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Buffer Organizer

Christopher Hogan edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 13 revisions

The Buffer Organizer is the "corrector" half of our predictor/corrector model. It attempts to correct sub-optimal DPE placements by moving data among buffers.


  • Management of hierarchical buffering space
    • Data flushing
    • Read acceleration
  • Manage data life cycle, or journey
    • When is the blob in equilibrium?
    • How do we eliminate unnecessary data movement?

Blob Scoring

We attempt to meet the above objectives via a Blob scoring system. Each Blob has two different scores associated with it: the importance score and the access score.

Importance Score

The importance score is a real number in the range [0, 1] where 0 represents a Blob that is not important to the user (i.e., it will not be accessed) and 1 represents a Blob that will be accessed either very frequently, very soon, or both.

Variables that might contribute to the importance score

  • Blob Size
  • Blob Name
  • Recency of Blob access
  • Frequency of Blob access
  • Reference count of the Blob's Bucket (how processes currently have the Bucket open).
  • Number of times the Blob was linked to a VBucket
  • User-supplied priority (this is only a hint, not a guarantee).

Access Score

This is a real number in the range [0, 1] where 0 represents a Blob with the slowest access time (i.e., all its Buffers are in the slowest tier) and 1 represents a Blob with the quickest access time (all the Buffers are in the fastest tier).

Variables that contribute to the access score

  • Bandwidth of the tiers that contain the Blob's Buffers.
  • The Blob distribution (is all the data in a single Buffer, or is it spread out among multiple Buffers on multiple nodes?).

How the scores are used

The goal of the BufferOrganizer is to ensure that each Blob's access score is closely aligned to its importance score.


All BufferOrganizer operations are implemented in terms of 3 simple operators

  • MOVE(BufferID, TargetID)
  • COPY(BufferID, TargetID)
  • DELETE(BufferID)

With these operators, we can build more complex tasks:


Move a BufferID from one set of Targets to another.

Who can initiate Transfer tasks?

  • The System (load balancing)
  • The User (producer/consumer)

Evict(size_t bytes, Targets[])

Move a set of BufferIds from one set of Targets to an unspecified location (could even be swap space).

Who can initiate Eviction tasks?

  • Put (DPE)
  • Get (Prefetcher)
  • Thread that updates the SystemViewState (enforces a minimum capacity threshold passed in through the config).

Who translates an Eviction into a series of Transfers?

  • DPE?
  • BO?

Swap Target

When GetBuffers fails (because constraints can't be met or we are out of buffering space), we send blobs to Swap Space. We reserve a special Buffering Target for this purpose called the Swap Target. This special target is never considered by a DPE as a buffering target. It is only meant as a "dumping ground" for blobs that don't fit in our buffering space. It will usually be backed by a parallel file system, but could also be backed by AWS, or any other storage. From an API perspective, a blob in swap space is no different from a blob elsewhere in the hierarchy. You can Get it, ask for its metadata, Delete it, etc.

PFS Swap Target Assumptions

  • For now we'll assume that the swap target is backed by a parallel file system.
  • We'll keep one swap file per node, assuming we stick with one buffer organizer per node.

Single shared file pros

  • Could theoretically reap performance benefits of collective IO operations, although I don't think we'll ever be able to capitalize on this because each rank must act independently and can't synchronize with the other ranks.
  • Less stress on the PFS metadata server.

File per rank pros

  • Don't have to worry about reserving size for each rank.
  • Don't have to worry about locking.

File per node

  • We'll go with this for the initial implementation.
  • Don't have to worry about locking or reserving size with respect to the buffer organizer. However, since multiple ranks could potentially write to the same swap file, we need to either
    • Filter all swap traffic through the buffer organizer
    • Synchronize all access to the file
  • Won't overload the metadata servers as bad as file per rank.

Do we go through the BPM? (No)

  • + Can reuse a lot of code paths.
  • - Have to decide sizes ahead of time.
  • - Cuts into our RAM.
  • - Might run out of buffers.


The Buffer Organizer can be triggered in 3 ways:


The period can be controlled by a configuration variable.


  • If, for any reason, a client DPE places data to the swap target, it will also trigger the buffer organizer by adding an event to the buffer organizer's queue.
  • We store the blob name, the offset into the swap target (for file-based targets), and the blob size.
  • When the buffer organizer processes an event, it
  1. Reads the blob from the swap target into memory.
  2. Calls Put to place the blob into the hierarchy. If the Put fails, it tries again, up to num_buffer_organizer_retries (configurable) times.


  • Nothing is implemented yet.
  • Should the BO constantly monitor the buffering hierarchy and attempt to maintain a set of rules (remaining capacity percentage, thresholds, etc.)?
  • Should the BO simply carry out "orders" and not attempt to make its own decisions? If so, who gives the orders?
  • Should the BO be available for other asynchronous tasks?

Requirements for Queue implementation

  • (At least) 2 different priority lanes
  • Node local and remote queues (but only for neighborhoods, not global queues).
  • Need ability to restrict queue length

Design Details

BO RPC Server

  • RPC is used to route BoTasks to the appropriate Hermes core.
  • The BO RPC server only has one function:
    bool EnqueueBoTask(BoTask task, Priority priority);

Buffer Organizer

Work Queues

  • Argobots pools
  • High and low priorities
  • Basic FIFO queue by default
  • Completely customizable (e.g., could be a priority queue, min-heap, etc.)


  • Argobots schedulers
  • Takes tasks from the queues and runs them on OS threads as user level threads (basically coroutines).
  • Completely customizable.
  • By default, one scheduler is associated with a single execution stream (OS thread).
  • Only take tasks from low priority queue if high priority queue is empty?


  • Argobots execution streams
  • Bound to a processing element (CPU core or hyperthread), and shouldn't be oversubscribed.

Example Flows

Hot Put

BO Eviction Flow

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