This is a simple hello-world starter document for LaTeX in a style suitable for your assignment report. It includes:
- Basic outline for a scientific paper
- Bibliography
- Hyperlinks
- Unicode input
You are not required to use this template. This is only there to help you get started if you do not already have a LaTeX workflow.
The basic commands to compile the LaTeX document are:
lualatex report-template.tex
biber report-template
lualatex report-template.tex
lualatex report-template.tex
This will generate report-template.pdf
It may seem strange to run the same command multiple times, but LaTeX uses the multiple passes to settle things like bibliography cross-references. State between runs is saved in the many output files that LaTeX generates (.aux, .bbl, and so on).
There is also a Makefile in this directory that will run the commands for you.
If you have make
installed, just run it.
You can also run make clean
to remove generated files.