diff --git a/fast/assets/templates/workflow-github.yaml b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-github.yaml
index 913ecf5114..cfeacf20a9 100644
--- a/fast/assets/templates/workflow-github.yaml
+++ b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-github.yaml
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ jobs:
name: Terraform plan
continue-on-error: true
run: |
- terraform plan -out ../plan.out -no-color
+ terraform plan -input=false -out ../plan.out -no-color
- id: tf-apply
if: github.event.pull_request.merged == true
diff --git a/fast/assets/templates/workflow-gitlab.yaml b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-gitlab.yaml
index 101f5bed22..986d57602e 100644
--- a/fast/assets/templates/workflow-gitlab.yaml
+++ b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-gitlab.yaml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
- name: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/terraform-images/releases/1.1
+ name: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/terraform-images/releases/1.1
FAST_OUTPUTS_BUCKET: ${outputs_bucket}
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ tf-init:
- gcp-auth
# Terraform Validate
stage: tf-validate
- |
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@ tf-validate:
# Terraform Plan
stage: tf-plan
- script:
- - |
- ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
- echo "$CICD_MODULES_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
- mkdir -p ~/.ssh
- ssh-keyscan -H 'gitlab.com' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- ssh-keyscan gitlab.com | sort -u - ~/.ssh/known_hosts -o ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- cd "$${TF_ROOT}"
- cp -R .tf-setup/. .
- gitlab-terraform plan
- gitlab-terraform plan-json
+ script:
+ - |
+ ssh-agent -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK > /dev/null
+ echo "$CICD_MODULES_KEY" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - > /dev/null
+ mkdir -p ~/.ssh
+ ssh-keyscan -H 'gitlab.com' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ ssh-keyscan gitlab.com | sort -u - ~/.ssh/known_hosts -o ~/.ssh/known_hosts
+ cd "$${TF_ROOT}"
+ cp -R .tf-setup/. .
+ gitlab-terraform plan
+ gitlab-terraform plan-json
- gcp-auth
diff --git a/fast/assets/templates/workflow-sourcerepo.yaml b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-sourcerepo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f6f08ff04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast/assets/templates/workflow-sourcerepo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-download
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ mkdir -p /builder/home/.local/bin
+ wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/$${_TF_VERSION}/terraform_$${_TF_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip
+ unzip terraform_$${_TF_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip -d /builder/home/.local/bin
+ rm terraform_$${_TF_VERSION}_linux_amd64.zip
+ chmod 755 /builder/home/.local/bin/terraform
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-check-format
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ terraform fmt -recursive -check /workspace/
+ - name: gcr.io/google.com/cloudsdktool/cloud-sdk:alpine
+ id: tf-files
+ entrypoint: bash
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ /google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil cp \
+ gs://$${_FAST_OUTPUTS_BUCKET}/providers/$${_TF_PROVIDERS_FILE} ./
+ /google-cloud-sdk/bin/gsutil cp -r \
+ gs://$${_FAST_OUTPUTS_BUCKET}/tfvars ./
+ for f in $${_TF_VAR_FILES}; do
+ ln -s tfvars/$f ./
+ done
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-init
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ terraform init -no-color
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-check-validate
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ terraform validate -no-color
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-plan
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ terraform plan -no-color -input=false -out plan.out
+ # store artifact and ask for approval here if needed
+ - name: alpine:3
+ id: tf-apply
+ entrypoint: sh
+ args:
+ - -eEuo
+ - pipefail
+ - -c
+ - |-
+ terraform apply -no-color -input=false -auto-approve plan.out
+ env:
+ - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/builder/home/.local/bin
+ _FAST_OUTPUTS_BUCKET: ${outputs_bucket}
+ _TF_PROVIDERS_FILE: ${tf_providers_file}
+ _TF_VAR_FILES: ${tf_var_files == [] ? "''" : join("\n ", tf_var_files)}
+ _TF_VERSION: 1.1.7
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/README.md b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/README.md
index 1b702f6973..8698e284dd 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/README.md
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/README.md
@@ -385,6 +385,8 @@ cicd_repositories = {
+The `type` attribute can be set to one of the supported repository types: `github`, `gitlab`, or `sourcerepo`.
Once the stage is applied the generated output files will contain pre-configured workflow files for each repository, that will use Workload Identity Federation via a dedicated service account for each repository to impersonate the automation service account for the stage.
