This session will introduce computing on a Unix machine, as well as beginning to introduce simple Python programming.
Note that the python_intro
and git-lab-xxx.pdf
resources here are out of date
and can be ignore for purposes of the 2020 CHAMP camp.
The notes for the unix/shell tutorial are here.
We will be using the excellent Software Carpentry tutorial here
It is not recommended that the students have the tutorial open while going through the session, but it is a useful resource after the tutorial.
The topics covered will be (time-permitting):
- Setup
- Running and Quitting
- Variables and Assignment
- Data Types and Type Conversion
- Built-in Functions and Help
- Libraries
- Reading Tabular Data into Dataframes
- Pandas Dataframes
- Plotting
Note to presenters: The notes are quite comprehensive and it is recommended to go through them pretty much verbatim, stopping at the various exercises included. All code should be typed out live in the presentation.