diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md index cc3735a8..7fde17a4 100644 --- a/CHANGES.md +++ b/CHANGES.md @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ - Improved automatic detection of coding style by not stopping at the first change in number of violations [#415](https://github.com/HaxeCheckstyle/haxe-checkstyle/issues/415) - Improved handling of file content and `class` parsing in TokenTree [#413](https://github.com/HaxeCheckstyle/haxe-checkstyle/issues/413) - Refactored handling of internal errors (parsing and checks) [#413](https://github.com/HaxeCheckstyle/haxe-checkstyle/issues/413) +- Cleanup command line options ## version 2.3.0 (2018-05-07) diff --git a/src/checkstyle/Main.hx b/src/checkstyle/Main.hx index 3a186495..a27f119f 100644 --- a/src/checkstyle/Main.hx +++ b/src/checkstyle/Main.hx @@ -77,19 +77,18 @@ class Main { TEXT_PATH = path; }, @doc("Set reporter style (XSLT)") ["-x", "--xslt"] => function(style:String) STYLE = style, - @doc("Show percentage progress") ["-progress"] => function() SHOW_PROGRESS = true, + @doc("Sets the number of checker threads") ["-checkerthreads"] => function (num:Int) overrideCheckerThreads = num, + @doc("Generate a default config and exit") ["-default-config", "--default-config"] => function(path) generateDefaultConfig(path), + @doc("Try to detect your coding style (experimental)") ["-detect"] => function (path) detectCodingStyle(path), @doc("Return number of failed checks in exitcode") ["-exitcode"] => function() EXIT_CODE = true, - @doc("List all available checks and exit") ["--list-checks"] => function() listChecks(), - @doc("List all available reporters and exit") ["--list-reporters"] => function() listReporters(), - @doc("Generate a default config and exit") ["--default-config"] => function(path) generateDefaultConfig(path), + @doc("List all available checks and exit") ["-list-checks", "--list-checks"] => function() listChecks(), + @doc("List all available reporters and exit") ["-list-reporters", "--list-reporters"] => function() listReporters(), @doc("Omit styling in output summary") ["-nostyle"] => function() NO_STYLE = true, - @doc("Show checks missing from active config") ["-show-missing-checks"] => function () SHOW_MISSING_CHECKS = true, - @doc("Sets the number of checker threads") ["-checkerthreads"] => function (num:Int) overrideCheckerThreads = num, @doc("Do not use checker threads") ["-nothreads"] => function () disableThreads = true, - @doc("Try to detect your coding style (experimental)") ["-detect"] => function (path) detectCodingStyle(path), + @doc("Show percentage progress") ["-progress"] => function() SHOW_PROGRESS = true, + @doc("Show checks missing from active config") ["-show-missing-checks"] => function () SHOW_MISSING_CHECKS = true, @doc("Adds error messages for files that checkstyle fails to parse") ["-show-parser-errors"] => function () ReporterManager.SHOW_PARSE_ERRORS = true, - @doc("Show report [DEPRECATED]") ["-report"] => function() Sys.println("\n-report is no longer needed."), _ => function(arg:String) failWith("Unknown command: " + arg) ]);