Topics covered in this document:
- Grammer of the Helios syntax
- Token types generated during first stage of parsing
- Operator precedence and associativity
- Optimization steps when generating optimized IR
- Complete list of builtin types and functions
Program ::= ScriptPurpose Statement (Statement)*
ScriptPurpose ::= ('testing' | 'minting' | 'spending' | 'staking' | 'module') Word
Statement ::= ImportStatement | ConstStatement | StructStatement | FuncStatement | EnumStatement
Comment ::= 'regexp://.*\n' | 'regexp:/\*(.*|\n)\*/'
ImportStatement ::= 'import' '{' ImportField (',' ImportField)* '}' 'from' ModuleName
ModuleName ::= Word
ImportField ::= Word ['as' Word]
TypeClassExpr ::= Identifier
TypeParameters ::= '[' TypeParameter (',' TypeParameter )* ']'
TypeParameter ::= Identifier [ ':' TypeClassExpr ]
StructStatement ::= 'struct' Word [ TypeParameters ] '{' DataDefinition [ImplDefinition] '}'
DataDefinition ::= DataField (DataField)*
DataField ::= Word ':' TypeExpr
DestructExpr ::= '_' | (Identifier [':' TypeExpr ['{' DestructExpr (',' DestructExpr)* '}']]) | (TypeExpr ['{' DestructExpr (',' DestructExpr)* '}'])
EnumStatement ::= 'enum' Identifier [ TypeParameters ] '{' EnumMember (EnumMember)* [ImplDefinition] '}'
EnumMember ::= Identifier ['{' DataDefinition '}']
ImplDefinition ::= ImplMember (ImplMember)*
ImplMember ::= ConstStatement | FuncStatement
ConstStatement ::= 'const' Identifier [':' TypeExpr] '=' ValueExpr
FuncStatement ::= 'func' Identifier [ TypeParameters ] '(' [('self' | FuncArg) (',' FuncArg)*] ')' '->' RetTypeExpr '{' ValueExpr '}'
FuncArg ::= '_' | ( Identifier ':' TypeExpr )
TypeExpr ::= NonFuncTypeExpr | FuncTypeExpr
RetTypeExpr ::= '(' ')' | TypeExpr | ( '(' TypeExpr ',' TypeExpr (',' TypeExpr)* ')' )
NonFuncTypeExpr ::= TypeRefExpr | TypePathExpr | ListTypeExpr | MapTypeExpr | OptionTypeExpr | ParametricTypeExpr
FuncTypeExpr ::= [ TypeParameters ] '(' [FuncArgTypeExpr (',' FuncArgTypeExpr)*] ')' '->' RetTypeExpr
FuncArgTypeExpr ::= [Identifier ':'] ['?'] TypeExpr
TypeRefExpr ::= Identifier
TypePathExpr ::= NonFuncTypeExpr '::' Word
ParametricTypeExpr ::= TypeExpr '[' TypeExpr (',' TypeExpr)* ']'
ListTypeExpr ::= '[' ']' NonFuncTypeExpr
MapTypeExpr ::= 'Map' '[' NonFuncTypeExpr ']' NonFuncTypeExpr
OptionTypeExpr ::= 'Option' '[' NonFuncTypeExpr ']'
ValueExpr ::= AssignExpr | MultiAssignExpr | PrintExpr | LiteralExpr | ValueRefExpr | ValuePathExpr | UnaryExpr | BinaryExpr | ParensExpr | CallExpr | MemberExpr | IfElseExpr | SwitchExpr | ParametricValueExpr
LiteralExpr ::= PrimitiveLiteralExpr | StructLiteralExpr | ListLiteralExpr | MapLiteralExpr | FuncLiteralExpr
PrimitiveLiteralExpr ::= PrimitiveLiteral
PrimitiveLiteral ::= IntLiteral | BoolLiteral | StringLiteral | ByteArrayLiteral
StructLiteralExpr ::= (TypePathExpr | TypeRefExpr) ['{' StructLiteralField (',' StructLiteralField)* '}']
StructLiteralField ::= [Word ':'] ValueExpr
ListLiteralExpr ::= '[]' TypeExpr '{' [ValueExpr] (',' ValueExpr)* '}'
MapLiteralExpr ::= 'Map' '[' TypeExpr ']' TypeExpr '{' [ValueExpr ':' ValueExpr] (',' ValueExpr ':' ValueExpr)* '}'
FuncLiteralExpr ::= [TypeParameters] '(' [FuncArg (',' FuncArc)*] ')' '->' TypeExpr '{' ValueExpr '}'
IntLiteral ::= 'regexp:[0-9]+' | 'regexp:0b[0-1]+' | 'regexp:0o[0-7]+' | 'regexp:0x[0-9a-f]+'
BoolLiteral ::= 'true' | 'false'
StringLiteral ::= '"' StringLiteralChar* '"';
StringLiteralChar ::= '\\' | '\n' | '\t' | '\"' | 'regexp:[^\]'
ByteArrayLiteral ::= '#' 'regexp:[0-9a-f]*'
BinaryExpr ::= ValueExpr BinaryOp ValueExpr
BinaryOp ::= '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '==' | '!=' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '||' | '&&'
UnaryExpr ::= UnaryOp ValueExpr
UnaryOp ::= '-' | '+' | '!'
