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331 lines (292 loc) · 32.3 KB

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331 lines (292 loc) · 32.3 KB

0.6.1-215 / 2017-12-25

  • final work on #32: all tests pass now when running them in nyc/istanbul environment. This also takes care of gotwarlost/istanbul#856 until it's fixed in the mainline there.

  • fix: when both JSON5 and JISON input modes barf a hairball, assume the most important error is the JISON one (show that one first!), while it MAY be a JSON5 format error that triggered it (show that one last!). Also check for common JISON errors which are obviously never triggered by any odd JSON5 input format error: when we encounter such an error, we don't confuse matters and forget about the JSON5 fail as it's irrelevant.

  • further work on zaach#363 fixing the ARROW_ACTION action by placing the received user-defined action code within () braces so that the generated parser will certainly treat the entire blurb as a single JavaScript expression rather than a single or compound statement; also note commit SHA-1: 1c8c89dc62cfa4c9fa1e2888eb5459536853beb1 :: BNF parser: produce stricter action code for arrow action in any jison grammar so that we can more easily check coding mistakes in a production's arrow code, e.g. unwanted semicolons, multiple statements, etc., which can currently slip through the net and cause hard-to-diagnose havoc down the line. Adjusted unit tests accordingly.

  • given gotwarlost/istanbul#856 add run-time detection for istanbul and provide unit tests to ensure both the istanbul run-time detector helper (detectIstanbulGlobal()) and the function source code stringifier/extractor helpers are on their best behaviour.

  • fix the function code extractor to cope with the arrow function format x => expression.

  • helpers-lib: augment the function printFunctionSourceCodeContainer(f) API to support ES6 arrow functions and extract the code content of any such function for inlining. This code will be used in jison and jison-lex to support arrow functions passed via the programmer API (a la zaach/jison-lex#23 ) Also extended the unit tests to cover various function type input scenarios.

  • BNF parser: produce stricter action code for arrow action in any jison grammar so that we can more easily check coding mistakes in a production's arrow code, e.g. unwanted semicolons, multiple statements, etc., which can currently slip through the net and cause hard-to-diagnose havoc down the line.

  • add make report-nyc task as we observed that most examples (with code coverage when FULL_CODE_COVERAGE env.var. is set) are run after the test-nyc make target, hence we added report-nyc as a final target to the make all a.k.a. make build process. **WARNING: as now all jison compiles and examples' runs are code coveraged as well, this may take a while: ~30mins this evening on this box here ;-) ) -- anyway, the key is that we now are able to collect a lot of code coverage data and have the report-nyc task report on those statistics.

  • clean up backquotes in the master code chunks' files (used by patch_parser_kernel tool)

  • when you specify the environment variable FULL_CODE_COVERAGE=1, the subsequent make runs will include extensive code coverage analysis runs, next to the regular tests, etc.: a total summary will be available in the jison::/coverage/ directory when all is done.

    Example command:

    $ node_modules/.bin/cross-env FULL_CODE_COVERAGE=1 make examples
  • further work on moving the stringified code chunks which MAY/WILL be included in any generated parsers/lexers outside lib/jison.js + using the patch_parser_kernel tool to sync lib/jison.js with those external sources (which are also stored in lib/*.js ) Added diagnostics code to the patch_parser_kernel tool to make sure that none of the regexes fail as such an error would otherwise pass us by silently, causing all kinds of hard-to-find havoc down the line...

  • move stringified code chunks outside jison, like we already did for the parser kernel et al: then use the patch_parser_kernel_in_js utility to patch those master sources back into jison.js.

  • #32: we also must stringify debug_trace() as it will be included in the generated parser when you produce a 'debug level' parser. (Bug found once we got the debug-mode examples subjected to code coverage analysis: without this fix those runs would crash/fail/b0rkb0rkb0rk.

  • another benefit of coverage analysis: turning ON another couple of unit tests, which had been disabled for quite a while.

  • fix another b0rk in the make test-nyc code coverage run: one more unit test which needs istanbul ignore tweaking a la

  • clean up lingering (and now obstructing!) assert library reference hacks. This is a follow-up on the rollup work done previously, particularly commit SHA-1: 2b8bad362f31f749d4d7e827ac8a5ac648253c7c :: [...] Also note that the parser kernel now uses ASSERT() instead of assert() as the latter cannot be replaced, as reported by rollup/NodeJS.