The remaining configuration is manual, as it regards the repositories themselves:
@@ -396,6 +398,10 @@ The remaining configuration is manual, as it regards the repositories themselves
- create a key pair
- create a [deploy key](https://docs.github.com/en/developers/overview/managing-deploy-keys#deploy-keys) in the modules repository with the public key
- create a `CICD_MODULES_KEY` secret with the private key in each of the repositories that need to access modules
+ - for Gitlab
+ - TODO
+ - for Source Repositories
+ - assign the reader role to the CI/CD service accounts
- create one repository for each stage
- clone and populate them with the stage source
- edit the modules source to match your modules repository
@@ -405,6 +411,7 @@ The remaining configuration is manual, as it regards the repositories themselves
- copy the generated workflow file for the stage from the GCS output files bucket or from the local clone if enabled
- for GitHub, place it in a `.github/workflows` folder in the repository root
- for Gitlab, rename it to `.gitlab-ci.yml` and place it in the repository root
+ - for Source Repositories, place it in `.cloudbuild/workflow.yaml`
@@ -415,7 +422,7 @@ The remaining configuration is manual, as it regards the repositories themselves
| [automation.tf](./automation.tf) | Automation project and resources. | gcs
· iam-service-account
· project
| |
| [billing.tf](./billing.tf) | Billing export project and dataset. | bigquery-dataset
· organization
· project
| google_billing_account_iam_member
· google_organization_iam_binding
-| [cicd.tf](./cicd.tf) | Workload Identity Federation configurations for CI/CD. | iam-service-account
| |
+| [cicd.tf](./cicd.tf) | Workload Identity Federation configurations for CI/CD. | iam-service-account
· source-repository
| |
| [identity-providers.tf](./identity-providers.tf) | Workload Identity Federation provider definitions. | | google_iam_workload_identity_pool
· google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider
| [log-export.tf](./log-export.tf) | Audit log project and sink. | bigquery-dataset
· gcs
· logging-bucket
· project
· pubsub
| |
| [main.tf](./main.tf) | Module-level locals and resources. | | |
@@ -430,31 +437,31 @@ The remaining configuration is manual, as it regards the repositories themselves
| name | description | type | required | default | producer |
| [billing_account](variables.tf#L17) | Billing account id and organization id ('nnnnnnnn' or null). | object({…})
| ✓ | | |
-| [organization](variables.tf#L146) | Organization details. | object({…})
| ✓ | | |
-| [prefix](variables.tf#L161) | Prefix used for resources that need unique names. Use 9 characters or less. | string
| ✓ | | |
+| [organization](variables.tf#L152) | Organization details. | object({…})
| ✓ | | |
+| [prefix](variables.tf#L167) | Prefix used for resources that need unique names. Use 9 characters or less. | string
| ✓ | | |
| [bootstrap_user](variables.tf#L25) | Email of the nominal user running this stage for the first time. | string
| | null
| |
| [cicd_repositories](variables.tf#L31) | CI/CD repository configuration. Identity providers reference keys in the `federated_identity_providers` variable. Set to null to disable, or set individual repositories to null if not needed. | object({…})
| | null
| |
-| [custom_role_names](variables.tf#L71) | Names of custom roles defined at the org level. | object({…})
| | {…}
| |
-| [federated_identity_providers](variables.tf#L83) | Workload Identity Federation pools. The `cicd_repositories` variable references keys here. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
| |
-| [groups](variables.tf#L93) | Group names to grant organization-level permissions. | map(string)
| | {…}
| |
-| [iam](variables.tf#L107) | Organization-level custom IAM settings in role => [principal] format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
| |
-| [iam_additive](variables.tf#L113) | Organization-level custom IAM settings in role => [principal] format for non-authoritative bindings. | map(list(string))
| | {}
| |
-| [log_sinks](variables.tf#L121) | Org-level log sinks, in name => {type, filter} format. | map(object({…}))
| | {…}
| |
-| [outputs_location](variables.tf#L155) | Enable writing provider, tfvars and CI/CD workflow files to local filesystem. Leave null to disable | string
| | null
| |
+| [custom_role_names](variables.tf#L77) | Names of custom roles defined at the org level. | object({…})
| | {…}
| |
+| [federated_identity_providers](variables.tf#L89) | Workload Identity Federation pools. The `cicd_repositories` variable references keys here. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
| |
+| [groups](variables.tf#L99) | Group names to grant organization-level permissions. | map(string)
| | {…}
| |
+| [iam](variables.tf#L113) | Organization-level custom IAM settings in role => [principal] format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
| |
+| [iam_additive](variables.tf#L119) | Organization-level custom IAM settings in role => [principal] format for non-authoritative bindings. | map(list(string))
| | {}
| |
+| [log_sinks](variables.tf#L127) | Org-level log sinks, in name => {type, filter} format. | map(object({…}))
| | {…}
| |
+| [outputs_location](variables.tf#L161) | Enable writing provider, tfvars and CI/CD workflow files to local filesystem. Leave null to disable | string
| | null
| |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive | consumers |
-| [automation](outputs.tf#L93) | Automation resources. | | |
-| [billing_dataset](outputs.tf#L98) | BigQuery dataset prepared for billing export. | | |
-| [cicd_repositories](outputs.tf#L103) | CI/CD repository configurations. | | |
-| [custom_roles](outputs.tf#L115) | Organization-level custom roles. | | |
-| [federated_identity](outputs.tf#L120) | Workload Identity Federation pool and providers. | | |
-| [outputs_bucket](outputs.tf#L130) | GCS bucket where generated output files are stored. | | |
-| [project_ids](outputs.tf#L135) | Projects created by this stage. | | |
-| [providers](outputs.tf#L154) | Terraform provider files for this stage and dependent stages. | ✓ | stage-01
-| [service_accounts](outputs.tf#L144) | Automation service accounts created by this stage. | | |
-| [tfvars](outputs.tf#L163) | Terraform variable files for the following stages. | ✓ | |
+| [automation](outputs.tf#L81) | Automation resources. | | |
+| [billing_dataset](outputs.tf#L86) | BigQuery dataset prepared for billing export. | | |
+| [cicd_repositories](outputs.tf#L91) | CI/CD repository configurations. | | |
+| [custom_roles](outputs.tf#L103) | Organization-level custom roles. | | |
+| [federated_identity](outputs.tf#L108) | Workload Identity Federation pool and providers. | | |
+| [outputs_bucket](outputs.tf#L118) | GCS bucket where generated output files are stored. | | |
+| [project_ids](outputs.tf#L123) | Projects created by this stage. | | |
+| [providers](outputs.tf#L142) | Terraform provider files for this stage and dependent stages. | ✓ | stage-01
+| [service_accounts](outputs.tf#L132) | Automation service accounts created by this stage. | | |
+| [tfvars](outputs.tf#L151) | Terraform variable files for the following stages. | ✓ | |
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/automation.tf b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/automation.tf
index 1caaf94ca7..0874fc4ff6 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/automation.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/automation.tf
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ module "automation-project" {
+ "cloudbuild.googleapis.com",
@@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ module "automation-project" {
+ "sourcerepo.googleapis.com",
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ module "automation-project" {
-# outputt files bucket
+# output files bucket
module "automation-tf-output-gcs" {
source = "../../../modules/gcs"
@@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ module "automation-tf-bootstrap-sa" {
name = "bootstrap-0"
description = "Terraform organization bootstrap service account."
