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Conditions Data server prototype - replaced by Crest


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Author: A.Formica

Date of last development period: 2016/05/01
   Copyright (C) 2015  A.Formica

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Pre-compilation instructions
  3. Build instructions
  4. Modules description
  5. Deployment description
  6. Using spring profiles
  7. Maven options


Test project for the implementation of a generic purpose conditions database for physics experiment. It uses Spring framework and the REST services are implemented via Jersey. The REST services are documented via swagger. We will describe later how to check the swagger documentation information, which is not included in the project itself.

Pre compilation

Here is a list of things to verify before installing the software. This project is based on maven (in general the command is mvn). The project has been tested using java version 8. In the following instruction we are using for project base directory the denomination : <prj_home>


To install this software you should have installed in your computer apache-maven and Java version 8.

Property file

You need to create a property file in your <prj_home> directory and link this file in all modules sub-directories. The file has to be named: An utility script allows to create the links automatically: after creating the file inside the <prj_home> you can run the setup.shscript.

The property file contains a set of parameters which are used to set user names and passwords. Depending on the testing that you want to perform, you do not need all these parameters. Here is a short list of the parameters which can be set:

  • condreader=xxxxxx : password for an Oracle account containing PL/SQL code for accessing COOL tables (used only for ATLAS).
  • tomcat.datasource=java/MYDS : datasource used in tomcat, and declared in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml file where datasources can be defined in order to share them among different applications.
  • : name of the file containing the h2 database on local disk (used for jetty testing for example).
  • devuser=xxxxxx : user name which can be used for Oracle DB connection for testing under devdb11 (used only for testing environment in ATLAS/CMS).
  • devpassword=xxxxxx : password which can be used for Oracle DB connection for testing under devdb11 (used only for testing environment in ATLAS/CMS).

Further explanation of the parameters will be given later.

Oracle driver installation

Since Oracle JDBC driver is not present in maven repositories, you should install it locally using the following procedure. Download the ojdbc6.jar file in your computer. Use maven to install it (the example here uses version of oracle driver): mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./ojdbc6.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar

This will create an appropriate repository for oracle inside your maven local repository (~/.m2/xxxx).


Execute the following commands from project base directory.

  • To compile the code: <prj_home>/$ mvn clean compile
  • To package the code: <prj_home>/$ mvn package
  • To install the compiled jars into the user maven repository: <prj_home>/$ mvn install . The installation step uses the directory ~/.m2/....

The previous steps can also be included in the same line

  • <prj_home>/$ mvn clean install During this phase tests are also executed (the code of the tests is contained in <package>/src/test/java/...)

The products of the build are stored in the target directory of every sub-module.


  1. conddb-cool => Web application that is used to retrieve data from ATLAS COOL DB (using PL/SQL package) Go to the conddb-cool/README.txt for more informations.

  2. conddb-web => Web application that is used to access the PhysCondDB conditions DB core services. Go to the README file for more informations.

  3. conddb-svc => Jar file containing spring repositories.

  4. conddb-data => Jar file containing entity model.

  5. conddb-js => Javascript web application

  6. python => Python client libraries (based on a swagger generated api). Includes also some command line tools. Go to the REDME file for more informations.


We can deploy the application in several environments. Below we list instructions for Tomcat and Jetty.


Go to the tomcat installation directory to start tomcat server. In general this is defined as CATALINA_HOME. Set the profiles that you want to use before starting tomcat.

