Palette is a freehand CMS which allows to construct websites directly in a web-browser. It uses flat files for storage and provides an intuitive GUI
Palette is a freehand CMS which allows to construct websites directly in a web-browser. It uses flat files for storage and provides an intuitive GUI
- Prerequirement
- Installation
- Installation using git
- Sreenshots
- Language
- Main Developer
- Feature
- MultiSite
- Third Party Components
- Main Developers
- PHP 5.3+
- gd
- zip
should be enabled for friendlyURL
Create Folder
- thumbs/
- sites/
- .palette/
Give a Writable Permission on
- config/
- .palette
- thumbs/
- sites/
- logs/error.log
- .htaccess
and open install.php in you Browser
$ #installing Palette
$ git clone
$ cd Palette
$ mkdir thumbs sites .palette
$ chmod -R 777 thumbs sites config logs/error.log .htaccess .palette
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ../Palette
and open install.php in you Browser
- Easy to Use
- Support of multiple languages
- Easy Customizing options
- Live Editor
- Single and Multiple Site Support
chnage MULTISITE to true for multisite and false for singesite
// single site
- thanks the following open source projects for the components used by Palette
Components | Link |
Metro UI | |
JQuery | |
JSColor | |
DropzoneJS | |
- Ganesh Kandu Ganesh Kandu
- Contact [email protected] ✉️