Extensions are located at %appdata%/OrangemiumIDE/extensions
and they have to be enabled at settings, if you add or remove an extension, IDE needs to be restarted.
- First you should create an folder for your extension, lets call it "testExtension". The location would be
. - Second, you should create 1 file: "extension.json", and make an icon.
"Name": "(name of your extension)",
"ShortDescription": "(short explaination of your extension, visible at Settings>Extensions)",
"LongDescription": "(long explaination of your extension, currently not visible at anywhere)",
"Icon": "(relative location of your icon, like Icon.png)",
"Version": "(version string of your extension)",
"VersionCode": "(version code of your extension)"
"Debuggers": {
"(ID of the debugger, lets say BATCH_DEBUGGER)": {
"Name": "Batch Debugger (Name of the debugger)",
"Comment1":"FileType is required, but Platform isn't (will be available for all), multiple items should be separated with a comma",
"Windows (The platform, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Global)": {
"Executable":"cmd.exe (the executable you need to execute)",
"Args": "/c %FILE% (args that you need)"
"Compiler": { "Comment2": "OPTIONAL, as an example, dotnet compiler will be shown. I know its not realted but I wanted to keep this short",
"Global (platform)": {
"Args": "build %FILE% /property:GenerateFullPaths=true /consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=\"AnyCPU\""
"ExecutableInteractions": {
"Windows (platform)": {
"OIDEBatchTools.exe (the executable, relative to extension path)": {
"codeTools": ".bat,.cmd (file types that IDE will ask this extension executable, like completetion and problems)"