  • coveralls b0rks: removed the tool and make targets. Anyway, istanbul/nyc provide everything we need, so we're good without it.

  • do not include option testCompileActionCode in the generated parser's option set.

  • update the internal parser generator's optimization/refactoring hash calculation

  • add cross-env as a dev package

  • #32 : work done on the jison tool (and packages) to ensure that core code components exported into generated parsers and/or lexers WILL NOT carry any undesirable code coverage or other code injection/rewriting/etc. artifacts: the code should be exported to the generated parser/lexer codebase as-is, without running the chance that another outside process (compressor/rewriter) modifies the code in unexpected ways). This should also help to reduce the troubles with #7 . Note: now actionInclude section uses the same code extraction logic as any action code chunk, hence now also supports arrow functions, when you happen to have specified one of those via the API.

  • #32 : first positive coverage analysis result: had a disabled unit test for jison-lex issue zaach/jison-lex#23 waiting; turned on to (minimally) improve test coverage. Also updated Makefile(s) to truly collect all coverage data when running make test-nyc: had seen the nyc commandline help, but the hint about --clean hadn't landed until I read

  • further work on making jison (and its tests) fit for coverage analysis through istanbul/nyc, using for tips / guidelines.

  • the example GNUCobol grammars that go with the discussion at #27

    • yydebug(): shorten yylloc object dumps
    • updated parser kernel
    • prep for the '%option test-compile-action-code' option: came up with a sensible default value. ** Not Implemented / Supported Yet. **
  • working on making jison tests run under istanbul/nyc coverage analysis: code generation & injection is a tough cookie when it comes to instrumented code coverage analysis as we're running into several crashes. Added checkcode to help speed up the trail&fix cycle: before we compile any code, we check for code coverage artifacts in the submitted code and barf a hairball when we find any. Several finds have been fixed, but only in the dist/ files: these edits must still be migrated to the proper source files!

  • examples/fsyacc-cgrammar.jison: shut up jison about different precedence tokens in single rules where not applicable: same precedence tokens should be listed together in a single %left or %right statement. Also add the (NOT YET SUPPORTED) %option test-compile-action-code=none option to instruct jison to IGNORE/SKIP the grammar action code compile test as the action content is written in an unsupported language - users may want to use this when they use non-native JS, e.g. TypeScript, in jison grammar's action code chunks or elsewhere...

  • working on examples set to test code generator feature filters

  • parser kernel: when parseError() produces a return value (i.e. return value is NOT undefined) while executing a parse error recovery, exit the parse process with that value anyway, even when the parse itself would otherwise be recoverable. In other words: whn your custom parseError() handler DOES NOT check the hash.recoverable flag AND produces a non-undefined return value, you will always have the parse() call terminate the parse and return said return value to the caller. (This change also 'beautifies'/'shortens' the yylloc dump sections in any yydebug() debug lines.)

  • fix: don't let the parser analysis flag parseActionsUseYYMERGELOCATIONINFO slip through into the generated code's options section

0.6.1-214 / 2017-12-20

  • updated test output reference files
  • augmented test cases for camelCase and mkIdentifier helpers lib APIs.
  • fix camelCase helpers API: do not convert 'a-2' to 'a2': numbers, which cannot be capitalized, should not eat their preceding '-' dash.
  • fix #31: do not just use camelCase but instead filter file/other names through a more strict mkIdentifier() helper API (from jison-helpers-lib)
  • create working example for zaach#362 --> uncovering a bug in jison-gho due to the particular filename of this example: to be fixed.
  • move the deletion of package-lock.json and node_modules/ from the clean to the superclean make target; documentation in already uses the latter target as part of the make superclean prep all build sequence.
  • properly strip the var yylineno; line from the parser kernel when desired.
  • risk-averse coding of the parser kernel: check for !action rather than action === 0 as !action is the 'error occurred in state' marker in the kernel throughout.

0.6.1-213 / 2017-12-19

  • quick fix for TravisCI failing for node 4 & 5: SyntaxError: Block-scoped declarations (let, const, function, class) not yet supported outside strict mode

0.6.1-212 / 2017-12-13

  • update the install instructions, also referencing the monorepo/bundle package: jison-gho, which carries everything.

