The GOSS-Server module is available for local testing through your ide or from the command line.
- Clone the repository.
- Edit the sample property/configuration files in the src/main/resources folder (Pay close attention to the ports in the sampole-goss-core.cfg and sample-broker files)
- Open a command window to the root of the repository.
- execute ./gradlew build (Linux) or gradlew.bat (Windows)
- execute ./gradlew installApp (Creates install with libs and executable in build/install/goss-server)
- Linux
- build/install/goss-server/bin/goss-server --coreCfg=build/resources/main/ --activemqCfg=build/resources/main/sample-broker-nosecurity.xml --dataCfg=build/resources/main/sample-datasources.cfg
- Windows
- build\install\goss-server\bin\goss-server.bat --coreCfg=build/resources/main/ --activemqCfg=build/resources/main/sample-broker-nosecurity.xml --dataCfg=build/resources/main/sample-datasources.cfg
- execute build/install/goss-server/bin/goss-server --help (To get available options)
You should now have the server running on your local system. In the startup log you should see the lines DEBUG Step: Starting Server Consumer and DEBUG Step: Server Consumer started, this means that it started successfully.
See Core Server Configuration in order to build your own custom configuraiton.