AssignExpr ::= DestructExpr '=' ValueExpr ';' ValueExpr
MultiAssignExpr ::= '(' DestructExpr ',' DestructExpr (',' DestructExpr)* ')' '=' ValueExpr ';' ValueExpr
PrintExpr ::= 'print' '(' ValueExpr ')'
ErrorExpr ::= [ValueExpr ';'] 'error' '(' ValueExpr ')'
BranchExpr ::= ValueExpr | ErrorExpr
IfElseExpr ::= 'if' '(' ValueExpr ')' '{' BranchExpr '}' ('else' 'if' '(' ValueExpr ')' '{' BranchExpr '}')* 'else' '{' BranchExpr '}'
SwitchExpr ::= ValueExpr '.' 'switch' '{' SwitchCase (',' SwitchCase)* [SwitchDefault] '}'
SwitchCase ::= DestructExpr '=>' (BranchExpr | ('{' BranchExpr '}'))
SwitchDefault ::= 'else' '=>' (BranchExpr | ('{' BranchExpr '}'))
CallExpr ::= ValueExpr '(' [ValueExpr (',' ValueExpr)*] ')';
MemberExpr ::= ValueExpr '.' Word
ParensExpr ::= '(' [ValueExpr (',' ValueExpr)*] ')'
ValuePathExpr ::= NonFuncTypeExpr '::' Word
ValueRefExpr ::= Identifier
ParametricValueExpr ::= ValueExpr '[' TypeExpr (',' TypeExpr)* ']'
Identifier ::= Word
Word ::= 'regexp:[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
The tokenizer generates a list of the following terms:
- Word
- Symbol
- Group
with fields separated by commas - IntLiteral
- BoolLiteral
- StringLiteral
- ByteArrayLiteral
Comments are removed immediately.
... = ... ; ...
andprint(...); ...
, right-to-left||
, left-to-right&&
, left-to-right==
, left-to-right<
, left-to-right- binary
, left-to-right *
, left-to-right- unary
, right-to-left .
,... (...)
,... {...}
,(...) -> ... {...}
,if (...) {...} else ...
and... . switch {...}
, left-to-right(...)
- as much reuse as possible in the manually written IR code
- const evaluation (with special handling of partial consts in eg. the ifThenElse condition, multiplying by zero etc.)
- elimination of function calls with a single argument itself starting with the inverse call
- inlining of single use variables
- unused variable and dead-code elimination
- extraction of core cast functions
associated: from_data, parse, from_little_endian, from_big_endian, min, max, from_base58, sqrt, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __neg, __pos, __add, __sub, __mul, __div, __mod, __geq, __gt, __leq, __lt
methods: serialize, to_bool, to_hex, to_little_endian, to_big_endian, show, bound, bound_min,
bound_max, abs, encode_zigzag, decode_zigzag, to_base58, to_real
internal ns: __helios__int
associated: from_data, __to_data, sqrt
operators: __eq, __neq, __neg, __pos, __add, __sub, __mul, __div, __geq, __gt, __leq, __lt
methods: serialize, show, floor, trunc, ceil, round,
internal ns: __helios__real
associated: and, or, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __not, __and (desugars as 'and'), __or (desugars as 'or')
methods: serialize, to_int, show
internal ns: __helios__bool
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add
methods: serialize, starts_with, ends_with, encode_utf8
internal ns: __helios__string
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add, __lt, __leq, __gt, __geq
getters: length
methods: serialize, slice, starts_with, ends_with, sha2, sha3, blake2b, decode_utf8, show, prepend
internal ns: __helios__bytearray
associated: new, new_const, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add
getters: length, head, tail
methods: serialize, is_empty, get, prepend, any, all, find, find_safe, filter, fold, fold_lazy,
map, sort, for_each, get_singleton, drop, take, drop_end, take_end, sum, join, flatten
internal ns: __helios__list
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add
getters: length, head_key, head_value, tail
methods: serialize, is_empty, get, get_safe, set, delete, all, all_keys, all_values, any, any_key, any_value,
filter, filter_by_key, filter_by_value, fold, fold_keys, fold_values,
fold_lazy, fold_keys_lazy, fold_values_lazy, map_keys, map_values, prepend
sort, sort_by_key, sort_by_value, find, find_key, find_key_safe, find_by_key, find_value, find_value_safe, find_by_value, for_each,
update, update_safe
internal ns: __helios__map
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize, unwrap, map
internal ns: __helios__option
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: some
methods: serialize
hidden: new, cast
internal ns: __helios__option__some
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
methods: serialize
hidden: new, cast
internal ns: __helios__option__none
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__scripthash
associated: new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __lt, __leq, __gt, __geq
methods: serialize, show
internal ns: __helios__hash
associated: new, from_data, from_script_hash, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __lt, __leq, __gt, __geq
methods: serialize, show
macros: CURRENT
internal ns: __helios__hash
associated: new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize, show, verify
internal ns: __helios__pubkey
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: tx
methods: serialize, get_spending_purpose_output_id, get_current_validator_hash,
get_current_minting_policy_hash, get_current_input, get_staking_purpose,
get_script_purpose, get_cont_outputs
macros: new_spending, new_minting, new_rewarding, new_certifying
internal ns: __helios__scriptcontext
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__stakingpurpose
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: credential
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__stakingpurpose__rewarding
operator: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: dcert,
methods: serialize,
internal ns: __helios__stakingpurpose__certifying
associated: from_data, new_minting, new_spending, new_rewarding, new_certifying, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__scriptpurpose
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: policy_hash
