This is an ongoing project / labor of love. It is not complete by any means
- Introduction
- Technical Introduction
- Root Cause / Known Failures
- Quotas leading to failure
- Can I just increase my disk size to work around it?
"What you measure is what you get" - Aristotle
Hi, my name is Jesse. I'm an engineer/developer by background - currently I'm a program manager on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service). This means a few things:
- The opinions, statements, etc located in this repository and on my social media accounts, etc are mine.
- The above means there may be typos or editing nightmares
- Kubernetes 'as a user' isn't my strong suit - my background is in distributed systems (predating kube, they do exist), distributed fault tolerant storage systems / systems engineering (linux). So apologies if I don't know all the cool commands.
- I've also been far away from a front line engineering role for some time, that means I probably don't know your cool tool or whatever.
Technical and other disclaimers:
- The commands and tools in this repository may or may not result in the wholesale destruction of your Kubernetes cluster should you run things without checking.
- If you are using a managed service (AKS, GCP, EKS) the stuff I go into here may or may not apply. Additionally, execution of some of these things may void your warranty / SLA / etc.
Full technical mandatory legal CYA:
I've worked for various cloud providers and enterprise / large scale vendors/etc through the years. In all of those years I have tried to stay objective, fair, honest, and candid. This means that while I work for Microsoft/Azure/AKS and I will not disclose internal information, I do not redact or otherwise doctor or change things due to my employer.
My goal with this is to walk through (end to end) testing, debugging and analyzing Kubernetes installations from an operator perspective regardless of vendor - being able to self root-cause and understand an issue is critical even for users using managed or hosted solutions.
As I investigate / re-create other failure modes, I will continue to expand this doc set.
This project/documentation expands on this GitHub issue I published. Text from that article is reproduced here and modified and / or expanded as needed.
Over the past few months, I've been helping to investigate a series / family of failures leading to to users reporting service, workload and networking instability when running under load or with large numbers of ephemeral, periodic events (jobs). These failures (covered below) are the result of Disk IO saturation and throttling at the file operation (IOPS) level.
Cluster worker node VMs are regularly disk IO throttled and/or saturated on all VM operating system disks due to the underlying quota of the storage device potentially leading to cluster and workload failure.
This is a common 'IaaS mismatch' scenario and pitfall many users encounter when moving to cloud in general with or without Kubernetes in play. With the container stack (docker, kubernetes, CNI, etc) all in play, this pitfall becomes an increasingly difficult to debug series of cluster and workload failures.
If you are seeing worker node/workload or API server unavailability, NodeNotReady, Docker PLEG and loss of cluster availability I recommend that you investigate this family of issues on your own infrastructure and host.
Most IaaS cloud providers, Azure included, use network-attached storage supplied by the storage service (Azure Blob, etc) for the Operating system / local storage for a given Virtual Machine by default for many VM classes.
Physical storage devices have limitations in terms of bandwidth and total number of file operations (IOPS) but this is usually constrained by the physical device itself. Cloud provisioned block and file storage devices also have limitations due to architecture, service and device-specific limits (quotas).
For example, your Azure subscription may only allow you to have a single Azure Blob storage device, your limit is 1 across that subscription - but that blob storage device, network card, or VM also has quotas/limits specific to maintain the QoS for that device.
These service limits/quotas enforced by the services (storage in this case) are layered - Service Quotas -> Regional Quotas -> Subscription Quotas -> Device Quotas. When the lesser of any value in this stack is exceeded, all layers above that will become throttled.
Examining the user reported failures and commonality, we identified that user workloads were exceeding quotas set by Azure Storage to the operating system (OS) disk of cluster worker nodes (Max IOPS).
This issue impacts your cluster's worker nodes. Depending on your setup or provider, worker nodes may be fully, partially, or not at all managed this means that in many scenarios, worker node issues like this may be left to the user or look like service level failures.
Due to the nature of the failure and the symptoms user would not be aware to monitor for these metrics on worker nodes.
Additionally, many users design their own metrics and monitoring suites, and rely heavily on the in-memory metrics returned by Kubernetes. These metrics are incomplete, and DIY-ed monitoring suites frequently miss key system level metrics needed to root-cause issues. Monitoring Kubernetes and workloads well on Kubernetes requires investment on your implementation teams.
