Text fields let users enter and edit text.
View Material Design documentation
LabelText="Name *"
Placeholder="Enter your name"
Text="{Binding Name}"
SupportingText="Name is required"
SupportingTextColor="Red" />
Default keyboard and base class for specialized keyboards, such as those for telephone numbers, email, URLs and others.
- Plain
- Chat
- Numeric
- Telephone
- Text
Enumerates keyboard option flags that controls capitalization, spellcheck, suggestion behavior and others.
- CapitalizeSentence
- Spellcheck
- Suggestions
- CapitalizeWord
- CapitalizeCharacter
- CapitalizeNone
- All
- None
- Using only one flag
LabelText="Name *"
Placeholder="Enter your name"
Text="{Binding Name}"
SupportingText="Name is required"
SupportingTextColor="Red" />
- Using multiple flags
LabelText="Name *"
Placeholder="Enter your name"
Text="{Binding Name}"
SupportingText="Name is required"
SupportingTextColor="Red" />
This property is to set a text transform.
- Default
- Lowercase
- Uppercase
This property is to set the keyboard return button style,
- Done
- Go
- Next
- Search
- Send
This property is to set the behavior after click on return button.
This property is to set the current text.
This property is to set the max length of the text.
This property is to set the cursor position.
This property is to set the event after the text changed.
This property is to set the corner radius for the control. This is used only when you set HasBorder as true.
CornerRadius supports a uniform radius to the four corners or you can set a different corner radius for each corner:
- CornerRadius="10"
- CornerRadius="0,10,10,10"
This property is to set the if you want or not animate the control on error.
This property is to set the horizontal text alignment.
- Start
- Center
- End
This property is to set the text color.
This property is to set the focused text color.
This property is to set the disabled text color.
This property is to set the font size.
This property is to set the font family.
This property is to set the placeholder of the material entry.
This property is to set the placeholder color of the material entry.
If you set this property to true the placeholder will be translated to label place. you mustn't set Label Text
This property is to set the label of the material entry.
This property is to set the label color of the material entry.
This property is to set the focused label color.
This property is to set the disabled label color.
This property is to set the label size of the material entry.
This property is to set the label font family of the material entry.
This property is to set the label margin family of the material entry. By default uses (16,0,16,0).
This property is to set the supporting text of the material entry.
This property is to set the supporting text color of the material entry.
This property is to set the supporting text size of the material entry.
This property is to set the supporting text font family of the material entry.
This property is to set the supporting text margin of the material entry. By default uses (16,4,16,0).
This property is to set the border color. This is enabled when you set the property HasBorder equals true.
This property is to set the focused border color. This is enabled when you set the property HasBorder equals true.
This property is to set the border color. This is enabled when you set the property HasBorder equals true.
This property is to set if this control has border or not.
This property is to set the border width.
This property is to set if this control behaves as password entry.
This property is to set the indicator color.
This property is to set the cursor color. Only supported on iOS
This property is to set the background color.
This property is to set the leading icon. This can be png or jpg.
This property is to set the leading icon with support to svg.
This property is to set the leading icon command.
This property is to set the leading icon command parameter.
This property is to set the trailing icon. This can be png or jpg.
This property is to set the trailing icon with support to svg.
This property is to set the trailing icon command.
This property is to set the trailing icon command parameter.
This property is to set the Label Line Break Mode
- NoWrap,
- WordWrap,
- CharacterWrap,
- HeadTruncation,
- TailTruncation,
- MiddleTruncation
This property is to set the Supporting LineBreakMode.
- NoWrap,
- WordWrap,
- CharacterWrap,
- HeadTruncation,
- TailTruncation,
- MiddleTruncation
This property is to set the padding of the control. By default uses (16, 8).