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Emanuele Tajariol edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 7 revisions

This page is used as a temporary work area for sketching the new (2023) facets API as described in #10995. So far API have been designed and refined in the main description of that issue, but this is making he following coments no longer related to it, so this is the reference page, that will be moved in the geonode doc files once this API is stable enough.

API endpoints

  • _GEONODE_VERSIONED_API_/facets Returns a list of available facets The returned payload is a dict

     {"facets": [facet,...]}
    • GET params:
      • include_topics: bool, 0..1: include first n topics to every facet
      • filter: string, 0..N: if include_topics, this field is used to pre-filter resources (see pre-filtering)
      • lang: bool, 0..1: return localized labels if possible
      • add_links: bool, 0..1: add links to facets endpoint
  • _GEONODE_VERSIONED_API_/facets/<facet_name> Returns info for the requested facet. First page of topics is included.

    • GET params:
      • page/page_size: (int,int), 0..1: topics pagination params
      • filter: string, 0..N: used to pre-filter resources (see pre-filtering)
      • topic_contains: string, 0..1: used to pre-filter topics with a string
      • lang: str (2 letters), 0..1: return localized labels if possible
      • add_links: bool, 0..1: add links to prev/next pages
  • _GEONODE_VERSIONED_API_/facets/<facet_name>/topics Returns info for the requested topics.

    • GET params:
      • key: mandatory, can be repeated: the topic key of which we want the label
      • lang: opt, str (2 letters): return localized labels if possible
    • Response: A JSON dict:
      • name: as per /facets/<facet_name>
      • key: as per /facets/<facet_name>
      • label: as per /facets/<facet_name>
      • is_localized: as per /facets/<facet_name>
      • topics: as per /facets/<facet_name>, but without pagination, since we're getting only the requested info.
        • total: number of items found and returned
        • items: as per /facets/<facet_name>, without count since we're only getting localizion info
          • key: as per /facets/<facet_name>
          • label: as per /facets/<facet_name>
          • is_localized: as per /facets/<facet_name>


The filter parameters are parsed by the DREST library and are in the form filter{FIELD_EXPRESSION}=VALUE, for instance:

  • filter{metadata_only}=false
  • filter{date.gte}=2023-06-01T00:00:00


  • facet is a dict:

    key type opt description
    name str no Name of the facet (to be used in the /facet/<facet_name> entrypoint)
    filter key str no string to be used as KVP param in the resources query
    label str no Label for the facet (could be localized)
    is_localized str yes If exists and it's true, tells that the label is already translated and requires no further localization actions by the client
    type enum no Type of facet, may be used by the client for rendering. So far region, category, people, thesaurus
    hierarchical bool yes no Tells if the facet has nested elements (don't know if this is really useful)
    order int opt May be useful for telling the UI how to present the facets
    thesauri have their own internal ordering
    (where can it be configured?)
    link url opt link to the facet
    - /facets: requested using the add_links param
    - /facets/<ID>: N/A
    prev url opt link to previous paginated set of topics
    - /facets: N/A
    - /facets/<ID>: requested using the add_links param
    next url opt link to next paginated set of topics
    - /facets: N/A
    - /facets/<ID>: requested using the add_links param
    topics dict opt (see descr) Info on topic set.
    - /facets: only present if include_topics requested
    - /facets/<ID>: always present
  • topics is a dict:

    key type description
    page int page number
    page_size int number of topics per page
    start int initial # of topic in current page
    total int total number of topics
    items list list of topic
  • topic is a dict, having at least 3 mandatory elements:

    key type opt description
    key str String to be used as KVP value in the query
    label str Label (may be localized)
    is_localized str yes If exists and it's true, tells that the label is already translated and requires no further localization actions by the client
    count int Count of facet's item in current filter

The topics may also have other elements, according to the Facet handler; i.e.:

  • categories may have a link to an icon,
  • regions may have a bbox


"items": [
      "key": "Pianificazione",
      "label": "Pianificazione",
      "is_localized": true,
      "count": 156,
      "fa_class": "fa-home"


The facets payloads provide all the info to create a filter on the resources. In order to create a filter on the topic you need to add in the KVP string FACET_FILTER=ITEM_KEY. For instance, if we have this payload:

   "name": "3-2-4-1-gemet-inspire-themes-rdf",
   "filter": "filter{tkeyword}",
   "label": "Categorie tematiche INSPIRE",
   "is_localized": true,
   "topics": {
      "items": [
            "key": 36,
            "label": "Zone a rischio naturale",
            "is_localized": true,
            "count": 152

in order to filter by "Zone a rischio naturale" we need to add in the search query filter{tkeyword}=36


The faceting framework is extensible and configurable:

  • faceting is implemented by extending a base class FacetProvider
  • the list of facets can be configured in the setting:
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