Write a basic Node.js/Express application that responds to several routes and communicates with MongoDB or SQLite to save and retrieve some information (e.g. a person, a pet, a car, you choose)
Having written the application, write several unit tests (using Mocha/Chai or Jest) to ensure the application behaves as expected.
Dockerise your application, and demonstrate running it in a container locally (on your computer)
Extra 1: Ensure good code style with ESLint Extra 2: Create a basic Kubernetes Helm chart for the app and deploy (locally in Minikube or on the cloud) Extra 3: Set up TravisCI to run a unit test check every time you update your repository and build the Docker container
Your code deployment should be tracked on a public git repository (on GitHub), and should include sufficient documentation/instructions to replicate. Follow good git practice to separate the development of each unit test.
- Install NodeJS
- Install Docker
- Install Kubernetes
- Install Minikube
- MongoDB
- Edit mongodb config.js file in the root of your project to your mongodb URL
- Run npm install
- Run npm start
- Go to http://localhost:5000
# Start Docker / Minikube / Kubernetes
# Modify node-controller.yaml file with docker image name e.g "<DOCKER_USERNAME>/node-image:full-stack"
# Run npm install
npm install
# Build docker image
docker image build -t node-image .
# Docker login with credentials
docker login
# To get image ID use command - `docker image ls`
# Create a tag for docker image
docker tag <IMAGE_ID> <DOCKER_USERNAME>/node-image:full-stack
# Docker push
docker push <DOCKER_USERNAME>/node-image
# Create service and pod for NodeJS and MongoDB
kubectl create -f node-service.yaml
kubectl create -f node-controller.yaml
kubectl create -f mongo-service.yaml
kubectl create -f mongo-controller.yaml
# Run services to initiate connection
- kubectl describe svc mongo
- Kubectl describe svc full-stack
# Get IP ADD | NODEPORT use command below
- kubectl describe svc full-Stack
- minikube ip
npm run lint
npm run test