0.6.1-211 / 2017-12-13

  • zaach/jison-lex#23: facilitate loading JavaScript grammar specs into JISON API a la JISON-LEX API for testing: in the test code we require() such grammar specs. Also adjust the test code to otherwise facilitate the grammars that come with this issue, which are expected to produce a numeric value rather than a simple boolean TRUE.
  • adding JISON test cases as provided by zaach/jison-lex#23 (with a minor tweak to test/showcase e + e action code expansion with named variables: $e1 + $e2 instead of the more cryptic (old-skool yacc style action code) $1 + $3
  • regenerated library files (zaach/jison-lex#23)
  • fix: zaach/jison-lex#23 -- added basic support for JavaScript Arrow Functions in the lexer spec, both simple functions, e.g. () => 'TOKEN' and "complex/multiline" arrow functions, e.g. () => { statements; return 'TOKEN'; ... }
  • while working on zaach/jison-lex#23: add support for loading JavaScript and JSON/JSON5 lexer specs to be processed by jison / jison-lex: this allows us to load and execute the fail & pass examples mentioned in zaach/jison-lex#23, for starters.
  • adding and updating test cases for "lexer ES6 arrow functions in action code" issue: zaach/jison-lex#23
  • fixing the lexer canIUse() API method and use it (and the new lexer.fastLex() API) in the parser whenever appropriate.
  • accept %option as an alias for %options; ditto for %parse-param vs. %parse-params

0.6.1-209 / 2017-11-11

  • fix: remove remaining yylineno statement(s) when that one is not used according to the internal action+ parse kernel analysis. NOTE: the fact that the error reporting/recovery logic checks the lexer.yylineno lexer attribute does not count as that code won't need / touch the internal yylineno variable in any way.
  • jison-lex: lexer kernel: added deriveLocationInfo() API which may be used to reconstruct missing/epsilon location infos. This helps fix crashes observed when reporting some errors that are triggered while parsing epsilon rules, but will also serve other purposes. The important bit here is that it helps prevent crashes inside the lexer's prettyPrintRange() API when no or faulty location info object(s) have been passed as parameters: robuster lexer APIs.
  • examples: replaced the codegen-feature-tester make task with make comparison as it will compare more than just the generated codegen parsers' sources...
  • working on #29: fix crash in jison when reporting an error on an epsilon rule (which has no location info); add / introduce the lexer::deriveLocationInfo() API to help you & us to construct a more-or-less useful/sane location info object from the context surrounding it when the requested location info itself is not available.
  • lexer kernel: introducing two new APIs and augmenting the pre/post callback set a la jison parser run-time:
    • fastLex(): return next match that has a token. Identical to the lex() API but does not invoke any of the pre_lex() nor any of the post_lex() callbacks.
    • canIUse(): return info about the lexer state that can help a parser or other lexer API user to use the most efficient means available. This API is provided to aid run-time performance for larger systems which employ this lexer.
    • now executes all pre_lex() and post_lex() callbacks provided as
    • member function, i.e. lexer.pre_lex() and lexer.post_lex()
    • member of the 'shared state' yy as passed to the lexer via the setInput() API, i.e. lexer.yy.pre_lex() and lexer.yy.post_lex()
    • member of the lexer options, i.e. lexer.options.pre_lex() and lexer.options.post_lex()
  • tweak: do NOT clean up the error recovery info until the parse is done:
    • DO NOT cleanup the old one before we start the new error info track: the old one will linger on the error stack and stay alive until we invoke the parser's cleanup API!
    • recoveringErrorInfo is also part of the __error_recovery_infos array, hence has been destroyed already: no need to do that twice.
  • parser kernel fix: when yyError() internally invokes parseError() it should always have produced an 'expected set of tokens' in the info hash, whether you're running in an error recovery enabled grammar or a simple (non-error-recovering) grammar.
  • work-in-progress: clean up and improve the lexer code generator to deliver a cleaner info set when custom lexers are involved AND not exhibit side effects such as modifying the provided lexer spec when it comes in native format, i.e. doesn't have to be parsed or JSON.parse()d anymore: we should strive for an overall cleaner interface behaviour, even if that makes some internals a tad more hairy.
  • tweak examples to pass the JS validation tests for all action code snippets and other code blocks. We don't want to do them all, so there's #26
  • use positive statements in jison code generator analysis report which is included with every generated parser: this makes those reports easier to understand at a glance.
  • add make comparison and make lexer-comparison tasks to help us compare the full set of examples` output vs. a given reference. This is basically a 'system test' / 'acceptance test' test level that co-exists with the unit tests and integration tests in the tests/ directory: those tests are already partly leaning towards a 'system test' level and that is "polluting" the implied simplicity of unit tests...
  • fix checkActionBlock(): fix off-by-one mistake when this one reports about a piece of action code which "does not compile": lexer and parser line tracking yylloc info starts counting at line ONE(1) instead of ZERO(0) hence we do NOT need to compensate when bumping down the action code before parsing/validating it in here.
  • updated NPM packages.
  • add a make profile task to simply only run the profiler tasks in examples/Makefile. Tweak make superclean to ensure that we can bootstrap once you've run make prep by reverting the jison/dist/ directory after 'supercleaning'.
  • #25: yet another kernel fix: yyErrOk() a.k.a. yyerrok SHOULD NOT reset/cleanup the recoveringErrorInfo object as one may invoke yyerrok while still inside the error recovery phase of the parser, thus potentially causing trouble down the lane for subsequent parse states. (This is another edge case that's hard to produce: better-safe-than-sorry coding style applies.)
  • further work on #25: fix logic mistake introduced in parser kernel in the preceeding commits: action === 0 is the error parse state and that one, when it is discovered during error recovery in the inner slow parse loop, is handed back to the outer loop to prevent undue code duplication. Handing back means the outer loop will have to process that state, not exit on it immediately!
  • observed in one of the examples: lingering yyleng = 0; statement after code stripping. Adjusted stripper regexes to fix this.
  • fixup the error-handling-and-yyerrok* examples: remove extra newlines in the console.log() statements in there: console.log() adds a newline automatically, while the original C code printf() does not.
  • further work on #25: making jison pass all tests once again. Also observed that retval isn't always teated properly when its potential value is produced by parseError(): only when parseError() produces a sensible value (i.e. not undefined!) should that value be produced by the parser. Otherwise a parse error should produce the value false to signal parse/match failure on the given input.
  • work on #25: inner and outer ("slow" and "fast") parse loops have been cross-compared and adjusted to suit our original intent as described in the issue #25: see the comments (edited) for the important parts of this work.
  • parser kernel optimization: remove the remaining error recovery conditional code in the SHIFT state as any error handling while going through the parser state machine is done in the other parse loop: the parse loop has been duplicated before so we could do this and work towards a quick-as-you-can main parse loop IFF no parse errors occur -- in exchange for a chunk of duplicated-and-then-tweaked code in the parse kernel.
  • fix require() library: we use globby instead of glob!