I encourage you to test your configurations and setup for these failures - bug reports online suggest that this is a common and widespread issue that is not well understood. I'm not casting shade at anyone here, so don't push me frank.
Side note: "why don't I see this on infrastructure or VMs I build?" Thats a good question, why aren't you seeing it - you should! Physical servers and devices all have specific behaviors when they hit IO limits, network or other limitations. If you are not testing your entire workload under non-synthetic / peak traffic + 25% levels you won't know what the actual failure would be using physical devices.
PS: You're probably not doing fleet level/global and regional testing, trend and error analysis and testing all the way down to the node level.
PPS: Are you accounting for software/service/system overhead when doing your capacity planning - after you test peak load?
During the investigation, we identified this issue as contributing significantly or being the sole cause for the following common error / failure reports:
- Cluster nodes going NotReady (intermittent/under load, periodic tasks)
- Performance and stability issues when using istio or complex operator configurations.
- Networking Errors (intermittent/under load) and Latency (intermittent) (Pod, container, networking, latency inbound or outbound) including high latency when reaching other azure services from worker nodes.
- API server timeouts, disconnects, tunnelfront and kube-proxy failures under load.
- Connection timed out accessing the Kubernetes API server
- Slow pod, docker container, job execution
- Slow DNS queries / core-dns latency spikes
- "GenericPLEG" / Docker PLEG errors on worker nodes
- RPC Context deadline exceeded in kubelet/docker logs
- Slow PVC attach/detach time at container start or under load / fail over
The root-cause of this issue is resource starvation / saturation on the worker nodes due to throttling of the Operating System (OS) disks. High amounts of docker/container load, logging, system daemons, etc can exceed the allowed IOPS quota for the OS Disk in most configurations.
These failures will also occur in most IO saturation cases (exceeding IOPS, cache, etc) or where users have configured remote storage devices as root devices not isolating the kernel data path (Database people, u get me fam?).
Exceeding the IOPS or bandwidth quotas, saturating the network (network attached devices) will result in the OS disk of the worker nodes going into IOWait - from the perspective of all processes, the disk is slow, completely unresponsive, and existing IO requests may block until kernel / node failure or timeout.
As everything on Linux is a file (including network sockets) - CNI, Docker and other critical services that perform any (network or disk) I/O will fail as they are unable to read off of the disk.
Hey! Socket IO shouldn't impact the main data path! This is true - it should not, but it is impacted by IO starvation. Socket files / daemons that use sockets perform read(), sync() and other filesystem operations again that file. If the disk is stuck, read(), sync() and therefore the networking daemons themselves - and single threaded storage drivers (common NFS, Samba/CIFS and other drivers don't always offload the hot-path and being resident in the kernel means they'll take the box down with a kernel panic).
When the OS disk gets trapped in IOWait / timeouts such as this - the Linux kernel will panic and fail in some cases - this is due to the kernel or loaded in-memory drivers (such as remote filesystem drivers) panic-ing and crashing the host. This will look like a random node failure requiring a hard reboot.
The trigger that causes the disk device to timeout/go into IOWait in this specific scenario is the worker node exceeding the allowed IOPS (file operation) quota put in place by cloud IaaS. When the quota is exceeded, the OS disk for those nodes will become unavailable leading to this failure.
The following can cause high IOPS triggering the throttling on any given Linux host include high volumes of Docker containers running on the nodes (Docker IO is shared on the OS disk), custom or 3rd party tools (security, monitoring, logging) running on the OS disk, node fail over events and periodic jobs. As load increases or the pods are scaled, this throttling occurs more frequently until all nodes go NotReady while the IO completes/backs off.
HPAs or other auto-scale-up or scale-down tools may also trigger this.
When a VM, or in this case - an AKS cluster - is provisioned the OS disks for the worker nodes is 100 GiB. A common assumption would be that the IOPS quota for the VM would dictate the speed or capability of the OS disk.