prefix = local.prefix
+ # allow SA used by CI/CD workflow to impersonate this SA
iam = {
"roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([
try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["bootstrap"].iam_email, null)
@@ -130,6 +133,7 @@ module "automation-tf-resman-sa" {
name = "resman-0"
description = "Terraform stage 1 resman service account."
prefix = local.prefix
+ # allow SA used by CI/CD workflow to impersonate this SA
iam = {
"roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([
try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["resman"].iam_email, null)
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/cicd.tf b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/cicd.tf
index f4c8c6c289..b4032c7665 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/cicd.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/cicd.tf
@@ -17,45 +17,101 @@
# tfdoc:file:description Workload Identity Federation configurations for CI/CD.
locals {
- # TODO: map null provider to Cloud Build once we add support for it
cicd_repositories = {
for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) : k => v
v != null
- contains(keys(local.identity_providers), v.identity_provider)
+ (
+ v.type == "sourcerepo"
+ ||
+ contains(keys(local.identity_providers), coalesce(v.identity_provider, ":"))
+ )
- cicd_service_accounts = {
- for k, v in module.automation-tf-cicd-sa :
- k => v.iam_email
+ cicd_workflow_providers = {
+ bootstrap = "00-bootstrap-providers.tf"
+ resman = "01-resman-providers.tf"
+ }
+ cicd_workflow_var_files = {
+ bootstrap = []
+ resman = [
+ "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "globals.auto.tfvars.json"
+ ]
+# source repository
+module "automation-tf-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = {
+ for k, v in local.cicd_repositories : k => v if v.type == "sourcerepo"
+ }
+ project_id = module.automation-project.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [
+ each.key == "bootstrap"
+ ? module.automation-tf-bootstrap-sa.iam_email
+ : module.automation-tf-resman-sa.iam_email
+ ]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [
+ module.automation-tf-cicd-sa[each.key].iam_email
+ ]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ "fast-00-${each.key}" = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = ["**/*tf", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"]
+ service_account = module.automation-tf-cicd-sa[each.key].id
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# SAs used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs
module "automation-tf-cicd-sa" {
source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
for_each = local.cicd_repositories
project_id = module.automation-project.project_id
name = "${each.key}-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD stage 1 ${each.key} service account."
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD ${each.key} service account."
prefix = local.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers_defs[each.value.type].principalset_tpl,
- google_iam_workload_identity_pool.default.0.name,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers_defs[each.value.type].principal_tpl,
- google_iam_workload_identity_pool.default.0.name,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers_defs[each.value.type].principalset_tpl,
+ google_iam_workload_identity_pool.default.0.name,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers_defs[each.value.type].principal_tpl,
+ google_iam_workload_identity_pool.default.0.name,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (module.automation-project.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
iam_storage_roles = {
(module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/identity-providers.tf b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/identity-providers.tf
index f202bb09a2..31bf5d2cf2 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/identity-providers.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/identity-providers.tf
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ locals {
principal_tpl = "principal://iam.googleapis.com/%s/subject/repo:%s:ref:refs/heads/%s"
principalset_tpl = "principalSet://iam.googleapis.com/%s/attribute.repository/%s"
+ # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/cloud_services/index.html#how-it-works
gitlab = {
attribute_mapping = {
"google.subject" = "assertion.sub"
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/outputs.tf b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/outputs.tf
index a60342e68d..cfb2460b87 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/outputs.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/outputs.tf
@@ -15,34 +15,22 @@
locals {
- _cicd_workflow_attrs = {
- bootstrap = {
- service_account = try(
- module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["bootstrap"].email, null
- )
- tf_providers_file = "00-bootstrap-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = []
- }
- resman = {
- service_account = try(
- module.automation-tf-cicd-sa["resman"].email, null
- )
- tf_providers_file = "01-resman-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = [
- "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
- "globals.auto.tfvars.json"
- ]
- }
- }
_tpl_providers = "${path.module}/templates/providers.tf.tpl"
+ # render CI/CD workflow templates
cicd_workflows = {
for k, v in local.cicd_repositories : k => templatefile(
- "${path.module}/templates/workflow-${v.type}.yaml",
- merge(local._cicd_workflow_attrs[k], {
- identity_provider = local.wif_providers[v["identity_provider"]].name
- outputs_bucket = module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name
+ "${path.module}/templates/workflow-${v.type}.yaml", {
+ identity_provider = try(
+ local.wif_providers[v["identity_provider"]].name, ""
+ )
+ outputs_bucket = module.automation-tf-output-gcs.name
+ service_account = try(
+ module.automation-tf-cicd-sa[k].email, ""
+ )
stage_name = k
- })
+ tf_providers_file = local.cicd_workflow_providers[k]
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files[k]
+ }
custom_roles = {
@@ -106,8 +94,8 @@ output "cicd_repositories" {
for k, v in local.cicd_repositories : k => {
branch = v.branch
name = v.name
- provider = local.wif_providers[v.identity_provider].name
- service_account = module.automation-tf-cicd-sa[k].email
+ provider = try(local.wif_providers[v.identity_provider].name, null)
+ service_account = try(module.automation-tf-cicd-sa[k].email, null)
diff --git a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/variables.tf b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/variables.tf
index bb55393f46..a08fedb1c5 100644
--- a/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/variables.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/00-bootstrap/variables.tf
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ variable "bootstrap_user" {
variable "cicd_repositories" {
- # TODO: edit description once we add support for Cloud Build (null provider)
description = "CI/CD repository configuration. Identity providers reference keys in the `federated_identity_providers` variable. Set to null to disable, or set individual repositories to null if not needed."
type = object({
bootstrap = object({
@@ -46,25 +45,32 @@ variable "cicd_repositories" {
default = null
+ validation {
+ condition = alltrue([
+ for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
+ v == null || try(v.name, null) != null
+ ])
+ error_message = "Non-null repositories need a non-null name."