0.6.1-208 / 2017-10-29

  • fix unit test which broke due to us augmenting the nested-error message in the parser kernel in the previous commit.
  • further work while we make sure both the test cases and the new test grammar don't lock up or fail prematurely during error recovery: it's a hairy balance... This fixes/tweaks commit SHA-1: bd77c14b00e43bfaa602cd8a289aa8f0ace3bc20 :: fix: adjust the parser kernel error recovery code: the previous change FAILED the examples/error-handling-and-yyerrok-part1..5 recovery test examples. This is further work done on SHA-1: a6b91fddf6c0336b6b2ec154fb04ec1935a23ac9 :: fix infinite loop at run-time for particular erroneous inputs: parser kernel edge case found by @roman-spiridonov ( #21 ) where an error recovery rule sits just above the $accept rule and the entire input has just been lexed, while an error recovery fails, thus causing a lock-up in the parser kernel where the lexer keeps producing EOF tokens and the locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule() cycles between 'shifting the error token' and '$accept' state phases.
  • fix: adjust the parser kernel error recovery code: the previous change FAILED the examples/error-handling-and-yyerrok-part1..5 recovery test examples. This is further work done on SHA-1: a6b91fddf6c0336b6b2ec154fb04ec1935a23ac9 :: fix infinite loop at run-time for particular erroneous inputs: parser kernel edge case found by @roman-spiridonov ( #21 ) where an error recovery rule sits just above the $accept rule and the entire input has just been lexed, while an error recovery fails, thus causing a lock-up in the parser kernel where the lexer keeps producing EOF tokens and the locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule() cycles between 'shifting the error token' and '$accept' state phases.
  • use the new (patched) RECAST library which supports ison-style variables (@2, @$, ##TOKEN, etc.) out of the box.
  • lexer: unknown options, etc. should not come as array 0/1 indexed sets, but as key/value-pair objects instead for better code readability if we ever choose to access those bits of the parsed lexer/parser.
  • updated NPM packages
  • cleaned up a few lexer tests in the ebnf/bnf parser library test suite.
  • fix markdown mistake in README for lexer
  • cleaned up the lexer test code and adding more tests...
  • fixes/tweaks to the parser generator and kernel:
    • don't make the error 'recoverable' handling in parseError() dependent on the presence of the (debug mode) trace() function API.
    • treat the parseError() code chunk just like the other chunks in lieu of code compression/obfuscation: all kernel chunks should be stringified and are imported from master templates using the patch_parser_kernel_in_js utility.
    • dump the parser moduleInclude chunk after the lexer so that the lexer instance variable is present and valid by the time the parser's trailing code ('moduleInclude' chunk) is executed. This allows the parser code block to manipulate the lexer with abandon :-)
  • fix infinite loop at run-time for particular erroneous inputs: parser kernel edge case found by @roman-spiridonov ( #21 ) where an error recovery rule sits just above the $accept rule and the entire input has just been lexed, while an error recovery fails, thus causing a lock-up in the parser kernel where the lexer keeps producing EOF tokens and the locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule() cycles between 'shifting the error token' and '$accept' state phases.

