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物联网宠儿mqtt.js那些事儿 #204
目前我实践过的,也就是我们本篇博文深入分析的,是物联网消息队列的mqtt.js。 传统的消息队列(微服务间信息传递)传统的微服务间(多个子系统服务端间)消息队列是一种非常常见的服务端间消息传递的方式。 典型代表有:RabbitMQ,Kafka,RocketMQ。 更多微服务消息队列可查看:node-mq-tutorial 使用场景多种多样:
MQTT消息队列(物联网端与云间消息传递)MQTT是一个物联网MQTT协议,主要解决的是物联网IoT网络情况复杂的问题。 阿里云有MQTT消息队列服务。通信协议支持MQTT,STOMP,GB-808等。数据传输层支持TCP长连接、SSL加密、Websocket等。 使用场景主要为数据传输:
目前我手上负责的运行了2年的聊天系统就是使用的这个服务,我们主要按照 |
MQTT关键名词解释实例(Instance)每个MQTT实例都对应一个全局唯一的服务接入点。 客户端Id(Client ID)MQTT的Client ID是每个客户端的唯一标识,要求全局都是唯一的,使用同一个Client ID连接会被拒绝。 let CID_PC = `<GroupID>@@@-PC<DeviceID>`
let CID_Android = `<GroupID>@@@-Android<DeviceID>`
let CID_IOS = `<GroupID>@@@-IOS<DeviceID>` 组Id(Group ID)用于指定一组逻辑功能完全一致的节点公用的组名,代表的是一类相同功能的设备。 Device ID每个设备独一无二的标识。这个需要保证全局唯一,可以是每个传感器设备的序列号,可以是登录PC的userId。 父主题(Parent Topic)MQTT协议基于Pub/Sub模型,任何消息都属于一个Topic。 子主题(Subtopic)MQTT可以有二级Topic,也可以有三级Topic。 |
P2P消息和Pub/Sub消息Pub/Sub消息就是订阅和发布的模式,类似事件监听和广播。 什么是P2P消息?
nodejs发送P2P消息const p2pTopic =topic+"/p2p/GID_xxxx@@@DEVICEID_001";
mqtt.client.publish(p2pTopic); |
import mqtt from 'mqtt';
import config from '@/config';
export default class MQTT {
constructor(options) {
this.name = options.name;
this.connecting = false;
* 客户端连接
initClient(config) {
const { url, groupId, key, password, topic: { publish: publishTopic }} = config;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.client = mqtt.connect(
clientId: `${groupId}@@@${deviceId}`,
username: key,
this.client.on('connect', () => {
this.connecting = true;
* 订阅topic
subscribeTopic(topic, config) {
if (this.connecting) {
this.client.subscribe(topic, config);
return this;
* 发送消息
publishMessage(message) {
this.client.publish(publishTopic, message, { qos: 1 });
* 接收消息
handleMessage(callback) {
if (!this.client._events.message) {
this.client.on('message', callback);
} |
客户端发包函数sendPacketmqtt-packet生成一个可传输buffervar mqtt = require('mqtt-packet')
var object = {
cmd: 'publish',
retain: false,
qos: 0,
dup: false,
length: 10,
topic: 'test',
payload: 'test' // Can also be a Buffer
var opts = { protocolVersion: 4 } // default is 4. Usually, opts is a connect packet
// Prints:
// <Buffer 30 0a 00 04 74 65 73 74 74 65 73 74>
// Which is the same as:
// new Buffer([
// 48, 10, // Header (publish)
// 0, 4, // Topic length
// 116, 101, 115, 116, // Topic (test)
// 116, 101, 115, 116 // Payload (test)
// ]) sendPacket函数发出packetsend事件并且通过mqtt.writeToStream将packet写入client的stream中。 var mqttPacket = require('mqtt-packet')
function sendPacket (client, packet) {
client.emit('packetsend', packet)
mqttPacket.writeToStream(packet, client.stream, client.options)
} _sendPack方法MqttClient.prototype._sendPacket = function (packet) {
sendPacket(this, packet);
} |
客户端连接 mqtt.connect()
mqtt.connect([url], options) 官方说明:
再来看一下我手上项目的连接配置,连接结果。 连接配置 {
key: 'xxxxxxxx',
secret: 'xxxxxxxx',
url: 'wss://foo-bar.mqtt.baz.com/mqtt',
groupId: 'FOO_BAR_BAZ_GID',
topic: {
publish: 'PUBLISH_TOPIC',
subscribe: ['SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/noticePC/', 'SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/p2p'],
unsubscribe: 'SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/noticeMobile/',
连接结果包括总览,响应头和请求头。 General
Response Header
Request Header
源码分析下面来看这段mqtt连接的代码。 this.client = mqtt.connect(
clientId: `${groupId}@@@${deviceId}`,
username: key,
); function parseAuthOptions (opts) {
var matches
if (opts.auth) {
matches = opts.auth.match(/^(.+):(.+)$/)
if (matches) {
opts.username = matches[1]
opts.password = matches[2]
} else {
opts.username = opts.auth
* connect - connect to an MQTT broker.