+ }
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
v == null || (
- try(v.name, null) != null
- &&
try(v.identity_provider, null) != null
+ ||
+ try(v.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
- error_message = "Non-null repositories need non-null name and providers."
+ error_message = "Non-null repositories need a non-null provider unless type is 'sourcerepo'."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
v == null || (
- contains(["gitlab", "github"], coalesce(try(v.type, null), "null"))
+ contains(["github", "gitlab", "sourcerepo"], coalesce(try(v.type, null), "null"))
- error_message = "Invalid repository type, supported types: 'github' or 'gitlab'."
+ error_message = "Invalid repository type, supported types: 'github' 'gitlab' or 'sourcerepo'."
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/README.md b/fast/stages/01-resman/README.md
index e3f07c678c..7151f45e79 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/README.md
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/README.md
@@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ Due to its simplicity, this stage lends itself easily to customizations: adding
| [branch-sandbox.tf](./branch-sandbox.tf) | Sandbox stage resources. | folder
· gcs
· iam-service-account
| |
| [branch-security.tf](./branch-security.tf) | Security stage resources. | folder
· gcs
· iam-service-account
| |
| [branch-teams.tf](./branch-teams.tf) | Team stage resources. | folder
· gcs
· iam-service-account
| |
+| [cicd-data-platform.tf](./cicd-data-platform.tf) | CI/CD resources for the data platform branch. | iam-service-account
· source-repository
| |
+| [cicd-networking.tf](./cicd-networking.tf) | CI/CD resources for the networking branch. | iam-service-account
· source-repository
| |
+| [cicd-security.tf](./cicd-security.tf) | CI/CD resources for the security branch. | iam-service-account
· source-repository
| |
+| [cicd-teams.tf](./cicd-teams.tf) | CI/CD resources for the teams branch. | iam-service-account
· source-repository
| |
| [main.tf](./main.tf) | Module-level locals and resources. | | |
| [organization.tf](./organization.tf) | Organization policies. | organization
| google_organization_iam_member
| [outputs-files.tf](./outputs-files.tf) | Output files persistence to local filesystem. | | local_file
@@ -176,28 +180,28 @@ Due to its simplicity, this stage lends itself easily to customizations: adding
| [automation](variables.tf#L20) | Automation resources created by the bootstrap stage. | object({…})
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
| [billing_account](variables.tf#L37) | Billing account id and organization id ('nnnnnnnn' or null). | object({…})
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
-| [organization](variables.tf#L133) | Organization details. | object({…})
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
-| [prefix](variables.tf#L157) | Prefix used for resources that need unique names. Use 9 characters or less. | string
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
+| [organization](variables.tf#L140) | Organization details. | object({…})
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
+| [prefix](variables.tf#L164) | Prefix used for resources that need unique names. Use 9 characters or less. | string
| ✓ | | 00-bootstrap
| [cicd_repositories](variables.tf#L46) | CI/CD repository configuration. Identity providers reference keys in the `automation.federated_identity_providers` variable. Set to null to disable, or set individual repositories to null if not needed. | object({…})
| | null
| |
-| [custom_roles](variables.tf#L109) | Custom roles defined at the org level, in key => id format. | object({…})
| | null
| 00-bootstrap
-| [groups](variables.tf#L118) | Group names to grant organization-level permissions. | map(string)
| | {…}
| 00-bootstrap
-| [organization_policy_configs](variables.tf#L143) | Organization policies customization. | object({…})
| | null
| |
-| [outputs_location](variables.tf#L151) | Enable writing provider, tfvars and CI/CD workflow files to local filesystem. Leave null to disable | string
| | null
| |
-| [tag_names](variables.tf#L168) | Customized names for resource management tags. | object({…})
| | {…}
| |
-| [team_folders](variables.tf#L185) | Team folders to be created. Format is described in a code comment. | map(object({…}))
| | null
| |
+| [custom_roles](variables.tf#L116) | Custom roles defined at the org level, in key => id format. | object({…})
| | null
| 00-bootstrap
+| [groups](variables.tf#L125) | Group names to grant organization-level permissions. | map(string)
| | {…}
| 00-bootstrap
+| [organization_policy_configs](variables.tf#L150) | Organization policies customization. | object({…})
| | null
| |
+| [outputs_location](variables.tf#L158) | Enable writing provider, tfvars and CI/CD workflow files to local filesystem. Leave null to disable | string
| | null
| |
+| [tag_names](variables.tf#L175) | Customized names for resource management tags. | object({…})
| | {…}
| |
+| [team_folders](variables.tf#L192) | Team folders to be created. Format is described in a code comment. | map(object({…}))
| | null
| |
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive | consumers |
-| [cicd_repositories](outputs.tf#L157) | WIF configuration for CI/CD repositories. | | |
-| [dataplatform](outputs.tf#L169) | Data for the Data Platform stage. | | |
-| [networking](outputs.tf#L185) | Data for the networking stage. | | |
-| [project_factories](outputs.tf#L194) | Data for the project factories stage. | | |
-| [providers](outputs.tf#L210) | Terraform provider files for this stage and dependent stages. | ✓ | 02-networking
· 02-security
· 03-dataplatform
· xx-sandbox
· xx-teams
-| [sandbox](outputs.tf#L217) | Data for the sandbox stage. | | xx-sandbox
-| [security](outputs.tf#L227) | Data for the networking stage. | | 02-security
-| [teams](outputs.tf#L237) | Data for the teams stage. | | |
-| [tfvars](outputs.tf#L250) | Terraform variable files for the following stages. | ✓ | |
+| [cicd_repositories](outputs.tf#L143) | WIF configuration for CI/CD repositories. | | |
+| [dataplatform](outputs.tf#L155) | Data for the Data Platform stage. | | |
+| [networking](outputs.tf#L171) | Data for the networking stage. | | |
+| [project_factories](outputs.tf#L180) | Data for the project factories stage. | | |
+| [providers](outputs.tf#L196) | Terraform provider files for this stage and dependent stages. | ✓ | 02-networking
· 02-security
· 03-dataplatform
· xx-sandbox
· xx-teams
+| [sandbox](outputs.tf#L203) | Data for the sandbox stage. | | xx-sandbox
+| [security](outputs.tf#L213) | Data for the networking stage. | | 02-security
+| [teams](outputs.tf#L223) | Data for the teams stage. | | |
+| [tfvars](outputs.tf#L236) | Terraform variable files for the following stages. | ✓ | |
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-data-platform.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-data-platform.tf
index c5e186ae77..84e6d81ee2 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-data-platform.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-data-platform.tf
@@ -122,67 +122,3 @@ module "branch-dp-prod-gcs" {
"roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.branch-dp-prod-sa.iam_email]
-# ci/cd service accounts
-module "branch-dp-dev-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "dp_dev", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.dp_dev }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "dev-resman-dp-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD data platform development service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
-module "branch-dp-prod-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "dp_prod", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.dp_prod }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "prod-resman-dp-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD data platform production service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-networking.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-networking.tf
index 5cf3c6e085..8757e7f894 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-networking.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-networking.tf
@@ -107,37 +107,3 @@ module "branch-network-gcs" {
"roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.branch-network-sa.iam_email]
-# ci/cd service account
-module "branch-network-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "networking", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.networking }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "prod-resman-net-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD stage 2 networking service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-security.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-security.tf
index c206730464..1965bf08e8 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-security.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-security.tf
@@ -74,37 +74,3 @@ module "branch-security-gcs" {
"roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.branch-security-sa.iam_email]
-# ci/cd service account
-module "branch-security-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "security", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.security }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "prod-resman-sec-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD stage 2 security service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-teams.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-teams.tf
index 124301d523..465255be63 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-teams.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/branch-teams.tf
