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% Beautiful folds % Gabriella Gonzalez % September 03, 2016

Beautiful folds

Beautiful folds commonly arise in parallel/distributed programming

This talk will explain the core abstraction and advertise several useful tricks

... in one slide

The entire abstraction can be implemented in 14 lines of Haskell code:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}

import Control.Lens (Getting, foldMapOf)

data Fold i o = forall m . Monoid m => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

instance Functor (Fold i) where
    fmap k (Fold tally summarize) = Fold tally (k . summarize)

instance Applicative (Fold i) where
    pure o = Fold (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> o)

    Fold tallyF summarizeF <*> Fold tallyX summarizeX = Fold tally summarize
        tally i = (tallyF i, tallyX i)
        summarize (mF, mX) = summarizeF mF (summarizeX mX)

focus :: (forall m . Monoid m => Getting m b a) -> Fold a o -> Fold b o
focus lens (Fold tally summarize) = Fold (foldMapOf lens tally) summarize

The rest of the talk is just explaining the above code and its implications


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion

Historical background

The trick I'm about to describe is not novel:

  • The term "Beautiful fold" was first coined by Max Rabkin in 2008
  • Popularized by Scala's algebird library
  • Similar to map-reduce or scatter-gather

This trick most commonly arises in any field that uses parallel processing of some sort:

  • Map-reduce (Big data)
  • Scatter-gather (GPU programming)

... but is really useful even when you don't need parallelism!

Simplest possible example

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (sum)

import qualified Data.Foldable

data Fold i o = forall m . Monoid m => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

fold :: Fold i o -> [i] -> o
fold (Fold tally summarize) is = summarize (reduce (map tally is))
    reduce = Data.Foldable.foldl' (<>) mempty

sum :: Num n => Fold n n
sum = Fold Sum getSum

Example usage

>>> fold sum [1..10]
main :: IO ()
main = print (fold sum [(1::Int)..1000000000])
$ time ./example  # 0.3 ns / elem

real    0m0.322s
user    0m0.316s
sys     0m0.003s

How does it work?

print (fold sum [1, 2, 3, 4])

-- sum = Fold Sum getSum
= print (fold (Fold Sum getSum) [1, 2, 3, 4])

-- fold (Fold tally summarize) is = summarize (reduce (map tally is))
= print (getSum (reduce (map Sum [1, 2, 3, 4])))

-- reduce = foldl' (<>) mempty
= print (getSum (foldl' (<>) mempty (map Sum [1, 2, 3, 4])))

-- Definition of `map` (skipping a few steps)
= print (getSum (foldl' (<>) mempty [Sum 1, Sum 2, Sum 3, Sum 4]))

-- `foldl' (<>) mempty` (skipping a few steps)
= print (getSum (mempty <> Sum 1 <> Sum 2 <> Sum 3 <> Sum 4))

-- mempty = Sum 0
= print (getSum (Sum 0 <> Sum 1 <> Sum 2 <> Sum 3 <> Sum 4))

-- Sum x <> Sum y = Sum (x + y)
= print (getSum (Sum 10))

-- getSum (Sum x) = x
= print 10


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion

More interesting example

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

data Average a = Average { numerator :: !a, denominator :: !Int }

instance Num a => Monoid (Average a) where
    mempty = Average 0 0
    mappend (Average xL nL) (Average xR nR) = Average (xL + xR) (nL + nR)

-- Not a numerically stable average, but humor me
average :: Fractional a => Fold a a
average = Fold tally summarize
    tally x = Average x 1

    summarize (Average numerator denominator) =
        numerator / fromIntegral denominator

Example usage

>>> fold average [1..10]
main :: IO ()
main = print (fold average (map fromIntegral [(1::Int)..1000000000]))
$ time ./example  # 1.3 ns / elem

real    0m1.251s
user    0m1.237s
sys     0m0.005s

No space leaks!

