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Growthcraft CE 2.5.0 Release Notes

Alatyami edited this page Mar 30, 2016 · 2 revisions

#Growthcraft CE 2.5.0 Release Notes Release Date: March 29, 2016

Commits: 250+
Changed Files: 1198

This release introduces a new module, Growthcraft Milk! Growthcraft Milk adds additional uses for Milk by being alble to make various cheeses, yogurt, and ice cream.

##New Features and Updates

  • Growthcraft

  • Added more MFR support across the modules.

  • Improvements to the language translations.

  • Growthcraft Core

  • Residue schemas now extend the ItemKeySchema, allowing them to support oreDictionary items.

  • Added EffectRegistry

  • Growthcraft Bamboo

  • Allow torches to be placed on Bamboo Stalks

  • Bamboo has been moved to its own creative tab.

  • Growthcraft Bees

  • Added beeswax textures

  • Added crafting recipes for bees wax

  • Added default user API entries for Biomes O Plenty flowers

  • Added beebox textures for Botania Dreamwood and Shimmerwood.

  • Growthcraft Cellar

  • Discard buttons should be enabled by default

  • Users may now toggle poisoned effect visibility

  • New progress tool-tip for the fermentation barrel.

  • More Thaumcraft integration.

  • Growthcraft Milk

  • Ice Cream has been added with three different flavors: Apple, Grape, Chocolate, Watermelon, and Honey.

  • Added Thistle as an alternative to Cow's Stomach for making Rennet.

  • Added new fluids Rennet, Skim Milk, Cream, Kumis.

  • New Culture Jar for generating Yeast and Starter Culture.

  • New devices include the Cheese Vat for making cheese and the butter churn.

  • Customizable heat sources for the Cheese Vat.

  • Growthcraft Rice

  • Rice has been added to the MFR fertilzable crops.

  • Paddies can now fill from rain.

  • Growthcraft API

  • Moved NBT related helper classes to api

  • Split Booze into GrcFluid

  • Added FluidTagRegistry

  • Replaced FermentJar with CultureJar

##Bug Fixes

  • Growthcraft Core

  • Fixed fluid colors

  • Growthcraft Apples

  • Fixed OreDictionary registration message for apple cider booze

  • Growthcraft Bamboo

  • Fixed Bamboo Forest biome generator

  • Growthcraft Bees

  • Corrected a minor logging typo

  • Growthcraft Cellar

  • Fixed FruitPress not accepting items from side

  • Growthcraft Rice

  • Fixed Rice block state textures



  • Growthcraft Bees
  • Removed deprecated honey combs
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