<$CATALINA_HOME>/$ export CATALINA_OPTS=",h2,basic"

These profiles refer to

  • prod : the database connection in tomcat (spring definition)
  • h2 : the database connections parameters for h2 database
  • basic : the authentication profile to be used

If you are not at cern, you may need socks proxy to allow connections to Oracle DB that we use for testing; in this case the options should be:

<$CATALINA_HOME>/$ export CATALINA_OPTS=",h2,basic -DsocksProxyHost=localhost -DsocksProxyPort=3129"

Start tomcat server: <$CATALINA_HOME>/$ ./bin/ start

Go to project ROOT directory and choose the web module to install:

   <prj_home>/$ cd conddb-cool
   <prj_home>/conddb-cool$ mvn tomcat7:redeploy


   <prj_home>/$ cd conddb-web
   <prj_home>/conddb-web$ mvn tomcat7:redeploy

This command suppose that tomcat is running under: http://localhost:8080


Jetty is a small server embedded within the application. Single modules can be deployed in Jetty by using the following command:

Go to project ROOT directory and choose the web module to install:

   <prj_home>/$ cd conddb-cool
   <prj_home>/conddb-cool$ mvn,h2,basic jetty:run


   <prj_home>/$ cd conddb-web
   <prj_home>/conddb-web$ mvn,h2,basic jetty:run

In this case, the modules cannot be started together, but only one at the time.

Property file: content description

The elements in the property file allow to provide parameter which configure the application. Below is an example which contains empty elements just to provide a description

  #The h2 file name 
condreader=not needed for conddb-web
devuser=some development username for oracle connection (in general this is only for tests)
devpassword=the password for devuser

The passwords (condreader, devuser, devpassword) are used in the Web modules (e.g.: conddb-web and conddb-cool).

Define a new DB connection

Change the configuration files of conddb-web module in order to write your own DB connection. For example in case of jetty deployment you can modify the content of conddb-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml, if you intend to set a connection to a DB server which is not a local H2 database. The external server connection is something like this for Oracle:

<New id="oradevdatasource" class="">
            <New class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
                <Set name="driverClassName">oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</Set>
                <Set name="url">jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION = 
        (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=mydbhostname) (PORT=aportnumber) )
                <Set name="username">${devuser}</Set>
                <Set name="password">${devpassword}</Set>

The important configuration here (a part from the DB connection string) consists in the JNDI name of the connection: jdbc/OraDB. This name should be the same as the one defined in spring configuration files: conddb-web/src/main/resourcer/spring/sql/ Here you can find a variable called: serverMode.jetty.localDataSource, which should then be set equal to jdbc/OraDB. In the case of other deployments (like tomcat), the system is using other variables (e.g. serverMode.tomcat.localDataSource). In this case the name has to match the definition of the connection that you will configure in your tomcat server. This can be done in 2 ways: either for all applications (inside $CATALINA_HOME/conf/xxx.xml configuration files) or via a self-contained context.xml file, that you can find in conddb-web/src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml. Be careful since the JNDI name will be different if you are in tomcat or JBoss server. The name examples can be find in the provided files ( The name of the selected properties file that spring will pick up is drived via a spring profile: h2 or oracle will load or

If you use in addition the dev spring profile (instead of prod) you may define directly via properties, inside the file, those properties that will activate a connection for your application. The definition of the datasources is inside the conddb-web/src/main/resources/spring/db/dao-datasources-context.xml file.

Some of the fields in this file are very important in case of deployment under jetty, tomcat7 or jboss.

Using spring profiles

To improve the flexibility during the deployment step, the prototype makes usage of spring profiles. Via the defined profiles we can create appropriate datasources and JNDI naming for retrieving a connection depending on the server where the module has been deployed. We can then use an environment variable to set the appropriate profile:

The variable can be set at command line level or using JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS variables. For production, the best is to set the property in the web.xml file of the module conddb-web.


Maven useful options

In order to skip tests when compiling and installing libraries you can use the following option:

mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true     

test are not executed and not compiled or

mvn -DskipTests=true

test are not executed

Some useful commands to test services

This should be improved.

  • Insert a global tag:
  • time curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "name" : "BGTAG_02", "lockstatus" : "unlocked","validity" : 4, "description" : "Second test gtag", "release" : "3.0", "snapshotTime" : "2013-06-01T10:10:10+02:00"}' --proxy socks5h://localhost:3129


Conditions Data server prototype - replaced by Crest







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