Our average runs in constant space:

How does it work?

print (fold average [1, 2, 3])

-- average = Fold tally summarize
= print (fold (Fold tally summarize ) [1, 2, 3])

-- fold (Fold tally summarize) is = summarize (reduce (map tally is))
= print (summarize (reduce (map tally [1, 2, 3])))

-- reduce = foldl' (<>) mempty
= print (summarize (foldl' (<>) mempty (map tally [1, 2, 3])))

-- Definition of `map` (skipping a few steps)
= print (summarize (foldl' (<>) mempty [tally 1, tally 2, tally 3]))

-- tally x = Average x 1
= print (summarize (mconcat [Average 1 1, Average 2 1, Average 3 1]))

-- `foldl' (<>) mempty` (skipping a few steps)
= print (summarize (mempty <> Average 1 1 <> Average 2 1 <> Average 3 1))

-- mempty = Average 0 0
= print (summarize (Average 0 0 <> Average 1 1 <> Average 2 1 <> Average 3 1))

-- Average xL nL <> Average xR nR = Average (xL + xR) (nL + nR)
= print (summarize (Average 6 3))

-- summarize (Average numerator denominator) = numerator / fromIntegral denominator
= print (6 / fromIntegral 3)

Simple Folds

Everything in Data.Monoid can be wrapped in a Fold

import Prelude hiding (head, last, all, any, sum, product, length)

head :: Fold a (Maybe a)
head = Fold (First . Just) getFirst

last :: Fold a (Maybe a)
last = Fold (Last . Just) getLast

all :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold a Bool
all predicate = Fold (All . predicate) getAll

any :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold a Bool
any predicate = Fold (Any . predicate) getAny

sum :: Num n => Fold n n
sum = Fold Sum getSum

product :: Num n => Fold n n
product = Fold Product getProduct

length :: Num n => Fold i n
length = Fold (\_ -> Sum 1) getSum

Example usage

>>> fold head [1..10]
Just 1
>>> fold last [1..10]
Just 10
>>> fold (all even) [1..10]
>>> fold (any even) [1..10]
>>> fold sum [1..10]
>>> fold product [1..10]
>>> fold length [1..10]

Exponential moving average

Exponential moving averages are Folds:

data EMA a = EMA { samples :: !Int, value :: !a }

instance Fractional a => Monoid (EMA a) where
    mempty = EMA 0 0

    mappend (EMA nL xL) (EMA 1 xR) = EMA n x  -- Optimize common case
        n = nL + 1

        x = xL * 0.7 + xR
    mappend (EMA nL xL) (EMA nR xR) = EMA n x
        n = nL + nR

        x = xL * (0.7 ^ nR) + xR

ema :: Fractional a => Fold a a
ema = Fold tally summarize
    tally x = EMA 1 x

    summarize (EMA _ x) = x * 0.3

Example usage

>>> fold ema [1..10]
main :: IO ()
main = print (fold ema (map fromIntegral [(1::Int)..1000000000]))
$ time ./example  # 2.6 ns / elem

real    0m2.577s
user    0m2.562s
sys     0m0.009s

Cardinality estimation

A common request in large companies is: "number of unique visitors"

We might try a Fold that looks like this:

import Data.Set (Set)

import qualified Data.Set

uniques :: Ord i => Fold i Int
uniques = Fold Data.Set.singleton Data.Set.size

... but the amount of memory this Fold requires is unbounded

... which is bad for large datasets

Approximate cardinality estimation

The HyperLogLog algorithm gives approximate uniques

Overly simplistic explanation, using Haskell:

import Data.Word (Word64)

import qualified Data.Bits

newtype Max a = Max { getMax :: a }

instance (Bounded a, Ord a) => Monoid (Max a) where
    mempty = Max minBound

    mappend (Max x) (Max y) = Max (max x y)

uniques :: (i -> Word64) -> Fold i Int
uniques hash = Fold tally summarize
    tally x = Max (fromIntegral (Data.Bits.countLeadingZeros (hash x)) :: Word64)

    summarize (Max n) = fromIntegral (2 ^ n)

The real version is more robust and fancier (See Edward's hyperloglog package)

Example usage

main :: IO ()
main = print (fold (uniques id) (take 1000000000 (cycle randomWord64s)))

randomWord64s :: [Word64]
randomWord64s = [11244654998801660968,16946641599420530603,652086428930367189,5128055280221172986,16587432539185930121,2228570544497248004,1689089568130731485,1818807721542935601,2077177117099267269,8187447654250279125]
$ time ./example  # 5.5 ns / elem

