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Tristan Dubos edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 12 revisions

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To extract large numbers of nuclei from a wide-field image, we have designed a process called autocrop here performed in 3D although this can also be achieved for 2D images. The basic principles of the autocrop process rely on a simple Otsu threshold method applied to the wide-field image. bounding box surrounding the 3D nuclei are defined to crop the nuclei from the wide-field image. To avoid to select to many objects which are not nuclei, a simple and scalable size filter was introduced. A second scalable filter allow to limit the number of multiple boxes for a given nucleus especially for large nuclei. Autocrop parameters are set by default but can can be modified prior to the analysis through a configuration file (config file).

Running autocrop

First click on Autocrop NucleusJ 2 in NucleusJ2.0 plugin menu :


Then chose folder containing 1 or several images to crop as input and an output folder in the following window :


Autocrop results

After cropping you will obtain in 3 folders and 1 results file :

  • coordinates folder contain 1 text file per image analyzed. It contains 3D crop position relative to input image and a summarize of the analyze :
  • nuclei folder contain 1 file per crop obtain with the structure name InputImageName_CropNumber_ChannelNumber. Exemple : RawImage_0_C0.tif

  • zprojection folder contain 1 voxel max projection per input image with the structure name InputImageName_projection. We draw on this projection crop boxes and numbers corresponding, exemple :

  • result_Autocrop_Analyse.csv contain a summarize of analyzed images (number of crop per image , OTSU threshold used ...) exemple :

List of available parameters

By default there is a list of parameters defined (see next table). You can modify this parameter in graphical interface :


In the new window you can modify parameters :


Parameter name Default value Value type Corresponding number in user interface Description
xCropBoxSize 40 Int 1 Number of voxels added to xmin and xmax of the connected component defining the final box size in x
yCropBoxSize 40 Int 2 Number of voxels added to ymin and ymax of the connected component defining the final box size in y
zCropBoxSize 20 Int 3 Number of voxels added to zmin and zmax of the connected component defining the final box size in z
minVolumeNucleus 1 Int 4 Minimum volume of detected object
maxVolumeNucleus 2147483647 Int 5 Maximum volume of detected object
thresholdOSTUcomputing 20 Int 6 Minimal default OTSU threshold
channelToComputeThreshold 0 Int 7 Channel number used to compute OTSU threshold (Channel 1 is 0 etc)
slicesOTSUcomputing 0 Int 8 Slice start used to compute OTSU threshold
boxesPercentSurfaceToFilter 50 Int 9 Surface percent of boxes to groups them
boxesRegroupement 10 boolean 10 Activation of boxes regroupement
xcal 1 Double 11 X calibration value
ycal 1 Double 12 Y calibration value
zcal 1 Double 13 Z calibration value

If you are using a special parameter configuration you can use a config file. You can select you config file before analyze :


Config file is text file containing 1 parameter per line composed of ParameterName:ParameterValue. In this example here we want to modify the x y boxes size of crop and the minimal OTSU threshold to detect object :


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