0.6.1-207 / 2017-10-24

  • no need for the TravisCI tweak for git submodules any more: removed from the TravisCI config file
  • added missing examples (as these were thought to be moved to /docs/examples/ by a previous git commit)
  • added npm run website task to start live-server tool and serve the /docs/ website locally for testing/evaluation.
  • live-server tool crashed due to missing stream-sink dep; packages updated. hmmmm, weird
  • updated version patch utility to ensure that subpackages have up-to-date dependencies pointing at the npm package versions of the other modules which will always be published alongside with them, hence configuring those package.json files dependencies to reference no-yet-existing subpackage releases is fine as everything is published in one fell swoop via make publish from this monorepo every time.
  • removed submodule dirtree

0.6.1-206 / 2017-10-24

  • bumped build revision and rebuilt library files






  • Merge pull request zaach#325 from RubenVerborgh/fix-error-inheritance _parseError should be an instance of Error
  • _parseError should be an instance of Error. Fixes a regression introduced by zaach#319 while still providing a fix for zaach#318.
  • Merge pull request zaach#312 from saadq/master Add syntax highlighting to README


  • Merge pull request zaach#319 from polybuildr/fix-parse-error Fix throwing of parseError
  • Fix throwing of parseError The constructor is set to new Error(), instead set it to just Error.


  • Merge pull request zaach#314 from DmitrySoshnikov/master Added JSONNullLiteral to json.js example
  • Added JSONNullLiteral to json.js example The "JSONNullLiteral": [ "NULL" ] was forgotten in "bnf" section, and null didn't parse.
  • Add syntax highlighting to README
  • Merge pull request zaach#305 from rumblesan/strictfix Fixing strict mode function decleration error
  • Fixing strict mode function decleration error
  • Merge pull request zaach#266 from Pyro699/error_context More details from parsing Error
  • Merge pull request zaach#269 from nolanlawson/contributor-guidelines add with guidelines
  • Merge pull request zaach#267 from nolanlawson/246 Fix this.lexer undefined, fixes zaach#246
  • Merge pull request zaach#280 from kemitchell/patch-1 Add a license property to package.json
  • Merge pull request zaach#278 from y-ich/master made moduleName valid
  • Merge pull request zaach#270 from nolanlawson/local-uglify Use local uglifyjs
  • Merge pull request zaach#277 from xndcn/fix-for-json Fix issue zaach#276, error when input file is JSON format.
  • add a license property to package.json Add the SPDX-compliant license identifier for the MIT license, "MIT", as the "license" property in package.json. This makes it possible for programs to determine how jison is licensed, without attempting inference from README.
  • made moduleName valid
  • Fix issue zaach#276, error when input file is JSON format.
  • Use local uglifyjs It's safer to use the local in node_modules, so that developers don't need to have uglifyjs installed globally.
  • add with guidelines It was a bit confusing for me when I started, because I wasn't familiar with Makefiles, so I added some details here. I like the file, because Github pops up a little message when you open a PR on the project, to advise you to read it. Let me know if this suits your tastes. :)
  • Fix this.lexer undefined, fixes zaach#246 It seems that 9e0cc65 introduced a bug in the generated code, such that this.lexer is undefined, and so it throws a runtime error. This fixes the bug, and also adds a test to reproduce the error. The test fails before the fix, but succeeds after. I ran the tests and confirmed 100% success and no errors.
  • Include the information from hash to better handle client-side reporting when raising a parseError.
  • Merge pull request zaach#256 from phillipalexander/patch-1 Fix spelling error
  • Fix spelling error ignouring --> ignoring
  • Merge pull request zaach#245 from syrnick/master Fix global leaks
  • Fix global leaks
  • disable node 0.8 testing


