pizza order system with react, express, typescript, typeorm and postgresql
application simply started with docker-compose
docker-compose up
Server will be served on http://localhost:4000/
Api End Points
- Returns all orders: GET http://localhost:4000/orders
- Returns order with id: GET http://localhost:4000/orders/:orderId
- Creates or UPDATES order with specified id from request body: POST http://localhost:4000/orders/ if id present in request body update process will work else create process will work. (if order status is completed update operation will return an error: You can't make changes on this record because it is completed!)
- Delete order: DELETE http://localhost:4000/orders/:orderId (if order status is completed it will return error:You can't make changes on this record because it is completed!)
- Returns all form fields like Pizza Sizes, Pizza Types, Order Status: GET http://localhost:4000/formfields
Client will be served on http://localhost:3000/