real    0m5.543s
user    0m5.526s
sys     0m0.007s

Code worth stealing

Some of these ideas are stolen from Scala's algebird library

  • Quantile digests (for medians, percentiles, histograms)
    • algebird calls these QTrees
  • Count-min sketch (for top N most frequently occurring items)
    • algebird generalizes this as SketchMaps
  • Stochastic gradient descent (for linear regression)
    • algebird calls this SGD
  • Bloom filters (for approximate membership testing)
    • algebird calls this BF

algebird's version of Fold is called Aggregator

As far as I know, nobody has ported these Monoids to Haskell


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion

Combining Folds

Suppose we want to combine two Folds into one

We could do something like this:

combine :: Fold i a -> Fold i b -> Fold i (a, b)
combine (Fold tallyL summarizeL) (Fold tallyR summarizeR) = Fold tally summarize
    tally x = (tallyL x, tallyR x)

    summarize (sL, sR) = (summarizeL sL, summarizeR sR)

Example usage

>>> fold (combine sum product) [1..10]


We can generalize combine by making Fold an Applicative

instance Functor (Fold i) where
    fmap k (Fold tally summarize) = Fold tally (k . summarize)

instance Applicative (Fold i) where
    pure o = Fold (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> o)

    Fold tallyF summarizeF <*> Fold tallyX summarizeX = Fold tally summarize
        tally i = (tallyF i, tallyX i)

        summarize (mF, mX) = summarizeF mF (summarizeX mX)


Actually, we want the internal Monoid to be a strict Pair:

data Pair a b = P !a !b

instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (Pair a b) where
    mempty = P mempty mempty

    mappend (P aL bL) (P aR bR) = P (mappend aL aR) (mappend bL bR)

data Fold i o = forall m . Monoid m => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

instance Functor (Fold i) where
    fmap k (Fold tally summarize) = Fold tally (k . summarize)

instance Applicative (Fold i) where
    pure o = Fold (\_ -> ()) (\_ -> o)

    Fold tallyF summarizeF <*> Fold tallyX summarizeX = Fold tally summarize
        tally i = P (tallyF i) (tallyX i)

        summarize (P mF mX) = summarizeF mF (summarizeX mX)

This lets us use seq instead of deepseq

Pairing values

Now we can write:

combine :: Fold i a -> Fold i b -> Fold i (a, b)
combine = liftA2 (,)

... which actually has a more general type:

combine :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)

Alternatively, we can just use Applicative operations inline:

>>> fold ((,) <$> sum <*> product) [1..10]


Compare these two functions:

bad :: [Double] -> (Double, Double)
bad xs = (Prelude.sum xs, Prelude.product xs)

good :: [Double] -> (Double, Double)
good xs = fold ((,) <$> sum <*> product) xs

What's the problem wth the first version?

Applying Applicatives

We can use the Applicative instance for more than just pairing up results

sum :: Num n => Fold n n
sum = Fold Sum getSum

length :: Num n => Fold i n
length = Fold (\_ -> Sum 1) getSum

average :: Fractional n => Fold n n
average = (/) <$> sum <*> length

This generates code identical to our previous hand-written average

main :: IO ()
main = print (fold average (map fromIntegral [(1::Int)..1000000000]))
$ time ./example  # 1.3 ns / elem

real    0m1.281s
user    0m1.266s
sys     0m0.006s

Numerically stable average

Just so that people stop asking me about this:

data Average a = Average { samples :: !a, value :: !a }

instance Fractional a => Monoid (Average a) where
    mempty = Average 0 0

    mappend (Average nL xL) (Average nR xR) = Average n x
        n = nL + nR

        x = (xL * nL + xR * nR) / (nL + nR)

average :: Fractional a => Fold a a
average = Fold tally summarize
    tally x = Average 1 x

    summarize (Average _ x) = x
>>> fold average [1..10000]


We can also give Fold instances for Num, Fractional and Floating!

These are trivially derived from the Applicative instance:

instance Num b => Num (Fold a b) where
    fromInteger n = pure (fromInteger n)

    negate = fmap negate
    abs    = fmap abs
    signum = fmap signum

    (+) = liftA2 (+)
    (*) = liftA2 (*)
    (-) = liftA2 (-)

instance Fractional b => Fractional (Fold a b) where
    fromRational n = pure (fromRational n)

    recip = fmap recip

    (/) = liftA2 (/)

instance Floating b => Floating (Fold a b) where
    pi = pure pi

    exp   = fmap exp
    sqrt  = fmap sqrt
    log   = fmap log
    sin   = fmap sin
    tan   = fmap tan
    cos   = fmap cos
    asin  = fmap sin
    atan  = fmap atan
    acos  = fmap acos
    sinh  = fmap sinh
    tanh  = fmap tanh
    cosh  = fmap cosh
    asinh = fmap asinh
    atanh = fmap atanh
    acosh = fmap acosh

