Browser-side JS library for transforming Google Music into a mini player.
This was built as part of Google Play Music Desktop Player, a C# wrapper around Google Music. It was extracted to allow other to make better use of it.
is not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Google Inc.
Install the module with: npm install gmusic-mini-player.js
. This module extends on the code utility library gmusic.js
so you must include that first.
Once installed, add it to your HTML and access it via (new window.GMusic(window)).miniPlayer
<script src="node_modules/gmusic-mini-player.js/dist/gmusic-mini-player.min.js"></script>
window.GPM = new window.GMusic(window); // Our Google Music API // Our mini player controller
If you are not using a package manager, download the latest script at:
Then, add it to your HTML and access it via window.GMusicTheme
<script src="gmusic-mini-player.min.js"></script>
window.GPM = new window.GMusic(window); // Our Google Music API // Our mini player controller
exposes a new section under GMusic.js
Enables mini player mode
Disabled mini player mode
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via npm run lint
and test via npm test
Currently there is no testing framework. How do we test a theming library????