
index a99bdecf..9ac4e864 100644
--- a/test/Select-test.js
+++ b/test/Select-test.js
@@ -4063,6 +4063,19 @@ describe('Select', () => {
'to contain', );
+ it('passes through the aria-describedby prop', () => {
+ instance = createControl({
+ options: defaultOptions,
+ value: 'one',
+ 'aria-describedby': 'test-label1-id test-label2-id'
+ });
+ expect(instance,
+ 'to contain', );
+ });
it('passes through the aria-label prop', () => {
instance = createControl({