Liquidb is a Django app that simplifies migration management. It introduces commits (savepoints) that allows developer to take snapshot of current migration state of whole Django project. Snapshot introduces abstraction layer, which let you easily switch back and forth in complicated migration graph of dependent apps. In order to roll(back/forward) all migrations should be revertable.
Django Liquidb requires: * Django 3.2 or later; * Python 3.8 or later.
You can get Django Liquidb by using pip::
$ pip install django-liquidb
If you want to install it from source, grab the git repository from GitHub and run
$ git clone [email protected]:Gusakovskiy/django-liquidb.git
$ cd django-liquidb
$ python install
Add "Liquidb" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'liquidb', ]
python migrate liquidb
to create the liquidb models. -
Create initial commit
python create_migration_snapshot --name init
Create snapshot of your current state::
$ branch=$(git branch | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/\1/p')
$ hash=$(git rev-parse $branch)
$ python create_migration_snapshot --name $branch-${hash:0:8}
In case you want to overwrite some snapshot::
$ python create_migration_snapshot --name $branch-${hash:0:8} --overwrite 1
Return to desired state of db::
$ python checkout_snapshot --name state_name
Return to latest snapshot::
$ python checkout_latest_snapshot
If snapshot history is messed up you always can delete it without impact on your migration state and start from scratch::
$ python delete_snapshot_history
If want to delete only one snapshot(it can not delete currently applied snapshot remember to checkout before that)::
$ python delete_snapshot_by_name --name name
Or if you prefer admin vies you can always visit /admin/liquidb/snapshot/
and create/apply/delete snapshot there.
If you would like to change to readonly view in admin please change ADMIN_SNAPSHOT_ACTIONS env variable to False or overwrite it you settings
Open Source projects can always use more help. Fixing a problem, documenting a feature, adding translation in your language. If you have some time to spare and like to help us, here are the places to do so:
Main dependencies::
$ pip-compile --upgrade --resolver backtracking --output-file requirements.txt pyproject.toml
Dev dependencies::
$ pip-compile --upgrade --resolver backtracking --extra dev --output-file requirements-dev.txt pyproject.toml
If you see error that you can't figure out try to add --verbose
After generating dependencies remember to change backports.zoneinfo==0.2.1
to backports.zoneinfo;python_version<"3.9"
this dependency is not supported by Python >= 3.9, it should be deleted after support for those versions is ended.
In you local machine create virtual environment and activate it or setup docker container and run command::
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
To run test::
$ pytest tests
To run linting::
$ pylint --load-plugins=pylint_django --django-settings-module=liquidb.pylint_settings liquidb
Django Liquidb is development and maintained by developers in an Open Source manner. Any support is welcome. You could help by writing documentation, pull-requests, report issues and/or translations.
Please remember that nobody is paid directly to develop or maintain Django Liquidb so we do have to divide our time between work/family/hobby/this project and the rest of life.