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Step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the results from Final Project Checkpoints

Quick reference:

Checkpoint 1 (due 3/5/18) link to video:

Installing the simulator for Linux (Mint)

Download V-REP PRO EDU from the Coppelia Robotics website.
Once you download the Linux tar file, in terminal at V-Rep directory type: './'

Python remote API

Linux already comes with Python. Create a folder for your API code (ex. vrep_code).
Copy following files into the folder:

Create a file in the same folder where you'll store the API code. In our case, the file is
named To run the code, type in terminal python

Inside V-Rep

In Model browser, go to robots->non-mobile. From the list, pick and drag UR3 to the scene.
Repeat. From Model browser, go to components->grippers, pick and drag Jaco hand.
Click on Jaco hand, while holding CTRL key, select the red origin of the gripper on UR3.
Click Assemble (9th icon from the left on the bar). The hand should now be attached
to the gripper. Repeat for Mico hand. In order to add a cup to the scene, at Model browser go to household, pick and drag the cup.

Now we are ready to code the API. code overview

Go here to see the code. We start by importing the necessary modules.
On line 6, all the open connections are closed, just in case. Starting on line 9, the
connection to remote API server is established.
Starting on line 16, we get the handles for all the joints. Since we added two UR3 robots
it is very important to distinguish between the joints of each. To get the name of the joint
simply go Scene hierarchy in V-Rep and click the box for one of the UR3's in order to
show the joint names. After we get all the handles, let's start the simulation (line 65)!
It's time to get the values for joint variables starting on line 73. Again, make sure
to distinguish between the joints. On line 134 we start moving the joints. It should
be clear enough to see 'how much' we move each joint in the code. Stating on line 154,
the hands are set to wave at the user! This piece of code is explained in the next section.
After we perform all the moves, the code prints the current position values of the joints
starting on line 172. We close the simulation and terminate the connection after all is done.

Child Scripts for Hand grippers

For this checkpoint, the hand grippers are moved by using a Child Script. There are some
changes that needs to be performed before we can use them in ''. First, in Scene
hierarchy, you should see a JacoHand under the first UR3. Next to it, there should be a
piece of paper icon that needs to be double clicked. This will open the code of the child script
for that particular JacoHand. Comment out line 19 by inserting '--' in front of it.
Starting immediately after commented text, insert:

if sig~=nil then

if sig=='true' then closing=true else closing=false end

Check the reference here. Repeat for MacoHand. Do not forget to change 'jacoHand' to 'macoHand'!
From now on, we can use out '' code to control the hands. Starting on line 154,
hands open and close synchronously two times. Then there is a pause (for video purposes).

Checkpoint 2 (due 3/12/18)

Forward Kinematics of UR3 link to Forward Kinematics video

We implemented the basic forward kinematics of UR3 with V-REP at this checkpoint.

First, we find the initial position and orientation of UR3 with respect to world frame.
Then we find joint angles and implemented the matrix exponentials after which we
calculated the final pose.

Using the matrix logarithm of rotational matrix of the final pose, we found the angular
velocity. With the angular velocity we can find a and theta, which we then use to find
the quaternions.

We referenced this Piazza post by Professor Bretl to find the equations needed:

We also displayed the dummy objects in the form reference frames as indication of successful
implementation of the forward kinematics.

The checkpoint2 file includes support files and which is the executable file for forward kinematics simualtion.

Checkpoint 3 (due 3/26/18)

Given user input we could create a goal pose, and then determine the joint angles that move the robot's end-effector to the desired goal pose by using inverse kinematics.

Firstly, make sure you have Remote API file and related python file in the same folder as

Then it will asked the user to input 6 parameters, which are intended x, y, z position of goal pose and rotation angles in degrees around x, y , z axis, which we call a,b,c.

Secondly, we set up an dummy object which indicates the supposed end position that UR3 should move. After enter we call the inverseKinematics Function to perform the valid joint angle calculation, the initial guess of joint angles are randomly generalized.

We ask for user input until 3 valid positions are given, and then the simulation will stop.