    (**)    = liftA2 (**)
    logBase = liftA2 logBase

Numeric Folds

These instances let us do cool things like:

>>> fold (length - 1) [1..10]
>>> let average = sum / length
>>> fold average [1..10]
>>> fold (sin average ^ 2 + cos average  ^ 2) [1..10]
>>> fold 99 [1..10]

Standard deviation

The formula for the standard deviation is:

The equivalent Fold reads almost exactly like the latter formula:

standardDeviation :: Floating n => Fold n n
standardDeviation = sqrt ((sumOfSquares / length) - (sum / length) ^ 2)
    sumOfSquares = Fold (Sum . (^2)) getSum
>>> fold standardDeviation [1..100]


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion

Folds are versatile

So far we've only defined one function that consumes Folds:

fold :: Fold i o -> [i] -> o
fold (Fold tally summarize) is = summarize (foldl' mappend mempty (map tally is))

... but the Fold type is rather unopinionated:

data Fold i o = forall m . Monoid m => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

... so we can use Folds in more interesting ways.

Parallel folds

We can run Folds in parallel, for example:

import Control.Parallel.Strategies

length :: Fold i Int
length = Fold (\_ -> Sum 1) getSum

average :: Fractional a => Fold a a
average = sum / fmap fromIntegral length

fold' :: Fold i o -> [[i]] -> o
fold' (Fold tally summarize) iss =
    summarize (reduce (map inner iss `using` parList rseq))
    reduce   = Data.Foldable.foldl' mappend mempty
    inner is = reduce (map tally is)

This takes advantage of the associativity property of Monoids

Example usage

main :: IO ()
main = print (fold' average (replicate 4 (map fromIntegral [(1::Int)..250000000])))

Note: this is ~7x slower than single-threaded, but scales with number of cores:

$ time ./test +RTS -N4  # 2.1 ns / elem

real    0m2.104s
user    0m8.060s
sys     0m0.137s

Most of the slow-down is due to losing list fusion in the switch to parallelism

Folding a ListT

ListT from the list-transformers package is defined like this:

newtype ListT m a = ListT { next :: m (Step m a) }

data Step m a = Cons a (ListT m a) | Nil

We can fold that, too!

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import List.Transformer (ListT(..), Step(..))

import qualified System.IO

foldListT :: Monad m => Fold i o -> ListT m i -> m o
foldListT (Fold tally summarize) = go mempty
    go !m l = do
        s <- next l
        case s of
            Nil       -> return (summarize m)
            Cons x l' -> go (mappend m (tally x)) l'

Example usage

We can fold effectful streams this way:

stdin :: ListT IO String
stdin = ListT (do
    eof <- System.IO.isEOF
    if eof
        then return Nil
        else do
            line <- getLine
            return (Cons line stdin) )

main :: IO ()
main = do
    n <- foldListT length stdin
    print n
$ yes | head -10000000 | ./example

Folding streaming libraries

This trick can be applied to other streaming libraries, too, such as:

  • conduit
  • io-streams
  • list-t
  • logict
  • machines
  • pipes
  • turtle

Every Fold you define can be reused as-is for all of these ecosystems

Rollups / Buckets

You don't have to fold the entire data set!

i0 ==(tally)=> m0 ==(summarize)=> o0

i1 ==(tally)=> m1 ==(summarize)=> o1

i2 ==(tally)=> m2 ==(summarize)=> o2

i3 ==(tally)=> m3 ==(summarize)=> o3

i4 ==(tally)=> m4 ==(summarize)=> o4

i5 ==(tally)=> m5 ==(summarize)=> o5

i6 ==(tally)=> m6 ==(summarize)=> o6

i7 ==(tally)=> m7 ==(summarize)=> o7

You can fold data in arbitrary buckets.

For example, each data point can be folded as a single 1-element bucket.

