live demo of project can be found at this url
This repository contains:
- Caffe2 boiler-plates (not being used - switched to pytorch only)
- CNN modeling
- Dataset manipulation (creation)
- Pytorch (All ML stuff)
- CNN Training
- CNN Predictor
- Python-based hidden web API (to be able to call python scripts from APIs for predictions)
- Simple SPA web page for communication with above API
Planned output:
This project should be in it's final form serving web page, which communicates with API. This API will be able to receive Image files (probably one at a time). Then the hidden API (the python-based one) which will be very simple - with single endpoint accepting either file path or image itself (depends on whether I decide to save the images locally or to DB). The publicly visible API will then return the result (or maybe processed e.g saving info to MSSQL DB for later usage) of python API to the client.