  • prefix generated variables with "$"
  • make the formatting more consistent
  • Merge pull request zaach#235 from RubenVerborgh/even-compacter-table Reduce parser file size even more
  • Combine identical actions under one case.
  • Also compact objects with not all identical values.


  • Merge pull request zaach#234 from RubenVerborgh/compact-table Significantly decrease parser file size by compacting parser table
  • Use the same variable names for each generation.
  • Replace objects with identical values by function calls.
  • Merge pull request zaach#226 from edi9999/patch-1 Update calculator.jison
  • Replace frequent number lists by variables.
  • generateModule_ returns common and module code.
  • Update calculator.jison
  • chore(package): update old dependencies
  • feature(bnf): enable option for token stacks in the parser grammar
  • fix token stack support
  • Merge branch 'cdibbs-master' into merge-cdibbs Conflicts: lib/jison.js
  • fix reentrant parsing
  • upgrade node test versions on travis
  • upgrade jison-lex
  • Merge pull request zaach#208 from thomasmichaelwallace/master JSON format support for C# port.
  • make a copy of shared state on each parse
  • create a new instance of the lexer on each parse
  • refactor generation so that in-memory and to-source code paths are the same
  • Remove path from C# class name.
  • Added JSON support to C# port
  • update copyright dates in readme
  • Merge pull request zaach#202 from cjbrowne/master AMD module generator should be able to define dependencies
  • clean up cli
  • Merge branch 'cli' of into matthewkastor-cli
  • wip
  • Use requireJS commonJS sugar instead of dependencies as arguments to define.
  • Removed module name as it was causing more problems than it solved, and although technically allowed, defining a module name explicitly is not recommended by requirejs.
  • Removed dependency on JSON.stringify which I believe was causing the build failure
  • Added ability to name the AMD module as well as adding dependencies.
  • Fixed error in last commit
  • Added ability to specify dependencies of AMD module to AMD module generation function
  • Merge pull request zaach#198 from nelsonjchen/patch-1 Update docs.html
  • Update docs.html Fix URL.
  • Merge pull request zaach#190 from robertleeplummerjr/master Adding c#, and updated php
  • reverts ignoring log directory produced by jsdoc
  • removes jsdoc/vsdoc noise
  • adds devDependency jsdoc-toolkit >= 0.0.2
  • vsdoc template for jsdoc-toolkit These files make it possible to generate documentation which can be consumed by visual studio to provide intellisense code completion. Just tell jsdoc-toolkit to use this template when generating docs.
  • about to add vsdoc template
  • jsdoc / vsdoc generated documentation.
  • about to generate docs, ignore logs folder.
  • edit docs, cleanup cli.processGrammars options argument properties are documented better. Optional and default args specified better. jsonMode arg to cli.processGrammars means something.
  • minor edits to documentation The comment for main is huge. It didn't look that great when rendered into a document so I added a few break tags. Now it's legible in the code and generated documents.
  • cli can be called from script I keep finding myself reimplementing the cli script and it would be much easier if I could simply require it and use it in scripts. The basic change is that main accepts an options argument. The rest of the changes: add documentation to the source code, expose a method for processing grammar files in any combination the cli accepts, and expose a method for generating a parser as a string. It's all pretty much the same code as was there, just shifted around so I could expose things to users and wrapped up so things don't go haywire.
  • Ensure that symbol exists for c#
  • Fixed merge issues
  • Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'


  • support module include with amd module type - see zaach#188


  • update dependencies
  • support name aliases with ebnf
  • Merge pull request zaach#185 from cdibbs/namedvals Named values enhancement (zaach#184).


  • bind generator methods on parser - fixes zaach#188, fixes zaach#189
  • From Value to Text, as it is in Jison js
  • Update test from .jison
  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • Get test working Fix a few issues with add and how decimals are handled, also, correct some issues with .jison file
  • Enabled named values in the parser (zaach#184). Added modified classy grammar as example.