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H4P Flyer


Service shortname mqtt

Connects to an MQTT server and manages automatic reconnection after failure. Provides utility functions to simplify message handling / parsing. User will find essential pre-reading Handling MQTT topics / commands



H4P_WiFi h4wifi(...
H4P_AsyncMQTT cutie(...

This plugin is a "singleton" - there may be only one single instance of it in the app. It may be instantiated as any name the user chooses, prefix all API calls below with that name.


Commands Added

  • h4/mqtt/change/v,w,x,y,z (payload: v=scheme [http|https], w=broker,x=uname,y=passwd,z=port) e.g. https,,,,1883
  • h4/mqtt/report // display basic details about the device

Service Commands

stop will disconnect from MQTT and initiate closedown of all Plugins that depend on MQTT start will connect to MQTT and start all dependent services


uint32_t onMessage(vector<string>); // where "onMessage" is a user-defined topic handling function

Topics automatically published

Publishes h4/< your device name >/offline when it loses the MQTT connection.

It publishes h4/< your device name >/report with a JSON payload of e.g.

    "bin": "Generic_SONOFF.ino",
    "board": "D1_MINI",
    "h4P": "1.0.1",
    "ip": "",

Immediately after connection to the server.

These allow 3rd party software e.g. NODE-RED to maintain a list of all devices on the network and gain sufficient information from each to query and / or control their status. For example, this is a screenshot of the authors' NODE RED server see Advanced Topics for more details




optional Last Will and Testament structure:
struct H4P_LWT {
    const char*     topic;
    const char*     payload;
    int      QOS;
    bool     retain;
// user / pass optional if server requires authentication
// url remote server format "http://host:port/path/?a=b..." can start https://. port, path, query all optional
// e.g. "http://myserver.local:1883"
// lwt = optional Last Will and Testament for custom LWT message
H4P_AsyncMQTT(string url, string user="",string pass="",H4P_LWT lwt={"","",0,false});
void addReportingItem(const string& ri); // adds global config item ri to the list of values oncluded on `report`
void change(const string& url,const string& user,const string& passwd);
void publishDevice(const string& topic,const string& payload,uint8_t qos=0, bool retain=false); // publish <device>/topic with string payload
void publishDevice(const string& topic,uint32_t payload,uint8_t qos=0, bool retain=false); // publish <device>/topic with numeric payload
void report(); // publishes golbal config item values as JSON
void subscribeDevice(string topic,H4_FN_MSG f,H4PC_CMD_ID root=H4PC_ROOT); // call f when <device>/topic message received
void subscribeDevice(initializer_list<string> topic,H4_FN_MSG f,H4PC_CMD_ID root=H4PC_ROOT); // multiple topics in one call
void unsubscribeDevice(string topic);
void unsubscribeDevice(initializer_list<string> topic)

Example sketches

(c) 2021 Phil Bowles [email protected]