The way we interfaced with V-Rep's API was the same as for Checkpoint 2, so if you're interested about how we did that check that section.

Inverse Kinematics of UR3

To implement the inverse kinematics for the UR3, we need the intial pose M, and an array of the 6 screw matracies. After that first thing we do in the loop is call the simxGetJointPosition() function to get the update our theta values to the current theta values in the simulator.

Then we go into the looping algorithm to find theta values.

The reference we use for this algorithm is the one discussed in Lecture 15 of the class:

T_1in0 = getT_1in0(M, S, theta)
screwMat = logm(, np.linalg.inv(T_1in0)))
twist = invScrewBrac(screwMat)

counter = 0
final_pose_flag = 1

while (np.linalg.norm(twist) > 0.01):

    if(counter >= 100):
        print("Desired Pose not reachable")
        final_pose_flag = 0

    J = getSpacialJacobian(S, theta)
    thetadot =, J) + 0.1*np.identity(6)),, twist)) - -, J), theta)
    theta = theta + (thetadot * k)

    T_1in0 = getT_1in0(M, S, theta)
    screwMat = logm(, np.linalg.inv(T_1in0)))
    twist = invScrewBrac(screwMat)

    counter = counter + 1

Checkpoint 4 (due 4/2/18)

Demonstrate Collision Detection for UR3

First, make sure you have Remote API file and related Python files in the same folder as You should also load the appropriate scene in the V-REP. The code does not ask for any user input. We predefined some of the theta values, which can be looked up in the code. Based on these values, the collision checker is ran. You can checkout the code in Collision Detection section.

Before the robot moves, the collision checker checks if the collision will occur and will print the appropriate comment to the screen. Then it will move the joints. During the first "iteration", V-REP is not running the simulation, therefore, the joints are allowed to move throught the obstacles. During the second "iteration", V-REP is in simulation mode, therefore the joints will not be able to move throught the obstacles no more. For both iterations, same joint configuration was used.

Collision Detection

The implementation of collision detection:

def collisionChecker(S, initial_points, points, r, theta):
    for i in range(len(theta)):
        p_initial = np.array([

        temp = np.identity(4)

        for j in range(i+1):
            temp =, expm(screwBracForm(S[j]) * theta[j]))

        p_final =, p_initial)


    p = np.block([

    for i in range(len(theta) + 2):
        point1 = np.array([

        for j in range(len(theta) + 2 - i):
            if(i == i+j):

            point2 = np.array([

            if(norm(point1 - point2) <= r*2):
                return 1

    return 0

Checkpoint 5 (due 4/9/18)

Demonstrate Motion/Path Planing for UR3

In this checkpoint, the user would be to asked to input desired position of the UR3.

First, make sure you have Remote API file and related Python files in the same folder as You should also load the appropriate scene in the V-REP.

In the Scene, there are two blocks which we recognize it as obstacles. In order to detect the obstacles, we implemented boudning sphere on the two blocks. So the goal is to to reach to the desired pose as given the user input.

Sampling based planner Algorithm

1)The path planing is implemented by using sampling based planner Algorithm. We set a tree strcuture to store all the intermediate path to connect betwwen the starting position and goal position. The tree structure has two trees: T(forward) and T(bacward), which served as "bisection method"

First, we check the whether the UR3 robot would encounter with self-Collision or obstacles-collision.

2)Then we sample random thetas from random uniform distribution

3)In order to genearte the one goal pose, we check whether the UR3 robot would encounter with self-Collision(its self joints) or obstacles-collision(bounding spheres on the two blocks).

4)if no collision, add the current position/path to T(forward), and iteratetively found new thetas in T(forward), while set the new thetas as the child of previous theta

5)And do the same for T(backward)

6)If theta belongs to both T(forward) and T(backward), then we have a complete connected path from starting position to desired goal pose.

Checkpoint 6 (due 4/16/18)

Checkpoint 7 (due 4/23/18)

Checkpoint 8 (due 4/30/18)

Checkpoint 9 (due 5/7/18)


Robotics project with UR3






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