diff --git a/modules/billing-account/README.md b/modules/billing-account/README.md
index f5fd4e2f18..3b596a0f38 100644
--- a/modules/billing-account/README.md
+++ b/modules/billing-account/README.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ provider "google" {
- [Billing budgets](#billing-budgets)
- [PubSub update rules](#pubsub-update-rules)
- [Monitoring channels](#monitoring-channels)
+ - [Budget factory](#budget-factory)
- [Variables](#variables)
- [Outputs](#outputs)
@@ -212,21 +213,63 @@ module "billing-account" {
# tftest modules=1 resources=2 inventory=budget-monitoring-channel.yaml
+#### Budget factory
+This module also exposes a factory for billing budgets, that works in a similar way to factories in other modules: a specific folder is searched for YAML files, which contain one budget description per file. The file name is used to generate the key of the resulting map of budgets, which is merged with the one coming from the `budgets` variable. The YAML files support the same type of the `budgets` variable.
+module "billing-account" {
+ source = "./fabric/modules/billing-account"
+ id = "012345-ABCDEF-012345"
+ budget_notification_channels = {
+ billing-default = {
+ project_id = "tf-playground-simple"
+ type = "email"
+ labels = {
+ email_address = "gcp-billing-admins@example.com"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# tftest modules=1 resources=2 files=test-1 inventory=budget-monitoring-channel.yaml
+# tftest-file id=test-1 path=data/billing-budgets/folder-net-month-current-100.yaml
+display_name: 100 dollars in current spend
+ units: 100
+ period:
+ calendar: MONTH
+ resource_ancestors:
+ - folders/1234567890
+- percent: 0.5
+- percent: 0.75
+ default:
+ disable_default_iam_recipients: true
+ monitoring_notification_channels:
+ - billing-default
## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default |
-| [id](variables.tf#L165) | Billing account id. | string
| ✓ | |
+| [id](variables.tf#L175) | Billing account id. | string
| ✓ | |
| [budget_notification_channels](variables.tf#L17) | Notification channels used by budget alerts. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
| [budgets](variables.tf#L47) | Billing budgets. Notification channels are either keys in corresponding variable, or external ids. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
-| [group_iam](variables.tf#L121) | Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable. | map(list(string))
| | {}
-| [iam](variables.tf#L128) | IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
-| [iam_bindings](variables.tf#L135) | Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
-| [iam_bindings_additive](variables.tf#L150) | Individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
-| [logging_sinks](variables.tf#L170) | Logging sinks to create for the organization. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
-| [projects](variables.tf#L203) | Projects associated with this billing account. | list(string)
| | []
+| [factory_config](variables.tf#L121) | Path to folder containing budget alerts data files. | object({…})
| | {}
+| [group_iam](variables.tf#L131) | Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [iam](variables.tf#L138) | IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [iam_bindings](variables.tf#L145) | Authoritative IAM bindings in {KEY => {role = ROLE, members = [], condition = {}}}. Keys are arbitrary. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
+| [iam_bindings_additive](variables.tf#L160) | Individual additive IAM bindings. Keys are arbitrary. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
+| [logging_sinks](variables.tf#L180) | Logging sinks to create for the organization. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
+| [projects](variables.tf#L213) | Projects associated with this billing account. | list(string)
| | []
## Outputs
diff --git a/modules/billing-account/budgets.tf b/modules/billing-account/budgets.tf
index a1aed400fc..710af5d832 100644
--- a/modules/billing-account/budgets.tf
+++ b/modules/billing-account/budgets.tf
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ resource "google_monitoring_notification_channel" "default" {
resource "google_billing_budget" "default" {
- for_each = var.budgets
+ for_each = merge(local.factory_budgets, var.budgets)
billing_account = var.id
display_name = each.value.display_name
dynamic "amount" {
diff --git a/modules/billing-account/factory.tf b/modules/billing-account/factory.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f32c7c350f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/billing-account/factory.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ * Copyright 2023 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+locals {
+ _factory_data = {
+ for f in fileset("${local._factory_path}", "**/*.yaml") :
+ trimsuffix(f, ".yaml") => yamldecode(file("${local._factory_path}/${f}"))
+ }
+ _factory_path = var.factory_config.budgets_data_path
+ factory_budgets = {
+ for k, v in local._factory_data : k => merge(v, {
+ amount = merge(
+ {
+ currency_code = null
+ nanos = null
+ units = null
+ use_last_period = null
+ },
+ try(v.amount, {})
+ )
+ display_name = try(v.display_name, null)
+ filter = try(v.filter, null) == null ? null : {
+ credit_types_treatment = (
+ try(v.filter.credit_types_treatment, null) == null
+ ? null
+ : merge(
+ { exclude_all = null, include_specified = null },
+ v.filter.credit_types_treatment
+ )
+ )
+ label = try(v.filter.label, null)
+ projects = try(v.filter.projects, null)
+ resource_ancestors = try(v.filter.resource_ancestors, null)
+ services = try(v.filter.services, null)
+ subaccounts = try(v.filter.subaccounts, null)
+ }
+ threshold_rules = [
+ for vv in try(v.threshold_rules, []) : merge({
+ percent = null
+ forecasted_spend = null
+ }, vv)
+ ]
+ update_rules = {
+ for kk, vv in try(v.update_rules, {}) : kk => merge({
+ disable_default_iam_recipients = null
+ monitoring_notification_channels = null
+ pubsub_topic = null
+ }, vv)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+# check data coming from the factory as it bypasses variable validation rules
+check "factory_budgets" {
+ assert {
+ condition = alltrue([
+ for k, v in local.factory_budgets : v.amount != null && (
+ try(v.amount.use_last_period, null) == true ||
+ try(v.amount.units, null) != null
+ )
+ ])
+ error_message = "Factory budgets need either amount units or last period set."
+ }
+ assert {
+ condition = alltrue([
+ for k, v in local.factory_budgets :
+ v.threshold_rules == null || try(v.threshold_rules.percent, null) != null
+ ])
+ error_message = "Threshold rules need percent set."
+ }
+ assert {
+ condition = alltrue(flatten([
+ for k, v in local.factory_budgets : [
+ for kk, vv in v.update_rules : [
+ vv.monitoring_notification_channels != null
+ ||
+ vv.pubsub_topic != null
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]))
+ error_message = "Notification rules need either a pubsub topic or monitoring channels defined."
+ }
diff --git a/modules/billing-account/variables.tf b/modules/billing-account/variables.tf
index 6d949ea60d..526521e575 100644
--- a/modules/billing-account/variables.tf
+++ b/modules/billing-account/variables.tf
@@ -118,6 +118,16 @@ variable "budgets" {
+variable "factory_config" {
+ # TODO: align all other factory variable names
+ description = "Path to folder containing budget alerts data files."
+ type = object({
+ budgets_data_path = optional(string, "data/billing-budgets")
+ })
+ nullable = false
+ default = {}
variable "group_iam" {
description = "Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable."
type = map(list(string))