The project PDF:
👋first you need to study the behavior of the actual pipe |
and see how it work under the hood, then you need to learn about this system calls fork
dup & dup2
, now the idea of the project is to execute the first cmd1 and write it in the infile and the infile will send it to fd[1] of the pipe as an output and the fd[1] will send it to fd[0] of the pipe as input and the cmd2 will execute and output in the outfile.
- Pipex: Check it out.
- Process: Check it out.
- Pipe: Check it out.
- Pipe: Check it out.
- I/O: Check it out.
- dup & dup2: Check it out.
- Fork: Check it out.
- Fork: Check it out.
- Simulating pipe: Check it out.
- execve: Chek it out.
- execve: Chek it out.
- fd, dup/dup2: Check it out.
- Pipe video: Check it out.
- Fork video: Check it out.
- dup2 code: Check it out.
- access: Check it out.
- execve: CHeck it out.
- exit: Check it out.
- Makefile color font: Check it out.
- Posix name: Check it out.
You can also man those fuction.
I didn't do the bonus part for now.
Thank you for reading, have a good one 🚀.