Step(; start, decay, step_sizes)
Exponential decay by decay every step in step_sizes
Decay |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Step(start = 1.0, decay = 0.8, step_sizes = [2, 3, 2]) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
Exp(start, decay)
Exponential decay by decay every iteration
Decay |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Exp(start = 1.0, decay = 0.5) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
CosAnneal(;l0, l1, period)
Cosine annealing
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = CosAnneal(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 4) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
OneCycle(nsteps, maxval)
One cycle cosine
Complex |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = OneCycle(10, 1.0) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
Triangle(l0, l1, period)
Triangle wave function
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Triangle(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
TriangleDecay2(l0, l1, period)
Triangle wave function with half the amplitude every period
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = TriangleDecay2(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
TriangleExp(l0, l1, period, decay)
Triangle wave function with exponential amplitude decay at rate decay
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = TriangleExp(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2, decay = 0.8) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
Poly(start, degree, max_iter)
Polynomial decay at degree degree .
Decay |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Poly(start = 1.0, degree = 2, max_iter = t[end]) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
Inv(start, decay, degree)
Inverse decay at rate (1 + t * decay)^degree
Decay |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Inv(start = 1.0, degree = 2, decay = 0.8) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
Sin(;l0, l1, period)
Sine function
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = Sin(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
SinDecay2(l0, l1, period)
Sine function with half the amplitude every period
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = SinDecay2(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide
SinExp(l0, l1, period)
Sine function with exponential amplitude decay at rate decay
Cyclic |
using UnicodePlots, ParameterSchedulers # hide
t = 1:10 |> collect # hide
s = SinExp(l0 = 0.0, l1 = 1.0, period = 2, decay = 0.8) # hide
lineplot(t, s.(t); width = 15, height = 3, border = :ascii, labels = false) # hide