Attendees: Christine, Nina
Status of selection of items for digitization
- Nina's been reading up on the history of the college to aid in selection.
- She hasn't selected any materials as of yet. Will try to complete selection by next meeting.
Status of Equipment
- Nina still waiting on computer. Order now delayed until Dec 22. She may have to try to use her current desktop in the interim. She will send us the specs.
- Software- she has a meeting scheduled with her IT person. Photoshop, Excel, Silverfast, FastStone. She will need to order a license for Photoshop.
-Status of filling vacant position at Clinton College
-Support needed from AUC
- Next steps
- Scanning tutorial (separate meeting)
- Metadata –shared google sheet
- Schedule a meeting before next month to review scanning procedures.
- Connect Nina with Robert Fallen about setting up EZProxy.
Attendees: Cliff, Sandra, Nina, Christine
Confirm Project Name - all HBCU LA Digital Collections Expansion Pilot Project Adding content to GitHub – Cliff
- Cliff demonstrated creating the repository
- GitHub uses Markdown to format text. Look up in Google for help.
- Use this for workflows and documentation
- Cliff uploaded and converted the project plan into a markdown document.
Review current instance of CONTENTdm – Cliff
- Cliff pulled up the back end of CONTENTdm Administration
- Two main components - website and the project client (software that runs on the individuals computer) Third pieve is the server
- Administrative - determine fields and layout
- Adding collections
- Collections organized by institution
- View metadata fields
- Each collection seems to have a different set of fields (we may want to standardize or at least set a minimum of required fields to meet minimum Dublin Core description)
- Items tab allows you to look at individual items and approve before publishing
- Setting up harvesting
- Configure website display
- Adding users
- Running reports
- Adding collections
- Project Client - upload content - this will be demo-ed at a later meeting
- Discussion about adding Clinton College content - we may try different workflows to see what works best. As we get into digitization, we’ll talk about the metadata fields we want to capture and documentation for the data dictionary.
Selection for digitization - Christine
- Shared slides. Nina emphasized the importance of the AME church history to Clinton College’s history.
Update from Nina
She hoped to have items selected by the end of next month. In the process of hiring two Library Associates now. Once onboard they will help. Maybe shoot for beginning of October
Skip the September meeting so Nina can get the new hires onboard. Next meeting -How about Oct 20th 11am
Request from Alabama State regarding Meta Archive - yes, they can ingest content but would be good to get access images for CDM.
Present at DLF - part of HBCU LA - 15 minute sessions. Proposals due by end of week - 2 presenter per presentation- Cliff and Nina
Attendees: Cliff Landis, Nina Ishokir, Sandra Phoenix, Christine Wiseman
Review project timeline and goals
- All agreed to the timeline and goals in the proposal document
- Team will meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 11 am via Zoom
Update from Clinton College (Nina)
- They have the Epson scanner
- Computer has been ordered from Dell- estimated arrival date of end September.
- Just had a staff resignation. Hoping to have a new person in place by August. Either way, Nina will do the scanning initially.
- Cliff proposed we use GitHub for documentation, everyone agreed
- Everything is public and anyone on the team can edit and add content. Also, it will be ready to go if we end up pursuing grant funding in the future.
- We can record zoom meetings and upload them to the Internet Archive and link to those recordings from GitHub.
- Cliff will provide training at the next meeting.
- Create a GitHub account and send Cliff your username
- Come up with a name for the project/repository