This is a hands-on project from the Udemy course - The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele. Refactored using the React-Redux in ES6/ES7 syntax instead of jQuery. You can find this jQuery version here.
You can see a complete working example here. Or you can run the demo on your local machine, please follow the instructions in Getting Started.
- A MERN (MongoDB + Express.js + React.js + Node.js) full stack project.
- Refactored with ES6 and ES7 syntax (eg: async/await)
- RESTful API:
Todos Route
[Method] [Route]
GET /api/todos Fetch all todos
POST /api/todos Create a new todo
GET /api/todos/:id Fetch a todo status
POST /api/todos/:id Toggle (complete or not) a task
PATCH /api/todos/:id Update the todo content
DELETE /api/todos/:id Delete todo
Check package.json
file for more information.
Follow the instructions below to set up the environment and run this project on your local machine. Note that you should setup your MongoDB Atlas Cluster first to get your database. You can find the Quick Note here.
- Clone this repository.
# Clone repository
$ git clone
- Install dependencies via NPM or Yarn
# Install dependencies via npm
$ npm install
$ cd client
$ npm install
$ cd ..
# Install dependencies via yarn
$ yarn install
$ cd client
$ yarn install
$ cd ..
- Run the server.
# Run server
$ npm run dev
All the notes I took in Markdown (.md) format. You can find them in my Udemy-Notes repository. The note for this course is here.
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