This is a pacman game i am currently working on for fun. I have developed it again with similar animations and sprites but due to it being my first javascript project it didn't come out as good and scalable. The code was messy and the bugs were countless. The old repository is here.
To try it out for now there is no installation or anything but you need npm and npm live-server.
Download the files and perform the command $ live-server
inside the folder. Then navigate to /code/html/ to play.
The code is written with scalability in mind. For example, someone can make a new level with a .tmx and a .json files (the one that is already contained) that can be produced with the use of the software 'Tiled' and the '/assets/sprites/tileset.png', along with a json file in whitch there are (for now manually) written the points array and the starting axes of pacman.
- Draw Ghosts
- Make static OOP functions in seperate file
- Add Ghosts etc
- Add Ghost prison variables
- Add Ghost death
- Menu
- Sound
- Display Score, Multipliers, Lifes etc
- Highscores
- Multiple levels
- Add the portals
- Make Clearer Animation