Rollups / Buckets

... or you can roll up data in buckets of two:

i0 ==(tally)=> m0 \
                   (mappend)=> m01 ==(summarize)=> o01
i1 ==(tally)=> m1 /

i2 ==(tally)=> m2 \
                   (mappend)=> m23 ==(summarize)=> o23
i3 ==(tally)=> m3 /

i4 ==(tally)=> m4 \
                   (mappend)=> m45 ==(summarize)=> o45
i5 ==(tally)=> m5 /

i6 ==(tally)=> m6 \
                   (mappend)=> m67 ==(summarize)=> o67
i7 ==(tally)=> m7 /

Rollups / Buckets

... or in buckets of four:

i0 ==(tally)=> m0 \
                   (mappend)=> m01 \
i1 ==(tally)=> m1 /                 \
                                     (mappend)=> m0123 ==(summarize)=> o0123
i2 ==(tally)=> m2 \                 /
                   (mappend)=> m23 /
i3 ==(tally)=> m3 /

i4 ==(tally)=> m4 \
                   (mappend)=> m45 \
i5 ==(tally)=> m5 /                 \
                                     (mappend)=> m4567 ==(summarize)=> o4567
i6 ==(tally)=> m6 \                 /
                   (mappend)=> m67 /
i7 ==(tally)=> m7 /

Rollups / Buckets

... or in buckets of eight:

i0 ==(tally)=> m0 \
                   (mappend)=> m01 \
i1 ==(tally)=> m1 /                 \
                                     (mappend)=> m0123 \
i2 ==(tally)=> m2 \                 /                   \
                   (mappend)=> m23 /                     \
i3 ==(tally)=> m3 /                                       \
                                                           (mappend)=> m01234567 ==(summarize)=> o01234567
i4 ==(tally)=> m4 \                                       /
                   (mappend)=> m45 \                     /
i5 ==(tally)=> m5 /                 \                   /
                                     (mappend)=> m4567 /
i6 ==(tally)=> m6 \                 /
                   (mappend)=> m67 /
i7 ==(tally)=> m7 /

Client-side aggregation!

You can delegate some of the Fold work to clients:

         Client 0              Server
       +----------+          +--------- ...
i00 => |  m00\    |          |
i01 => |  m01->m0 | => m0 => | m0
i02 => |  m02/    |          |   \
       +----------+          |    \
                             |     \
                             |      >m => o
         Client 1            |     /
       +----------+          |    /
i10 => |  m10\    |          |   /
i11 => |  m11->m1 | => m1 => | m1
i12 => |  m12/    |          |
       +----------+          +--------- ...

The clients tally and the server summarizes. Both of them mappend.


This requires a stronger condition that your Monoids are commutative.

This also requires that you run Haskell code on your clients

This also requires a change to the Fold type:

data Fold i o = forall m . (Monoid m, Binary m) => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Pair a b) where ...


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Control.Lens (Getting, foldMapOf)

focus :: (forall m . Monoid m => Getting m b a) -> Fold a o -> Fold b o
focus lens (Fold tally summarize) = Fold tally' summarize
    tally' = foldMapOf lens tally
focus _1 :: Fold i o -> Fold (i, x) o

focus _Just :: Fold i o -> Fold (Maybe i) o

Example usage

items1 :: [Either Int String]
items1 = [Left 1, Right "Hey", Right "Foo", Left 4, Left 10]
>>> fold (focus _Left sum) items1
>>> fold (focus _Right length) items1
items2 :: [Maybe (Int, String)]
items2 = [Nothing, Just (1, "Foo"), Just (2, "Bar"), Nothing, Just (5, "Baz")]
>>> fold (focus (_Just . _1) product) items2
>>> fold (focus _Nothing length) items2


  • Fold basics
  • Non-trivial Folds
  • Composing multiple Folds into a single Fold
  • Alternative ways to consume Folds
  • Focusing in on subsets of the data
  • Conclusion

We use this trick at work!

Our work involves high-performance parallel processing of network packets

We use a central abstraction very similar to the one described in this talk

  • We formulate each analysis as a Fold
  • We combine and run Folds side-by-side using Applicative operations
  • Each Fold focuses in on just the subset data it cares about
  • Automatic Parallelism!


One simple and composable analysis type:

data Fold i o = forall m . Monoid m => Fold (i -> m) (m -> o)

... which supports:

  • Applicative operations
  • Numeric operations
  • Parallelism
  • Bucketing / rollups
  • focus
  • any streaming ecosystem

... and supports many non-trivial useful analyses.