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ module "branch-teams-dev-pf-sa" {
prefix = var.prefix
iam = {
"roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([
- try(module.branch-pf-dev-sa-cicd.0.iam_email, null)
+ try(module.branch-teams-dev-pf-sa-cicd.0.iam_email, null)
iam_storage_roles = {
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ module "branch-teams-prod-pf-sa" {
prefix = var.prefix
iam = {
"roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator" = compact([
- try(module.branch-pf-prod-sa-cicd.0.iam_email, null)
+ try(module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa-cicd.0.iam_email, null)
iam_storage_roles = {
@@ -180,67 +180,3 @@ module "branch-teams-prod-pf-gcs" {
"roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa.iam_email]
-# project factory per-team environment CI/CD service accounts
-module "branch-pf-dev-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "pf_dev", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.pf_dev }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "dev-resman-pf-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD project factory development service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
-module "branch-pf-prod-sa-cicd" {
- source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
- for_each = (
- lookup(local.cicd_repositories, "pf_prod", null) == null
- ? {}
- : { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.pf_prod }
- )
- project_id = var.automation.project_id
- name = "prod-resman-pf-1"
- description = "Terraform CI/CD project factory production service account."
- prefix = var.prefix
- iam = {
- "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
- each.value.branch == null
- ? format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name
- )
- : format(
- local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
- var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
- each.value.name,
- each.value.branch
- )
- ]
- }
- iam_storage_roles = {
- (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
- }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-data-platform.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-data-platform.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e62a022086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-data-platform.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# tfdoc:file:description CI/CD resources for the data platform branch.
+# source repositories
+module "branch-dp-dev-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_dev.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_dev }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-dp-dev-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-dp-dev-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-03-dp-dev = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = [
+ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ ]
+ service_account = module.branch-dp-dev-sa.iam_email
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module "branch-dp-prod-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_prod.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_prod }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-dp-prod-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-dp-prod-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-03-dp-prod = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = [
+ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ ]
+ service_account = module.branch-dp-prod-sa.iam_email
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# SAs used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs
+module "branch-dp-dev-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_dev.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_dev }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "dev-resman-dp-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD data platform development service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
+module "branch-dp-prod-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_prod.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.data_platform_prod }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "prod-resman-dp-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD data platform production service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-networking.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-networking.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..541d8bda06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-networking.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# tfdoc:file:description CI/CD resources for the networking branch.
+# source repository
+module "branch-network-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.networking.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.networking }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-network-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-network-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-02-networking = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = ["**/*tf", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"]
+ service_account = module.branch-network-sa.id
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# SA used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs
+module "branch-network-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.networking.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.networking }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "prod-resman-net-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD stage 2 networking service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-security.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-security.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6b0b86917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-security.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# tfdoc:file:description CI/CD resources for the security branch.
+# source repository
+module "branch-security-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.security.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.security }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-security-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-security-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-02-security = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = ["**/*tf", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"]
+ service_account = module.branch-security-sa.id
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# SA used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs
+module "branch-security-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.security.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.security }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "prod-resman-sec-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD stage 2 security service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-teams.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-teams.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2766e301e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/cicd-teams.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# tfdoc:file:description CI/CD resources for the teams branch.
+# source repositories
+module "branch-teams-dev-pf-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_dev.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_dev }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-teams-dev-pf-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-teams-dev-pf-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-03-pf-dev = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = [
+ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ ]
+ service_account = module.branch-teams-dev-pf-sa.iam_email
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module "branch-teams-prod-pf-cicd-repo" {
+ source = "../../../modules/source-repository"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_prod.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_prod }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = each.value.name
+ iam = {
+ "roles/source.admin" = [module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa.iam_email]
+ "roles/source.reader" = [module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa-cicd.0.iam_email]
+ }
+ triggers = {
+ fast-03-pf-prod = {
+ filename = ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ included_files = [
+ "**/*json", "**/*tf", "**/*yaml", ".cloudbuild/workflow.yaml"
+ ]
+ service_account = module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa.iam_email
+ substitutions = {}
+ template = {
+ project_id = null
+ branch_name = each.value.branch
+ repo_name = each.value.name
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# SAs used by CI/CD workflows to impersonate automation SAs
+module "branch-teams-dev-pf-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_dev.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_dev }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "dev-pf-resman-pf-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD project factory development service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
+module "branch-teams-prod-pf-sa-cicd" {
+ source = "../../../modules/iam-service-account"
+ for_each = (
+ try(local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_prod.name, null) != null
+ ? { 0 = local.cicd_repositories.project_factory_prod }
+ : {}
+ )
+ project_id = var.automation.project_id
+ name = "prod-pf-resman-pf-1"
+ description = "Terraform CI/CD project factory production service account."
