These instructions are for installing the GENI Clearinghouse. Information on the Clearinghouse can be found at:
# update the OS
sudo yum update -y
Check the status of SELinux:
$ sestatus
SELinux status: disabled
If SELinux is enabled, do this:
sudo sed -i -e "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config
sudo reboot
GENI Tools RPMs are available on GitHub.
can download and install these RPMs.
N.B. The link in the example below may not be the latest RPM. You can find the URL of the latest RPM at
sudo yum install -y \
GENI Clearinghouse RPMs are available on GitHub.
can download and install these RPMs.
N.B. The link in the example below may not be the latest RPM. You can find the URL of the latest RPM at
sudo yum install -y \
You can see exactly what files have been installed and what directories are used for the GENI clearinghouse using an rpm command as follows:
rpm -ql geni-chapi
sudo cp /etc/geni-chapi/example-parameters.json /etc/geni-chapi/parameters.json
Edit /etc/geni-chapi/parameters.json
- Make sure to set
Do this by adding a line of the format:
"default" : "hostname.domain.tld"
to the appropriate sections of the file.
sudo /usr/sbin/geni-install-templates
If you do not already have PostgreSQL installed then you need to install it. PostgreSQL is required for the GENI Clearinghouse.
Note: if installing on an APT centos image, do:
sudo yum reinstall -y polkit\* power
sudo reboot
To install PostgreSQL on the same host as the GENI Clearinghouse,
see /usr/share/geni-chapi/templates/
. You should copy
that file and edit the parameters near the top to change passwords to
appropriate values for your environment. The passwords should match
those specified in /etc/geni-chapi/parameters.json
CH_HOST=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter ch_host`
DB_HOST=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter db_host`
DB_USER=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter db_user`
DB_DATABASE=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter db_name`
DB_PASSWORD=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter db_pass`
echo "$DB_HOST:*:$DB_DATABASE:$DB_USER:$DB_PASSWORD" > ~/.pgpass
chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
If you log out and log back in again you may need to set these environment
variables again. Another approach is to add these values to your shell
init file (.bashrc
, .cshrc
, etc.) as appropriate so that the values
are set each time you log in.
for sch in cs logging ma pa sa sr
$PSQL -f $CHAPI_DIR/db/$sch/postgresql/schema.sql
for data in $CHAPI_DIR/db/*/postgresql/data.sql
$PSQL -f $data
$PSQL < /tmp/install_service_registry.sql
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/CA
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/CA/private
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/CA/certs
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/CA/newcerts
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/CA/crl
sudo geni-init-ca /etc/geni-ch/services.ini
sudo touch $CH_DIR/CA/index.txt
echo "00" > /tmp/serial
sudo mv /tmp/serial $CH_DIR/CA/serial
sudo chown -R root.root $CH_DIR/CA
for srv in sr sa pa ma logging cs km portal
sudo mkdir -p $CH_DIR/$srv
sudo geni-init-services /etc/geni-ch/services.ini
sudo chown -R apache.apache /usr/share/geni-ch/CA
If you have real SSL certs from a standard CA (Verisign, Cybertrust, etc.) skip this step and configure those certificates instead.
sudo openssl genrsa -out ch-$CH_HOST-key.pem 2048
sudo openssl req -new -key ch-$CH_HOST-key.pem -out /tmp/ch-$CH_HOST.csr \
-subj "/C=US/ST=MA/L=Cambridge/CN=$CH_HOST"
sudo openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in /tmp/ch-$CH_HOST.csr \
-signkey ch-$CH_HOST-key.pem -out ch-$CH_HOST-cert.pem
sudo mv ch-$CH_HOST-key.pem ch-$CH_HOST-cert.pem /etc/geni-chapi
# Set up trusted roots
sudo mkdir -p $TRUSTED_ROOTS_DIR
sudo ln -s $CH_DIR//CA/cacert.pem $TRUSTED_ROOTS_DIR
sudo ln -s $CH_DIR//ma/ma-cert.pem $TRUSTED_ROOTS_DIR
# Create combined cert
cat /usr/share/geni-ch/CA/cacert.pem /usr/share/geni-ch/ma/ma-cert.pem > /tmp/ca-ma-cert.pem
sudo cp /tmp/ca-ma-cert.pem /usr/share/geni-ch/CA
Restart httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
If postfix is not already installed on your host, then install/configure it as follows. If postfix is already installed you can go to the next step.
sudo yum install -y postfix mailx
Configure postfix for this host by running these commands:
sudo postconf myhostname=`hostname -f`
sudo postconf mydomain=`hostname -d`
sudo postconf myorigin=\$mydomain
# if you see warnings about IPv6:
sudo postconf inet_protocols=ipv4
Create postfix user and postdrop group. See
for details.
sudo useradd -r postfix
sudo groupadd -r postdrop
Set file and directory permissions
sudo postfix set-permissions
# If this file exists, delete it
sudo rm /var/lib/postfix/master.lock
Enable and start postfix
sudo systemctl enable postfix.service
sudo systemctl start postfix.service
Test it out:
echo "Body of the mail." | mail -s "Hello world" <email address>
Test Service Registry (port 8444)
python /usr/share/geni-ch/chapi/chapi/tools/ \
--cert /usr/share/geni-ch/ma/ma-cert.pem \
--key /usr/share/geni-ch/ma/ma-key.pem \
--url https://$CH_HOST:8444/SR --method get_services
Test Slice Authority (port 443)
python /usr/share/geni-ch/chapi/chapi/tools/ \
--cert /usr/share/geni-ch/ma/ma-cert.pem \
--key /usr/share/geni-ch/ma/ma-key.pem \
--url https://$CH_HOST/SA --method get_version
When you have a GENI Portal that you want to test with this Clearinghouse you must configure the Clearinghouse to expect communication from the portal. Use this command,
AUTHORITY=`geni-install-templates --print_parameter ch_authority`
geni-add-trusted-tool -d portal -u portal -p portal --host localhost \
'GENI Portal' "${PORTAL_URN}"
If your machine is running firewall software it may be necessary for you to add rules to allow connections to the Clearinghouse. The ports that need to be open are 22(SSH), 80(HTTP), 443(HTTPS) and 8444(Clearinghouse).
The following command will enable the HTTPD service (Apache) to start at boot time:
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
The following command will verify that the HTTPD service is set to start at boot time. This should report "enabled".
sudo systemctl is-enabled httpd.service