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Releases: Flameish/Novel-Grabber

Novel-Grabber v1.7.2

04 Aug 16:56
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  • Changed chapter numeration naming format to be more uniform with Calibre chapter order detection.
  • Fixed closing operation for platforms on which system tray is not supported.
  • Fixed ToC file naming.

Novel-Grabber v1.7.1

20 Jul 22:40
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  • Fixed a bug which threw a NullPointerException when using Chapter-To-Chapter grabbing and there was no "Next-Chapter" button on the last chapter page.

Novel-Grabber v1.7.0

16 Jul 12:54
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  • Added custom blacklisted tags selection to manual grabbing. Blacklisted HTML tags will be removed from the chapter content.
  • Added a new method to get chapters of a novel: If it is not possible to get all chapter links from the Table of Contents page (aka its loaded later with javascript etc.), "Chapter-To-Chapter" will follow the Next-Chapter button link of the chapter till it reaches the stopping chapter. (You have to enter the starting chapter URL, ending chapter URL and the jsoup seletor of the button)
  • Removed all old text-selection methods. The old "Everything" method is always used now.
  • Added the option to grab images. (Images where always grabbed with the "Everything" method)
  • Removed the option for .TXT file output. (You can convert to .TXT and many other formats in Calibre)
  • Set custom backlisted tags for Automatic hosts. You can view set blacklisted tags with the icon next to the host.
  • Adjusted and added Automatic host settings
  • Added a "About" page with license and credits to the tray icon.

Novel-Grabber v.1.6.0

11 Jul 00:59
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  • Added a new text select option. "Everything" will grab the whole HTML code from the chapter container. This enables text formating and images.
  • Chapters and images are saved in sub-folders now. Only the index (Table of Contents) file is left in the selected save directory for easy drag & drop / converting in Calibre.
  • You can now select which of the 3 text selection methods you want to use. (Hover over the checkbox labels to get a description of what each does) The new "Everything" method will probably be the standard method after some more work in the future.
  • Switched checker file output to JSON.
  • Adjusted host settings.

Novel-Grabber v1.5.0

06 Jul 14:07
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  • Added an updater which checks and downloads the latest Novel-Grabber release from Github
  • Fixed host settings for BoxNovel
  • Added new hosts

Novel-Grabber v1.4.1

12 Jun 17:20
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  • Last polled chapter number is stored at %AppData%\Novel-Grabber for each list of checkers.
  • FileChooser for checkers starts in %AppData%\Novel-Grabber aswell
  • Novel-Grabber will try to load and start polling "default.txt" checker list on startup.

Novel-Grabber v1.4.0

25 May 22:29
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  • Added a "New Release Checker": Enter a ToC URL and get a desktop notification when a new chapter is added. (Poll rate is once every 20 minutes) You can conveniently save/load your various "checkers" to/from a file with right clicking inside the area.
  • On closing, Novel-Grabber will minimize to the system tray. It can be fully exited from the tray menu.
  • Improved thread handling. Everything should feel much smoother.

Novel-Grabber v1.3.0

06 May 01:59
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  • Added a new chapter text selection mode. ("Don't use sentence selection" - Checkbox) :
    This mode allows you to grab all text within a chapter body which is needed for some novel/chapters which don't wrap every line of text in a "p" tag. (Various character stat information in a spreadsheet for example are not embedded in "p" aswell.) Less accurate "chapter-only-content" detection on some site though.
  • Added a "wait time" field: Novel-Grabber will wait the specific time (in milliseconds) after each chapter to not overly flood the host server with requests.
  • Code cleanup

Novel-Grabber v1.2.1

26 Apr 13:07
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  • Fixed announcements breaking chapter-content selection on Wuixaworld.
  • Fixed the bug where the log text appears on top of the retrieved links field.
  • Disabled focus borders on all elements

Novel-Grabber v1.2.0

22 Apr 23:12
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  • Added a button to visit the host sites in browser
  • Added a log to the manual download page
  • Added right-click menus to clear/save logs
  • Added error messages for chapters which couldn't be properly parsed.
  • Improved the logs overall