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FruitieX' homelab

This repo contains a declarative, GitOps definition of my homelab.

Photo of my homelab


In summary, the homelab is built up using:

More detailed writeup


To follow this guide, you need the following:


Setting up the cluster

  • Install Proxmox VE on your host(s). Optional but recommended: set up pve-no-subscription updates repo

  • Spin up any number of VM:s and install Talos Linux on each of them. My toy cluster (running on one physical machine only mind you) runs:

    • One control plane node with 4 GB RAM
    • Two worker nodes with 8 GB RAM each

    NOTE: If you want iSCSI support, you need to apply the included talos-machine-patch.yaml like so:

    talosctl gen config homelab-cluster https://$CONTROL_PLANE_IP:6443 --output-dir _out --config-patch @talos-machine-patch.yaml

    NOTE: While installing, write down the following details into an .envrc file:

    # IP address of your control plane node, printed to machine TTY in the `Start Control Plane Node` section.
    export CONTROL_PLANE_IP=""
    # Path to your talosconfig, created in the `Generate Machine Configurations` section.
    export TALOSCONFIG="_out/talosconfig"
    # Path to your kubeconfig, created in the `Retreive the kubeconfig` section.
    export KUBECONFIG="./kubeconfig"
    # Paste your GitHub personal access token from the prerequisites here
    # Write down your GitHub username here
    # Paste your GPG key fingerprint from the prerequisites here
    # Uncomment if using nix-direnv
    # use nix
  • After the installation:

    • Enter the nix shell using nix-shell.
    • Source the .envrc file into your shell: source .envrc

    Verify that you can now run e.g. kubectl get nodes -o wide to list your nodes.

    Note that all following steps will assume your .envrc is sourced and necessary tools are installed (via entering the nix-shell or otherwise).

Preparing your configuration for bootstrapping Flux CD

  • If you are installing this for the first time, I suggest starting out with a clean slate and commenting out all apps and infrastructure manifests before proceeding. There's plenty of configuration and secrets that are specific to my setup, and it's maybe a bit much to take it all in at once.

    You can add manifests back later one at a time after you've bootstrapped a minimal cluster setup with Flux CD.

    Open up and edit the following files:

    • /clusters/homelab/infrastructure/kustomization.yaml

      Comment out all resources except for sources.yaml

    • /clusters/homelab/apps/kustomization.yaml

      Comment out all resources except for podinfo.yaml

    • /clusters/homelab/cluster-config.yaml

      Contains configuration values that can be interpolated with ${CONFIG_KEY} syntax into most other files.

      Change the following values:

      • LETSENCRYPT_CLUSTER_ISSUER: Set this to letsencrypt-staging until you have your domain name / DNS / port forwards etc set up correctly. This is to avoid hitting Let's Encrypt's very strict rate limits.

      Feel free to eventually add more configuration values here as needed.

    • /clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml

      Contains secret configuration values that can be interpolated with ${CONFIG_KEY} syntax into most other files.

      Replace the entire file contents with:

      apiVersion: v1                                                   
      kind: Secret                                                     
          namespace: flux-system                                       
          name: cluster-secrets                                        
      type: Opaque                                                     
          # Domain name of the `podinfo` app ingress

      Set PODINFO_DOMAIN_NAME to some valid domain name of your choice.

      Now it's time to encrypt the file using Mozilla SOPS:

      sops --encrypt --in-place clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml

      If you want to make further changes to the file, run:

      sops clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml

Bootstrap Flux CD

# Create flux-system namespace or below command will fail
kubectl create namespace flux-system

# Export the public and private keypair from your local GPG keyring and
# create a Kubernetes secret named sops-gpg in the flux-system namespace
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor "${SOPS_PGP_FP}" |
kubectl create secret generic sops-gpg \
--namespace=flux-system \

# Inject cluster secrets to circumvent dependency issue
sops --decrypt clusters/homelab/cluster-secrets.yaml | kubectl apply -f -

# Bootstrap flux
flux bootstrap github --owner=${GITHUB_USER} --repository=homelab --personal --path=clusters/homelab

Status checks & troubleshooting

  • Commands to check the status of your cluster/reconciliation:

    # Show status of your nodes
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
    # Show status of all your pods
    kubectl get pods -A
    # Show status of all flux resources
    flux get all -A
    # Follow logs from flux components
    flux logs --tail 20 -f
    # Get Kubernetes events with type=Warning
    kubectl get events -A --field-selector type=Warning
  • Flux CD troubleshooting guide:

Further configuration

Click here for more information on adding back various apps and infrastructure to your configuration.