Keep track of your favorite shows
Develop in 5 days a app that consumes tvmaze api: Tvmaze API is free and provides information about tv series.
The app should contain:
- List of all shows
- Show details
- Season selection
- Episode details
- Search
- Passcode
ShowApp uses MVVM-C as a pattern and delegates to bind views with his viewmodels. To give the user a better navigability in such a large (infinity) list of shows ShowApp uses cache and prefetch data.
Three public available libraries were used to speed up development:
- SkeletonView - to animate loading views
- SwiftKeychainWrapper - simple keychain wrapper to quickly store encrypted private data
- KAPinField - to quickly desgin a pin text field
This vídeo demonstrates the final result:
This app was built with (requeriments):
- iOS Deployment Target 14.3
- Swift 5
- cocoapods 1.9.3
To run simply open the built project (ShowsApp.xcworkspace) with xcode and run or Run pod install in the project root folder and then open ShowsApp.xcworkspace