Effective solutions for commom challenges -> Effective because not all solutions are created equal, some approaches may lead to brittle code, decreased performance and reduced memory usage maintainability commonly referred to as anti-patterns. -> Design patterns, on the other hand, represent the most optimal and effective solutions to those challenges.
The patterns will we cover are specific to react and have emerged from the autor personal experience working on several React applications. -> Design patterns that are specific to React and have emerged from personal experience and industry best practices. -> Best practices for managing form state -> Functional programming in the context of ReactJS.
For instance, explore how to create reausable layouts for organizing components, including split screens and modals.
Issue of reusing complex logic among components instead of duplicating code.
How to efficiently share code responsible for tasks like fetching data from a server.
Working with forms in React -> Despite the abundance of articles on the topic, handling forms can still be challenging -> Dive into best practices for managing form, mistakes, validation and submission in React.
Incorporate concepts from functional programming into our React applications. -> Can enhance code, organization and maintainability. -> How functional programming concepts like Recursive can be integrated seamlessly into React development.