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Richard Bradshaw |
true |
{% assign total_words = 0 %} {% assign total_readtime = 0 %} {% assign featuredcount = 0 %} {% assign statuscount = 0 %}
{% for post in site.posts %} {% assign post_words = post.content | strip_html | number_of_words %} {% assign readtime = post_words | append: '.0' | divided_by:200 %} {% assign total_words = total_words | plus: post_words %} {% assign total_readtime = total_readtime | plus: readtime %} {% if post.featured %} {% assign featuredcount = featuredcount | plus: 1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
My name is Richard Bradshaw, and this is my personal blog. It currently has {{ site.posts | size }} posts in {{ site.categories | size }} categories which combinedly have {{ total_words }} words, which will take an average reader ({{ site.wpm }} WPM) approximately {{ total_readtime }} minutes to read. {% if featuredcount != 0 %}There are {{ featuredcount }} featured posts, you should definitely check those out.{% endif %} The most recent post is {% for post in site.posts limit:1 %}{% if post.description %}"{{ post.title }}"{% else %}"{{ post.title }}"{% endif %}{% endfor %} which was published on {% for post in site.posts limit:1 %}{% assign modifiedtime = post.modified | date: "%Y%m%d" %}{% assign posttime = | date: "%Y%m%d" %}{{ | date: "%d %b %Y" }}{% if post.modified %}{% if modifiedtime != posttime %} and last modified on <time datetime="{{ post.modified | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}" itemprop="dateModified">{{ post.modified | date: "%d %b %Y" }}{% endif %}{% endif %}{% endfor %}. The last commit was on {{ site.time | date: "%A, %d %b %Y" }} at {{ site.time | date: "%I:%M %p" }} UTC.
I'm a Senior Arcitect in Quality Engineering at Slalom Build.
In terms of Richard the tester, I'm a strong believer in automation in testing, this being the use of automation to support testing, not test automation. I don't believe testing can be automated. I do believe automation can play a big part within testing though, when viewed as a tool. We can build tools to do automated checking, as well as building custom tools to assist testing, such as data creation, log parsers and evidence collecting.
I'm very active in the testing community, I tweet regularly as @FriendlyTester and I'm a regular attendee at meetups throughout the U.K.