Because this library has multiple points, this section provides a simple cookbook to get started with ReactI18nRouting in your application.
First of all, we have to define our routes with their translations:
// src/routing/routes.js
export const HOME = 'home';
export const PAGE = 'page';
export const POST = 'post';
export default {
[HOME]: '/',
[POST]: {
en: '/news/**',
es: '/noticia/**',
eu: '/albistea/**',
fr: '/nouvelles/**',
[PAGE]: {
en: '/page/**',
es: '/pagina/**',
eu: '/orrialdea/**',
fr: '/page/**',
It has been built on top of react-router-config, and each language strategy provides a helper to transform the intl routing to valid react-router-config routing.
// src/routing/config.js
import routes, {HOME, PAGE, POST} from './routes';
import Home from './ui/templates/Homepage';
import Page from './ui/templates/Page';
import Post from './ui/templates/Post';
export default [
paths: routes[HOME],
component: Home,
exact: true,
routes: [
paths: routes[PAGE],
component: Page,
paths: routes[POST],
component: Post,
The following file is the entry point of your React app.
// src/index.js
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {defaultUnprefixed, I18nRoutingProvider, LocaleContext} from '@foes/react-i18n-routing';
import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory';
import routes from './routing/config';
const history = createHistory();
const renderMethod = ? ReactDOM.render : ReactDOM.hydrate;
const languageStrategy = defaultUnprefixed({
routes: routes,
locales: ['eu', 'es', 'en', 'fr'],
defaultLocale: 'es'
defaultTranslatedRoutes={{es: '/es', en: '/'}}
{({locale}) => languageStrategy.renderRoutes(locale)(routes)}
- In order to need more info about language strategies check this guide.
- If you want to learn how to create React-Router link components with translation capabilities check this guide.
- Back to the index.