+ prefix = var.prefix
+ iam = (
+ each.value.type == "sourcerepo"
+ # used directly from the cloud build trigger for source repos
+ ? {}
+ # impersonated via workload identity federation for external repos
+ : {
+ "roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser" = [
+ each.value.branch == null
+ ? format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principalset_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name
+ )
+ : format(
+ local.identity_providers[each.value.identity_provider].principal_tpl,
+ var.automation.federated_identity_pool,
+ each.value.name,
+ each.value.branch
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ )
+ iam_project_roles = {
+ (var.automation.project_id) = ["roles/logging.logWriter"]
+ }
+ iam_storage_roles = {
+ (var.automation.outputs_bucket) = ["roles/storage.objectViewer"]
+ }
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/main.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/main.tf
index a0c58dc23a..6cefbd25d9 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/main.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/main.tf
@@ -24,11 +24,33 @@ locals {
v != null
- contains(keys(local.identity_providers), try(v.identity_provider, ""))
+ (
+ try(v.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
+ ||
+ contains(
+ keys(local.identity_providers),
+ coalesce(try(v.identity_provider, null), ":")
+ )
+ )
fileexists("${path.module}/templates/workflow-${try(v.type, "")}.yaml")
+ cicd_workflow_var_files = {
+ stage_2 = [
+ "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "01-resman.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "globals.auto.tfvars.json"
+ ]
+ stage_3 = [
+ "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "01-resman.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "globals.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "02-networking.auto.tfvars.json",
+ "02-security.auto.tfvars.json"
+ ]
+ }
custom_roles = coalesce(var.custom_roles, {})
groups = {
for k, v in var.groups :
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/outputs.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/outputs.tf
index aefdf9e5a9..f91a843d81 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/outputs.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/outputs.tf
@@ -15,51 +15,37 @@
locals {
- _cicd_tf_var_files = {
- stage_2 = [
- "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
- "01-resman.auto.tfvars.json",
- "globals.auto.tfvars.json"
- ]
- stage_3 = [
- "00-bootstrap.auto.tfvars.json",
- "01-resman.auto.tfvars.json",
- "globals.auto.tfvars.json",
- "02-networking.auto.tfvars.json",
- "02-security.auto.tfvars.json"
- ]
- }
_tpl_providers = "${path.module}/templates/providers.tf.tpl"
cicd_workflow_attrs = {
data_platform_dev = {
service_account = try(module.branch-dp-dev-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "03-data-platform-dev-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_3
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_3
data_platform_prod = {
service_account = try(module.branch-dp-prod-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "03-data-platform-prod-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_3
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_3
networking = {
service_account = try(module.branch-network-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "02-networking-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_2
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_2
project_factory_dev = {
- service_account = try(module.branch-pf-dev-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
+ service_account = try(module.branch-teams-dev-pf-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "03-project-factory-dev-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_3
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_3
project_factory_prod = {
- service_account = try(module.branch-pf-prod-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
+ service_account = try(module.branch-teams-prod-pf-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "03-project-factory-prod-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_3
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_3
security = {
service_account = try(module.branch-security-sa-cicd.0.email, null)
tf_providers_file = "02-security-providers.tf"
- tf_var_files = local._cicd_tf_var_files.stage_2
+ tf_var_files = local.cicd_workflow_var_files.stage_2
cicd_workflows = {
diff --git a/fast/stages/01-resman/variables.tf b/fast/stages/01-resman/variables.tf
index a9b101e6da..0f2bc5b9aa 100644
--- a/fast/stages/01-resman/variables.tf
+++ b/fast/stages/01-resman/variables.tf
@@ -84,25 +84,32 @@ variable "cicd_repositories" {
default = null
+ validation {
+ condition = alltrue([
+ for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
+ v == null || try(v.name, null) != null
+ ])
+ error_message = "Non-null repositories need a non-null name."
+ }
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
v == null || (
- try(v.name, null) != null
- &&
try(v.identity_provider, null) != null
+ ||
+ try(v.type, null) == "sourcerepo"
- error_message = "Non-null repositories need non-null name and providers."
+ error_message = "Non-null repositories need a non-null provider unless type is 'sourcerepo'."
validation {
condition = alltrue([
for k, v in coalesce(var.cicd_repositories, {}) :
v == null || (
- contains(["gitlab", "github"], coalesce(try(v.type, null), "null"))
+ contains(["github", "gitlab", "sourcerepo"], coalesce(try(v.type, null), "null"))
- error_message = "Invalid repository type, supported types: 'github' or 'gitlab'."
+ error_message = "Invalid repository type, supported types: 'github' 'gitlab' or 'sourcerepo'."
diff --git a/modules/iam-service-account/README.md b/modules/iam-service-account/README.md
index bd2240b8a3..ab6b1882c8 100644
--- a/modules/iam-service-account/README.md
+++ b/modules/iam-service-account/README.md
@@ -63,9 +63,10 @@ module "myproject-default-service-accounts" {
| [email](outputs.tf#L17) | Service account email. | |
| [iam_email](outputs.tf#L25) | IAM-format service account email. | |
-| [key](outputs.tf#L33) | Service account key. | ✓ |
-| [name](outputs.tf#L39) | Service account id. | |
-| [service_account](outputs.tf#L44) | Service account resource. | |
-| [service_account_credentials](outputs.tf#L49) | Service account json credential templates for uploaded public keys data. | |
+| [id](outputs.tf#L33) | Service account id. | |
+| [key](outputs.tf#L38) | Service account key. | ✓ |
+| [name](outputs.tf#L44) | Service account name. | |
+| [service_account](outputs.tf#L49) | Service account resource. | |
+| [service_account_credentials](outputs.tf#L54) | Service account json credential templates for uploaded public keys data. | |
diff --git a/modules/iam-service-account/outputs.tf b/modules/iam-service-account/outputs.tf
index 8234ed96c7..4f0e0aa522 100644
--- a/modules/iam-service-account/outputs.tf
+++ b/modules/iam-service-account/outputs.tf
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ output "iam_email" {
+output "id" {
+ description = "Service account id."
