Archived repository of autotag. The tool now have its own repository, [omero-autotag]( Please refer from now on to the new repository.
The recommended way to install autotag is using pip, but it is also possible to install it manually as described here.
# In the python environment of OMERO.web (virtualenv or global) pip install omero-webtagging-autotag # Add autotag to webclient omero config append omero.web.apps '"omero_webtagging_autotag"' # Add autotag to centre panel omero config append omero.web.ui.center_plugins '["Auto Tag", "omero_webtagging_autotag/auto_tag_init.js.html", "auto_tag_panel"]'
Available on the OMERO website.
Uses node and webpack.
This will detect changes and rebuild static/autotag/js/bundle.js when there are any. This works in conjunction with django development server as that will be monitoring bundle.js for any changes.
To build the node components on changes
cd omero_webtagging_autotag npm install node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --watch
To install using pip in development mode (in appropriate virtualenv)
# In the top-level autotag directory containing pip install -e . cd $OMERO_PREFIX
OMERO development server can then be started in the usual way. Remember to configure the autotag settings the same as above.