This is not the case - we'll use that 100 GiB (128 GiB actual) and the DS3_v2 VM SKU for this example. The DS3_v2 has the following limits:
The Max IOPS and Max Throughput value shown here is the total allowed for the VM SKU shared across all storage devices. This sku has a maximum of 12800 IOPS - this means that to maximize the VM's IOPS, I would need to have 4 storage devices (drives attached to the VM) with a maximum IOPS of 3200 (12800 / 4) or a single device with a maximum IOPS value of 12800 (P60 managed disk with a size of 8 TiB).
Maximum IOPS and bandwidth are guaranteed on most IaaS up to the limit - but not exceeding it unless temporary burst scenarios are supported. Due to the nature if this issue, burst limits will also be exceeded.
The disk devices / drives map to specific disk classes or tiers in Azure and other IaaS providers. On Azure, the default is Premium SSD storage so we can look at the size (128 GiB) and map that to the P10 disk tier with a Max IOPS of 500 and a Max throughput of 100 MiB/sec.
This means, using our example DS3_v2 SKU (VM Max IOPS 12800) has an OS disk Max IOPS of 500 (P10 Class Max IOPS 500) not 12800. You can not exceed these values without VM / Storage level hosts pushing back at the VM layer.
Here is the issue visualized:
When quotas are stacked with VM, networking and storage, the lesser of the quotas applies first, meaning if your VM has a maximum IOPS of 12800, and the OS disk has 500, the maximum VM OS disk IOPS is 500, exceeding this will result in throttling of the VM and it's storage until (if) the IO load backs off.
These periods of throttling of the VM due to the mismatched IaaS resources (VM/Disk vs workload) directly impacts the runtime stability and performance of your Kubernetes clusters.
For more reading on Azure / VM and storage quotas, see "Azure VM storage performance and throttling demystified".
Note: These limits and quotas can not be expanded or extended for any specific storage device, VM or subscription as they protect QoS for all customers.
Short answer? No.
Lets go back to this chart for a second:
Right off the bat - you can see that every disk tier has an IOPS cap. Simply boosting this to a large disk means that you're only delaying the inevitable (because the problem is not fixed, and IOPS will eventually be exhausted).
Updated to clarify - see
Linux (and Windows) also has a 2 TiB disk partition limit on various IaaS providers due to legacy MBR usage/VM images, older hypervisors, etc. If the host, the VM image, kernel, etc all support GPT (below) you can have >2tb OS disks (which will still have hard quotas).
My personal experience does not cover GPT which overcomes the 2tb limitation of MBR style partitions, I'm old-cloud. If I expand this beyond my current Azure/AKS/K8S box I'll dig more. Here's a read on GPT vs MBR
Links for GPT/MBR/OS Disk limits:
7500 IOPS sounds like a lot, but its not unless you know exactly how much the OS and the entire stack above will consume under a failover event under peak load (applying peak application load and then forcing 1-2 node failures should help identify the high water mark - but also test a cold-boot-to-hot-load, containers cost a lot to spin up initially, causing thundering herd IO).
You can increase the size of the OS using ARM on Azure, however scale/mutate in place is not supported for AKS worker nodes. Additionally, see above - clusters under load utilizing a 2 TiB OS disk will still be throttled.
Additionally: You'd be paying full price for a 2 TiB OS disk - when all you need is the IOPS performance, not the space.
Most users when they encounter these failures simply over provision (spending a lot more money than they need to) - doubly true for users attempting to hyper-pack the workloads within kubernetes since they probably can not meet the container count/node density requirements.
This includes pre-allocating that 2 TiB disk, increasing the VM SKU size, etc - this only changes the time until they hit the issue especially with StatefulSet, periodic/batch workloads running densely (packing all nodes densely with application containers, not setting resource limits) - and during that time you're paying for completely un-utilized disk and VM resources.
The likelihood of hitting this is directly related to the load / traffic your application (therefore the cluster) is under. The higher the load, the higher the likelihood.
If you want this to really work, you need to isolate your data paths, do not add space to the OS disk/partition, rather take the docker IO, logging, etc that you have in the OS partition and put it anywhere else. The operating system disk should be left to the OS, and the kernel. It's not a data store.
Expanding the disk also means you'll get less consistency and ability to rationalize about the IO paths as you would have just about everything on the system dumping things into one big bucket. Thats also another massive single point of failure.
I will go into more details and pros/cons on mitigation & cluster design considerations later.