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__scriptpurpose__minting
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: output_id
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__scriptpurpose__spending
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: credential
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__scriptpurpose__rewarding
operator: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: dcert,
methods: serialize,
internal ns: __helios__scriptpurpose__certifying
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
macros: new_register, new_deregister, new_delegate, new_register_pool, new_retire_pool
internal ns: __helios__dcert
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: credential
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__dcert__register
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: credential
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__dcert__deregister
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: delegator, pool_id
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__dcert__delegate
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: pool_id, pool_vrf
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__dcert__registerpool
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: pool_id, epoch
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__dcert__retirepool
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: inputs, ref_inputs, outputs, fee, minted, dcerts, withdrawals, time_range,
signatories, id
methods: serialize, find_datum_hash,
outputs_sent_to, outputs_sent_to_datum,
outputs_locked_by, outputs_locked_by_datum,
value_sent_to, value_sent_to_dataum,
value_locked_by, value_locked_by_datum, is_signed_by
macros: new
hidden: datums
internal ns: __helios__tx
associated: new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __lt, __leq, __gt, __geq
methods: serialize, show
macros: CURRENT
internal ns: __helios__txid
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: output_id, output, value, datum, address
methods: serialize
macros: new
internal ns: __helios__txinput
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: address, value, datum, ref_script_hash
methods: serialize
macros: new
hidden: get_datum_hash
internal ns: __helios__txoutput
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
macros: new_none, new_hash, new_inline
methods: inline_data, serialize
internal ns: __helios__outputdatum
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__outputdatum__none
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: hash
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__outputdatum__hash
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
getters: data
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__outputdatum__inline
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: tag
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__data
associated: new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __lt, __leq, __gt, __geq
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__txoutputid
associated: new, new_empty, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: credential, staking_credential
methods: serialize
hidden: is_staked
internal ns: __helios__address
associated: new_pubkey, new_validator, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
hidden: is_pubkey, is_validator
internal ns: __helios__credential
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: hash
methods: serialize
hidden: cast
internal ns: __helios__credential__pubkey
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: hash
methods: serialize
hidden: cast
internal ns: __helios__credential__validator
associated: new_stakekey, new_validator, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
hidden: is_stakekey, is_validator
internal ns: __helios__stakinghash
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: hash
methods: serialize
hidden: cast
internal ns: __helios__stakinghash__stakekey
associated: from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: hash
methods: serialize
hidden: cast
internal ns: __helios__stakinghash__validator
associated: new_hash, new_ptr, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__stakingcredential
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__stakingcredential__hash
operators: __eq, __neq, __to_data
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__stakingcredential__ptr
associated: new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add, __sub, __sub_alt, __geq, __gt, __leq, __lt
methods: serialize, show
internal ns: __helios__time
associated: new, from_data, SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add, __sub, __mul, __div, __div_alt, __mod, __geq, __gt, __leq, __lt
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__duration
associated: new, to, from, ALWAYS, NEVER, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: start, end
methods: serialize, contains, is_before, is_after, show
internal ns: __helios__timerange
associated: ADA, new, from_data, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq
getters: mph, token_name
methods: serialize
internal ns: __helios__assetclass
associated: ZERO, lovelace, new, from_data, from_map, __to_data
operators: __eq, __neq, __add, __sub, __geq, __gt, __leq, __lt
methods: serialize, is_zero, get, get_safe, contains, get_policy, contains_policy, to_map, get_lovelace, get_assets, show
hidden: get_map_keys, merge_map_keys, get_inner_map, get_inner_map_int, add_or_subtract_inner, add_or_subtract, compare_inner, compare
internal ns: __helios__value
Common (hidden from user)
associated: verbose_error, assert_constr_index, not, identity, serialize, is_in_bytearray_list
unBoolData, boolData, unStringData, stringData
operators: __eq, __neq
methods: __identity
internal ns: __helios__common