+ value = local.service_account.id
output "key" {
description = "Service account key."
sensitive = true
@@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ output "key" {
output "name" {
- description = "Service account id."
+ description = "Service account name."
value = local.service_account.name
diff --git a/modules/source-repository/README.md b/modules/source-repository/README.md
index 48f29aa14a..2075b89a72 100644
--- a/modules/source-repository/README.md
+++ b/modules/source-repository/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# Google Cloud Source Repository Module
-This module allows managing a single Cloud Source Repository, including IAM bindings.
+This module allows managing a single Cloud Source Repository, including IAM bindings and basic Cloud Build triggers.
## Examples
-### Simple repository with IAM
+### Repository with IAM
module "repo" {
@@ -18,21 +17,64 @@ module "repo" {
# tftest modules=1 resources=2
+### Repository with Cloud Build trigger
+module "repo" {
+ source = "./modules/source-repository"
+ project_id = "my-project"
+ name = "my-repo"
+ triggers = {
+ foo = {
+ filename = "ci/workflow-foo.yaml"
+ included_files = ["**/*tf"]
+ service_account = null
+ substitutions = {
+ BAR = 1
+ }
+ template = {
+ branch_name = "main"
+ project_id = null
+ tag_name = null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# tftest modules=1 resources=2
+## Files
+| name | description | resources |
+| [iam.tf](./iam.tf) | IAM resources. | google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_binding
· google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_member
+| [main.tf](./main.tf) | Module-level locals and resources. | google_cloudbuild_trigger
· google_sourcerepo_repository
+| [outputs.tf](./outputs.tf) | Module outputs. | |
+| [variables.tf](./variables.tf) | Module variables. | |
+| [versions.tf](./versions.tf) | Version pins. | |
## Variables
| name | description | type | required | default |
-| [name](variables.tf#L23) | Repository name. | string
| ✓ | |
-| [project_id](variables.tf#L28) | Project used for resources. | string
| ✓ | |
-| [iam](variables.tf#L17) | IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [name](variables.tf#L44) | Repository name. | string
| ✓ | |
+| [project_id](variables.tf#L49) | Project used for resources. | string
| ✓ | |
+| [group_iam](variables.tf#L17) | Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [iam](variables.tf#L24) | IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [iam_additive](variables.tf#L31) | IAM additive bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [iam_additive_members](variables.tf#L38) | IAM additive bindings in {MEMBERS => [ROLE]} format. This might break if members are dynamic values. | map(list(string))
| | {}
+| [triggers](variables.tf#L54) | Cloud Build triggers. | map(object({…}))
| | {}
## Outputs
| name | description | sensitive |
| [id](outputs.tf#L17) | Repository id. | |
-| [url](outputs.tf#L22) | Repository URL. | |
+| [name](outputs.tf#L22) | Repository name. | |
+| [url](outputs.tf#L27) | Repository URL. | |
diff --git a/modules/source-repository/iam.tf b/modules/source-repository/iam.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5c3ec499e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/source-repository/iam.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# tfdoc:file:description IAM resources.
+locals {
+ _group_iam_roles = distinct(flatten(values(var.group_iam)))
+ _group_iam = {
+ for r in local._group_iam_roles : r => [
+ for k, v in var.group_iam : "group:${k}" if try(index(v, r), null) != null
+ ]
+ }
+ _iam_additive_pairs = flatten([
+ for role, members in var.iam_additive : [
+ for member in members : { role = role, member = member }
+ ]
+ ])
+ _iam_additive_member_pairs = flatten([
+ for member, roles in var.iam_additive_members : [
+ for role in roles : { role = role, member = member }
+ ]
+ ])
+ iam = {
+ for role in distinct(concat(keys(var.iam), keys(local._group_iam))) :
+ role => concat(
+ try(var.iam[role], []),
+ try(local._group_iam[role], [])
+ )
+ }
+ iam_additive = {
+ for pair in concat(local._iam_additive_pairs, local._iam_additive_member_pairs) :
+ "${pair.role}-${pair.member}" => pair
+ }
+resource "google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_binding" "authoritative" {
+ for_each = local.iam
+ project = var.project_id
+ repository = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.name
+ role = each.key
+ members = each.value
+resource "google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_member" "additive" {
+ for_each = (
+ length(var.iam_additive) + length(var.iam_additive_members) > 0
+ ? local.iam_additive
+ : {}
+ )
+ project = var.project_id
+ repository = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.name
+ role = each.value.role
+ member = each.value.member
diff --git a/modules/source-repository/main.tf b/modules/source-repository/main.tf
index c4057d76d3..d74b7e6c87 100644
--- a/modules/source-repository/main.tf
+++ b/modules/source-repository/main.tf
@@ -19,14 +19,18 @@ resource "google_sourcerepo_repository" "default" {
name = var.name
-resource "google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_binding" "default" {
- for_each = var.iam
- project = var.project_id
- repository = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.name
- role = each.key
- members = each.value
- depends_on = [
- google_sourcerepo_repository.default
- ]
+resource "google_cloudbuild_trigger" "default" {
+ for_each = coalesce(var.triggers, {})
+ project = var.project_id
+ name = each.key
+ filename = each.value.filename
+ included_files = each.value.included_files
+ service_account = each.value.service_account
+ substitutions = each.value.substitutions
+ trigger_template {
+ project_id = try(each.value.template.project_id, var.project_id)
+ branch_name = try(each.value.template.branch_name, null)
+ repo_name = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.name
+ tag_name = try(each.value.template.tag_name, null)
+ }
diff --git a/modules/source-repository/outputs.tf b/modules/source-repository/outputs.tf
index d1a4b25e9d..be55307a6d 100644
--- a/modules/source-repository/outputs.tf
+++ b/modules/source-repository/outputs.tf
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ output "id" {
value = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.id
+output "name" {
+ description = "Repository name."