* @param {String} [brokerUrl] - url of the broker, optional
* @param {Object} opts - see MqttClient#constructor
function connect (brokerUrl, opts) {
if ((typeof brokerUrl === 'object') && !opts) {
// 可以传入一个单对象,既包含url又包含选项
opts = brokerUrl
brokerUrl = null
opts = opts || {}
// 设置username和password
if (opts.query && typeof opts.query.clientId === 'string') {
// 设置Client Id
opts.clientId = opts.query.clientId
function wrapper (client) {
return protocols[opts.protocol](client, opts)
// 最终返回一个mqtt client实例
return new MqttClient(wrapper, opts)
} |
订阅topic mqtt.Client#subscribe()实际代码const topic = {
subscribe: ['SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/noticePC/', 'SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/p2p'],
unsubscribe: 'SUBSCRIBE_TOPIC/noticeMobile/',
const config = { qos:1 };
this.client.subscribe(topic.subscribe, config) 源码分析MqttClient.prototype.subscribe = function () {
var packet
var args = new Array(arguments.length)
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
args[i] = arguments[i]
var subs = []
// obj为订阅的topic列表
var obj = args.shift()
// qos等配置
var opts = args.pop()
var defaultOpts = {
qos: 0
opts = xtend(defaultOpts, opts)
// 数组类型的订阅的topic列表
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
obj.forEach(function (topic) {
if (!that._resubscribeTopics.hasOwnProperty(topic) ||
that._resubscribeTopics[topic].qos < opts.qos ||
resubscribe) {
var currentOpts = {
topic: topic,
qos: opts.qos
// subs是最终的订阅的topic列表
// 这个packet很重要
packet = {
// 发出订阅命令
cmd: 'subscribe',
subscriptions: subs,
qos: 1,
retain: false,
dup: false,
messageId: this._nextId()
// 发出订阅包
return this
} |
发送消息 mqtt.Client#publish()实际代码const topic = {
publish: 'PUBLISH_TOPIC',
const messge = {
foo: '',
bar: '',
baz: '',
const msgStr = JSON.stringify(message);
this.client.publish(topic.publish, msgStr); 注意publish的消息需要使用JSON.stringify进行序列化,然后再发到指定的topic。 源码分析MqttClient.prototype.publish = function (topic, message, opts, callback) {
var packet
var options = this.options
var defaultOpts = {qos: 0, retain: false, dup: false}
opts = xtend(defaultOpts, opts)
// 将消息传入packet的payload
packet = {
cmd: 'publish',
topic: topic,
payload: message,
qos: opts.qos,
retain: opts.retain,
messageId: this._nextId(),
dup: opts.dup
// 处理不同qos
switch (opts.qos) {
case 1:
case 2:
// 发出publish packet
return this
} |
接收消息 mqtt.Client “message”事件实际代码this.client.on('message', callback); 数据以callback的方式接收。 function (topic, message, packet) {} topic代表接收到的topic,buffer则是具体的数据。 handleMessage(callback) {
this.client.on('message', callback);
this.client.handleMessage((topic, buffer) => {
let receiveMsg = null;
try {
receiveMsg = JSON.parse(buffer.toString());
} catch (e) {
receiveMsg = null;
if (!receiveMsg) {
...do something with receiveMsg...
}); 源码分析MqttClient使用inherits包继承了EventEmitter。 inherits(MqttClient, EventEmitter) 那么到底是在哪里间发出message事件的呢?>emit the message event
1.基于websocket-stream建立websocket连接this.stream = this.streamBuilder(this)
function streamBuilder (client, opts) {
return createWebSocket(client, opts)
var websocket = require('websocket-stream')
function createWebSocket (client, opts) {
var websocketSubProtocol =
(opts.protocolId === 'MQIsdp') && (opts.protocolVersion === 3)
? 'mqttv3.1'
: 'mqtt'
var url = buildUrl(opts, client)
return websocket(url, [websocketSubProtocol], opts.wsOptions)
} 2. 使用pipe连接基于readable-stream.Writable创建的可写流var Writable = require('readable-stream').Writable
var writable = new Writable();
this.stream.pipe(writable); 3.nextTick调用_handlePacketwritable._write = function (buf, enc, done) {
completeParse = done
function work () {
var packet = packets.shift()
if (packet) {
that._handlePacket(packet, nextTickWork)
function nextTickWork () {
if (packets.length) {
} else {
var done = completeParse
completeParse = null
} 4. 在handlePacket中调用handlePublish发出message事件MqttClient.prototype._handlePacket = function (packet, done) {
switch (packet.cmd) {
case 'publish':
this._handlePublish(packet, done)
// emit the message event
MqttClient.prototype._handlePublish = function (packet, done) {
switch (qos) {
case 1: {
// emit the message event
if (!code) { that.emit('message', topic, message, packet) }
} |
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