🌐 Abstraction layer over React-Router to create i18n routes easily
- 🔗 Abstraction layer over React-Router
- 💡 Built-in i18n routing strategies
- 🎛️ Decoupled from state handling strategies
- 🚀 1 minute config
There are robust solutions that they have become in standard solutions to usual problems in React ecosystem such as routing with React-Router and its all related packages. These libraries make our life more easy building apps but, what happens when we need to translate our routing system? In this case, we think that we need some other library over React-Router to join with any i18n system so, we have created the ReactI18nRouting.
This library aims to provide all the needed to make the internationalization of the routes as easy as possible.
We truly trust in the Single Responsibility Pattern so, we have designed the library following the UNIX popular
DOTADIW, or "Do One Thing and Do It Well".
The recommended and the most suitable way to install is through Yarn.
$ yarn add @foes/react-i18n-routing
Or alternatively, through NPM.
$ npm install --save @foes/react-i18n-routing
All the documentation is stored in the docs
This library follows the modern JavaScript coding standards, so pull requests need to pass the ESLint and
Prettier. This task can be very boring but, in the package.json
there are some useful
npm-scripts that becomes this process simpler and faster.
$ yarn cs # or npm run cs
There is also a policy for contributing to this library. Pull requests must be explained step by step to make the review process easy in order to accept and merge them. New methods or code improvements must come paired with tests. We are using Jest test framework for that purpose; and over that, to make our life easier, we are using React Testing Library.
$ yarn test # or npm test
This library is created and maintained by:
@benatespina - [email protected]
@gorkalaucirica - [email protected]
@mktoast - [email protected]