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GNN for DEM simulations

Creating and training Graph Neural Networks for predicting the mechanics of granular materials tested under triaxial compression.


In this implementation we are using:

  • Pytorch Geometric for the graphs and GNN layer creation.
  • Pytorch as the ML backend. Our code supports the usage of accelerators such as nvidia gpus (cuda).
  • wandb to track the experiments.

Some additional requirements are:

Example of usage

In the script you can find an example for how to train a GNN. It consists on the following stages:

  1. Configure the simulator: the hyper-parameters in the dictionary config.
  2. Configure wandb: Specify wandb details in wand.init.
  3. Data loading: We have transformed the dataset containing several DEM simulations data into a dataset: simState_path_sampling_5000_graphs_reformatted.hdf5, if you want to get this dataset, contact Hongyang Cheng.
  4. Model creation: Here we create 3 different objects: GraphGenerator, GNNModel, Simulator more info.
  5. Optimizer and loss function initialization:
  6. Loading a checkpoint: Functionality to re-start/continue the training of a model (for example if your code crashes during the training). Will only be triggered if there was a model trained before (i.e. there is a file containing the model in outputs folder.)
  7. Training: Call the train function with all the elements that we have created before.
  8. 🚧 Rollout: ⚠️ needs to be tested. Continuous prediction of consecutive time-steps, thus, each prediction is made based on a model's prediction for the previous step.

You can simply run it as python

Elements of the trade

  • Graph generator

    • Builds the graph from the DEM simulation data.
    • Calculate the edges (connections between nodes or particles).
    • Updates the graph (nodes and edges values).
  • GNN Layer

    Graph Neural network layer in charge of performing the message passing process through the graph.

    • Message $\phi =$ MLP($h_i - h_j, v_i, v_j, r_i, r_j, x_i - x_j % domain, \Theta$) considering $i$ as the central node and $j$ all neighbors of $i$:

      • $h_i$ and $h_j$: Hidden features of nodes (particles) $i$ and $j$.
      • $v_i$ and $v_j$: velocity vector of nodes (particles) $i$ and $j$.
      • $r_i$ and $r_j$: Radius of nodes (particles) $i$ and $j$.
      • $x_i - x_j % domain$: position vectorial difference between nodes $i$ and $j$, trimmed to the domain size. (necessary the DEM simulations have periodic boundary conditions).
      • $\Theta$: vector of graph features (not specific of each node) such as domain volume and time of current and next step, contact parameters, and sample properties: compressive strain rate $\dot{\varepsilon_z}$, initial friction, confinment pressure, shear strain rate $\dot{}\varepsilon_q$.
      • MLP: two stacked torch linear layers with RELU activation functions. These have only (trainable) weights, no biases. All previous parts are concatenates, and then passed trough the MLP.
      • The aggregation of the messages is trough mean.
    • Update function $\gamma =$ MLP $(h, \phi, \Theta) + h$

      • These MLP is different from the one of the message passing, its weights are also trainable and it has no biases. $h, \phi, \Theta$ are concatenated and then passed to the MLP.
    • General GNN layer function: $h_i^k = \gamma[h_i^{k-1}, \frac{1}{\cal{N}(i)} \sum_{\cal{N}(i)} \phi(h_i^{k-1}, h_j^{k-1})]$

  • Model torch.nn.Module that stacks layers, adds activation functions, dropouts and pools (architecture).

  • Simulator

    Object that drives the simulation. In a simulation there are two steps:

    1. Building a graph (from previous step or from data).
    2. Calling the Model (a forward pass) with the graph that was built in 1.

Help and Support

For assistance with the GrainLearning software, please raise an issue on the GitHub Issues page, or contact Hongyang Cheng.