From ce82875ce61aa442f43b7d8270011f5ea7be0778 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Braydon Hall <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2021 11:09:00 +1100
Subject: [PATCH] test(appointment detail form): convert to rtl
.../AppointmentDetailForm.test.tsx | 292 ++----------------
1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/AppointmentDetailForm.test.tsx b/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/AppointmentDetailForm.test.tsx
index 7bfc5b39dd..4104b86c14 100644
--- a/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/AppointmentDetailForm.test.tsx
+++ b/src/__tests__/scheduling/appointments/AppointmentDetailForm.test.tsx
@@ -1,48 +1,21 @@
-import { Typeahead, Alert } from '@hospitalrun/components'
-import { act } from '@testing-library/react'
+import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
+import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'
import addMinutes from 'date-fns/addMinutes'
import roundToNearestMinutes from 'date-fns/roundToNearestMinutes'
-import { mount, ReactWrapper } from 'enzyme'
import React from 'react'
import AppointmentDetailForm from '../../../scheduling/appointments/AppointmentDetailForm'
-import PatientRepository from '../../../shared/db/PatientRepository'
import Appointment from '../../../shared/model/Appointment'
import Patient from '../../../shared/model/Patient'
-describe('AppointmentDetailForm', () => {
- describe('Error handling', () => {
- it('should display errors', () => {
- const error = {
- message: 'some message',
- patient: 'patient message',
- startDateTime: 'start date time message',
- }
- const wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- wrapper.update()
- const errorMessage = wrapper.find(Alert)
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- const startDateInput = wrapper.findWhere((w: any) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
- expect(errorMessage).toBeTruthy()
- expect(errorMessage.prop('message')).toMatch(error.message)
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('feedback')).toEqual(error.patient)
- expect(startDateInput.prop('isInvalid')).toBeTruthy()
- expect(startDateInput.prop('feedback')).toEqual(error.startDateTime)
- })
- })
+const setup = (appointment: Appointment, patient?: Patient, error = {}) => ({
+ ...render(
+ ,
+ ),
- describe('layout - editable', () => {
- let wrapper: ReactWrapper
+describe('AppointmentDetailForm', () => {
+ it('should render a type select box', () => {
const expectedAppointment = {
startDateTime: roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }).toISOString(),
endDateTime: addMinutes(
@@ -54,256 +27,35 @@ describe('AppointmentDetailForm', () => {
type: 'emergency',
} as Appointment
- beforeEach(() => {
- wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- })
+ setup(expectedAppointment)
- it('should render a typeahead for patients', () => {
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- expect(patientTypeahead).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('placeholder')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.patient')
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('value')).toEqual(expectedAppointment.patient)
- })
+ const types = ['checkup', 'emergency', 'followUp', 'routine', 'walkIn']
- it('should render as start date date time picker', () => {
- const startDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
- expect(startDateTimePicker).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(startDateTimePicker.prop('label')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.startDate')
- expect(startDateTimePicker.prop('value')).toEqual(
- roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }),
- )
- })
- it('should render an end date time picker', () => {
- const endDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
- expect(endDateTimePicker).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(endDateTimePicker.prop('label')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.endDate')
- expect(endDateTimePicker.prop('value')).toEqual(
- addMinutes(roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }), 60),
- )
- })
- it('should render a location text input box', () => {
- const locationTextInputBox = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'location')
- expect(locationTextInputBox).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(locationTextInputBox.prop('label')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.location')
- expect(locationTextInputBox.prop('value')).toEqual(expectedAppointment.location)
- })
+'-- Choose --'))
- it('should render a type select box', () => {
- const typeSelect = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'type')
- expect(typeSelect).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(typeSelect.prop('label')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.type')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[0].label).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.types.checkup')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[0].value).toEqual('checkup')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[1].label).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.types.emergency')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[1].value).toEqual('emergency')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[2].label).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.types.followUp')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[2].value).toEqual('follow up')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[3].label).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.types.routine')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[3].value).toEqual('routine')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[4].label).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.types.walkIn')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('options')[4].value).toEqual('walk in')
