This directory contains a Dockerfile that builds the h2load using OpenSSL v3 and OQS provider, which allows h2load to negotiate quantum-safe keys in TLS 1.3.
Assuming Docker is installed, the following command
docker network create h2load-test
docker build -t h2load .
docker run --name h2load --network h2load-test -it h2load
will run the container for the PQ-enabled h2load.
After running the h2load container, to verify that h2load performs quantum-safe key exchange, run an OQS-enabled TLS test server using the following commands
docker run --rm --name oqs-nginx --network h2load-test openquantumsafe/nginx
To force http/1.1 for both http and https URI, specify --h1
On the command prompt in the h2load docker container, run
h2load -n 1000 -c 10 https://oqs-nginx:4433 --groups kyber512
Documentation for using the h2load docker image is contained in the separate file.