+ value = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.name
output "url" {
description = "Repository URL."
value = google_sourcerepo_repository.default.url
diff --git a/modules/source-repository/variables.tf b/modules/source-repository/variables.tf
index e592f35892..587b0f6d2b 100644
--- a/modules/source-repository/variables.tf
+++ b/modules/source-repository/variables.tf
@@ -14,10 +14,31 @@
* limitations under the License.
+variable "group_iam" {
+ description = "Authoritative IAM binding for organization groups, in {GROUP_EMAIL => [ROLES]} format. Group emails need to be static. Can be used in combination with the `iam` variable."
+ type = map(list(string))
+ default = {}
+ nullable = false
variable "iam" {
description = "IAM bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format."
type = map(list(string))
default = {}
+ nullable = false
+variable "iam_additive" {
+ description = "IAM additive bindings in {ROLE => [MEMBERS]} format."
+ type = map(list(string))
+ default = {}
+ nullable = false
+variable "iam_additive_members" {
+ description = "IAM additive bindings in {MEMBERS => [ROLE]} format. This might break if members are dynamic values."
+ type = map(list(string))
+ default = {}
variable "name" {
@@ -29,3 +50,20 @@ variable "project_id" {
description = "Project used for resources."
type = string
+variable "triggers" {
+ description = "Cloud Build triggers."
+ type = map(object({
+ filename = string
+ included_files = list(string)
+ service_account = string
+ substitutions = map(string)
+ template = object({
+ branch_name = string
+ project_id = string
+ tag_name = string
+ })
+ }))
+ default = {}
+ nullable = false
diff --git a/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/main.tf b/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/main.tf
index 00dd7bd349..122556bacf 100644
--- a/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/main.tf
+++ b/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/main.tf
@@ -14,9 +14,52 @@
* limitations under the License.
+variable "group_iam" {
+ type = any
+ default = {}
+variable "iam" {
+ type = any
+ default = {}
+ nullable = false
+variable "iam_additive" {
+ type = any
+ default = {}
+ nullable = false
+variable "iam_additive_members" {
+ type = any
+ default = {}
+variable "name" {
+ description = "Repository name."
+ type = string
+ default = "test"
+variable "project_id" {
+ description = "Project used for resources."
+ type = string
+ default = "test"
+variable "triggers" {
+ type = any
+ default = null
module "test" {
- source = "../../../../modules/source-repository"
- project_id = var.project_id
- name = var.name
- iam = var.iam
+ source = "../../../../modules/source-repository"
+ project_id = var.project_id
+ name = var.name
+ group_iam = var.group_iam
+ iam = var.iam
+ iam_additive = var.iam_additive
+ iam_additive_members = var.iam_additive_members
+ triggers = var.triggers
diff --git a/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/variables.tf b/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c540a5bc..0000000000
--- a/tests/modules/source_repository/fixture/variables.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-variable "project_id" {
- type = string
- default = "test-project"
-variable "iam" {
- type = map(list(string))
- default = {
- "roles/source.reader" = ["foo@example.org"]
- }
-variable "name" {
- type = string
- default = "test"
diff --git a/tests/modules/source_repository/test_plan.py b/tests/modules/source_repository/test_plan.py
index 8713a8957d..83b27ee2fb 100644
--- a/tests/modules/source_repository/test_plan.py
+++ b/tests/modules/source_repository/test_plan.py
@@ -12,23 +12,49 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-import pytest
-def resources(plan_runner):
+def test_resource_count(plan_runner):
+ 'Test number of resources created.'
_, resources = plan_runner()
- return resources
+ assert len(resources) == 1
-def test_resource_count(resources):
- "Test number of resources created."
- assert len(resources) == 2
+def test_iam(plan_runner):
+ 'Test IAM binding resources.'
+ group_iam = '{"fooers@example.org"=["roles/owner"]}'
+ iam = '''{
+ "roles/editor" = ["user:a@example.org", "user:b@example.org"]
+ "roles/owner" = ["user:c@example.org"]
+ }'''
+ _, resources = plan_runner(group_iam=group_iam, iam=iam)
+ bindings = {
+ r['values']['role']: r['values']['members']
+ for r in resources
+ if r['type'] == 'google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_binding'
+ }
+ assert bindings == {
+ 'roles/editor': ['user:a@example.org', 'user:b@example.org'],
+ 'roles/owner': ['group:fooers@example.org', 'user:c@example.org']
+ }
-def test_iam(resources):
- "Test IAM binding resources."
- bindings = [r['values'] for r in resources if r['type']
- == 'google_sourcerepo_repository_iam_binding']
- assert len(bindings) == 1
- assert bindings[0]['role'] == 'roles/source.reader'
+def test_triggers(plan_runner):
+ 'Test trigger resources.'
+ triggers = '''{
+ foo = {
+ filename = "ci/foo.yaml"
+ included_files = ["**/*yaml"]
+ service_account = null
+ substitutions = null
+ template = {
+ branch_name = null
+ project_id = null
+ tag_name = "foo"
+ }
+ }
+ }'''
+ _, resources = plan_runner(triggers=triggers)
+ triggers = [
+ r['index'] for r in resources if r['type'] == 'google_cloudbuild_trigger'
+ ]
+ assert triggers == ['foo']
\ No newline at end of file