- expect(typeSelect.prop('defaultSelected')[0].value).toEqual(expectedAppointment.type)
- })
- it('should render a reason text field input', () => {
- const reasonTextField = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'reason')
- expect(reasonTextField).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(reasonTextField.prop('label')).toEqual('scheduling.appointment.reason')
- })
- })
- describe('layout - editable but patient prop passed (Edit Appointment functionality)', () => {
- it('should disable patient typeahead if patient prop passed', () => {
- const expectedAppointment = {
- startDateTime: roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }).toISOString(),
- endDateTime: addMinutes(
- roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }),
- 60,
- ).toISOString(),
- } as Appointment
- const wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('disabled')).toBeTruthy()
+ types.forEach((type) => {
+ const typeOption = screen.getByRole('option', {
+ name: `scheduling.appointment.types.${type}`,
+ })
+ expect(typeOption).toBeInTheDocument()
- describe('layout - not editable', () => {
- let wrapper: ReactWrapper
+ it('should disable patient typeahead if patient prop passed', () => {
const expectedAppointment = {
- patient: 'patientId',
startDateTime: roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }).toISOString(),
endDateTime: addMinutes(
roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }),
} as Appointment
const expectedPatient = {
- id: '123',
- fullName: 'full name',
+ fullName: 'Mr Popo',
} as Patient
- beforeEach(() => {
- wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- })
- it('should disable fields', () => {
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- const startDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
- const endDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
- const locationTextInputBox = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'location')
- const reasonTextField = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'reason')
- const typeSelect = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'type')
- expect(patientTypeahead).toHaveLength(1)
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('disabled')).toBeTruthy()
- expect(patientTypeahead.prop('value')).toEqual(expectedPatient.fullName)
- expect(startDateTimePicker.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
- expect(endDateTimePicker.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
- expect(locationTextInputBox.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
- expect(reasonTextField.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
- expect(typeSelect.prop('isEditable')).toBeFalsy()
- })
- })
+ setup(expectedAppointment, expectedPatient)
- describe('change handlers', () => {
- let wrapper: ReactWrapper
- const appointment = {
- startDateTime: roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }).toISOString(),
- endDateTime: addMinutes(
- roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 }),
- 30,
- ).toISOString(),
- } as Appointment
- const onFieldChange = jest.fn()
- beforeEach(() => {
- wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- })
- it('should call onFieldChange when patient input changes', () => {
- const expectedPatientId = '123'
- act(() => {
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- patientTypeahead.prop('onChange')([{ id: expectedPatientId }] as Patient[])
- })
- wrapper.update()
- expect(onFieldChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('patient', expectedPatientId)
- })
- it('should call onFieldChange when start date time changes', () => {
- const expectedStartDateTime = roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 })
- act(() => {
- const startDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'startDate')
- startDateTimePicker.prop('onChange')(expectedStartDateTime)
- })
- wrapper.update()
- expect(onFieldChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(
- 'startDateTime',
- expectedStartDateTime.toISOString(),
- )
- })
- it('should call onFieldChange when end date time changes', () => {
- const expectedStartDateTime = roundToNearestMinutes(new Date(), { nearestTo: 15 })
- const expectedEndDateTime = addMinutes(expectedStartDateTime, 30)
- act(() => {
- const endDateTimePicker = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'endDate')
- endDateTimePicker.prop('onChange')(expectedEndDateTime)
- })
- wrapper.update()
- expect(onFieldChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(
- 'endDateTime',
- expectedEndDateTime.toISOString(),
- )
- })
- it('should call onFieldChange when location changes', () => {
- const expectedLocation = 'location'
- act(() => {
- const locationTextInputBox = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'location')
- locationTextInputBox.prop('onChange')({ target: { value: expectedLocation } })
- })
- wrapper.update()
- expect(onFieldChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('location', expectedLocation)
- })
- it('should call onFieldChange when reason changes', () => {
- const expectedReason = 'reason'
- act(() => {
- const reasonTextField = wrapper.findWhere((w) => w.prop('name') === 'reason')
- reasonTextField.prop('onChange')({ currentTarget: { value: expectedReason } })
- })
- wrapper.update()
- expect(onFieldChange).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('reason', expectedReason)
- })
- })
- describe('typeahead search', () => {
- let wrapper: ReactWrapper
- beforeEach(() => {
- wrapper = mount(
- ,
- )
- })
- it('should call the PatientRepository search when typeahead changes', () => {
- const patientTypeahead = wrapper.find(Typeahead)
- const patientRepositorySearch = jest.spyOn(PatientRepository, 'search')
- const expectedSearchString = 'search'
- act(() => {
- patientTypeahead.prop('onSearch')(expectedSearchString)
- })
- expect(patientRepositorySearch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedSearchString)
- })
+ expect(screen.getByDisplayValue(expectedPatient.fullName as string)).toBeDisabled()