Thanks for taking the time to contribute! Here's a quick checklist for you to run through when thinking through and formulating a contribution:
- I read and will adhere to the Code of Conduct!
- I checked the list for an existing entry for the thing I'm adding.
- I can personally vet the thing I'm adding as high-quality and well-documented.
- I added the thing in the correct category!
- I made sure that the thing I added was in alphabetal order.
- I have properly formatted the line for the thing I'm adding.
- Example:
[Name](Link) - Description
- Example:
- I have outlined the value of the thing in my pull request.
Please think twice when submitting paid assets. It'd be preferable to keep the number of paid assets to a minumum to keep things as accessible and helpful as possible. This policy may shift towards maintaining a list of high-quality paid assets to reflect that. Part of that process will involve defining what high-quality as much as possible.
If you've got any questions, feel free to file it via the issue tracker or contact the maintainer privately via their listed e-mail address, if available.